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2020 AE Creative Team Call

2020 is fast approaching and with that comes time to select a new Creative Team

We are super thankful for all the hard work the 2019 team put into their projects this year. We wish them all the best as they continue to craft the stories of their lives. 

For 2020 we are looking for a small group of memory keepers who are interested in using my new products on their projects to be part of my Creative Team. You can be digital or hybrid or traditional - or a mixture of all three - but the most important thing is that you have a passionate commitment to telling your story. 

If you are competent, comfortable, and creative using digital and physical products, photographing and recording/editing videos of your projects and are interested in having your work seen on in blog posts, as in-use product examples, and on the Ali Edwards Design Inc (AED) social media channels please email Katie ( the following: 

  1. 2-3 project examples
  2. Links to your blog and any social media outlets your currently use
  3. A list of any other design teams you are currently on

Please put "AE Creative Team" in the subject of the email. 

Deadline to submit is Friday, November 15, 2019. 

You can check out all my new digital products here.

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5 thoughts

  1. MariClaudi says…

    Well this is exciting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Mpasquini12 says…

    Just to be clear, using your new products is going to be something different than story kits, December Daily, and stories by the month?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      No - it's just anything + everything we release.

  3. RenVer says…

    What a great offer Ali!! I’ve only done OLW so far and 2019 was my first year doing it. It will also be my first year with DD and I can’t wait. I’m not the best at showing my projects on social media but I think I’ll challenge myself in 2020 and maybe try out for the year after :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lawyn1942 says…

    Thank you for this is very information it is very helpful for me nice thank you for this.

    Reply 0 Replies
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