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Week In The Life™ 2020 | Sunday Words + Photos

Welcome to my Sunday photos for Week In The Life™ 2020

Another super casual day here filled with the stuff of our lives right now. I'll be taking a couple days off from this project before diving into bringing all my content together into my album. I'll share my process here when that happens. 

Here's a look at my day via photos: 

You are invited to share a link to your Sunday words + photos in the comments below.

Thank you so much for playing along this week! 

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9 thoughts

  1. sim1 says…

    Hi Ali. A big BIG thank you to you for inviting us all to join this WITL process. I have enjoyed my week of documenting in many different ways this year. Much inspiration gained from the prep day. I’ve loved using the daily prompts for both my writing and photo taking. I’ve had so much fun collecting everyday things to slip into the 2inch pockets. And I’ve taken a pause at the end of each day as I’ve written out my gratitude reflection on the cards provided in your WITL kit. WITL has provided me with much pleasure this week - and a respite from these challenging and uneasy times our whole world community is experiencing. Thank you for your work. Simone x

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  2. CasieGutierrez says…

    I love this project because it captures life as it is for us right now. It changes each year even in the details that seem mundane. The project also re-sparks my love for memory keeping!

    Sunday’s are for ...

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. mtercha says…

      I followed along your entire week. I remember when you were on Ali's creative team and always loved your creativity. Your project is lovely. Thanks for sharing. Michelle t

  3. paulette1980 says…

    Thanks so much Ali! I have documented so many stories & taken so many photos for this album... Such a sense of accomplishment...Now, if I can just put it together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. KProffitt says…

    Thank you SO much for this project, Ali. Your photos all week have been beautiful! Here is my link to my Sunday photos + words:

    Feeling so much gratitude for this project today. Thankful for a break, but the gratitude is overflowing! XO!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mwear says…

    Still love this project so much. It's my favorite of the year. Here's my Sunday:

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  6. mshanhun says…

    Thanks for leading this project again Ali - your photos and words are oh so inspiring!

    I've been sharing last year's project while taking photos and writing notes this year.

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  7. iHanna says…

    I didn't join in this year even though I wanted to, but I have really enjoyed a peek into your household Ali. The "kids" are so big it's like they look grown up already.

    Thanks for sharing the joy of everyday photograph. I think I will get back to it more this summer, the light now is wonderful.


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  8. jdm9 says…

    Loved documenting this week...but glad it's done!

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