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Week In The Life™ 2020 | Thursday Words + Photos

Welcome to my Thursday photos for Week In The Life™ 2020

A few notes from today: 

  • Today I intentionally took a few more detail photos. I spent half my day at my desk and the other half of my day in the kitchen. There's often a lot of "getting ready" for all the kids to come back - chopping, meal planning, and taking care of all the stuff that Aaron brings home from his once-every-two-week Costco visit. 
  • I feel in a groove with this project now and I'm really excited for the kids to get back so I can include them in the story. Overall I'm taking fewer photos but they feel more intentional and I'm totally fine with that - especially knowing that I won't have to spend a lot of time choosing which ones to use each day. 
  • I invited the girls to share some photos with me of their day. They've sent a few over so I'll try to find a way to include those as well when I put my project together. 
  • The photos below represent my day up until about 5pm. I'll probably take a few more photos in the evening and then add them to my project when I work on the album. 

Here's a look at my journaling using the story lens "Today I..."

Here's a look at my day in photos: 

You are invited to share a link to your Thursday words + photos in the comments below.

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14 thoughts

  1. argirl says…

    I cannot wait to start putting this album together. I may work on my words this weekend since I am at a scrapbook retreat. This is one of my most favorite projects I do every year! (Besides December daily.)

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  2. kholtz says…

    Love the reflection photo in the teapot!

    My Thursday photos -

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  3. ohmarggie says…

    As my children get older, I feel less motivated to do this project. For me, it highlights the underlying sadness I feel that this time of my life will not last forever. But logically I know that I will regret it in the future if I do not participate. So, I signed up for your prep class in hopes of finding motivation. I asked a friend to do the project with me. And I am already so grateful for the photos I have with and of my family that I would not otherwise have. Thank you! <3

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That makes me so, so happy. Your life is worth documenting + celebrating.

  4. KProffitt says…

    Once again - such great photos, Ali! You have been inspiring me and you'd be proud of the last photo I took yesterday! Ha! I pulled out my big camera to capture the light on my desk. ;) THANK YOU!

    My Thursday words + photos are here:

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  5. mwear says…

    I'm not quite up to date with my blogging but here is Monday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. nicolett22 says…

    Is that a single cup Chemex for your coffee? Love your photos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. jdm9 says…

    I, like ohmarggie above, have older children (and a husband who makes fun of my shower pics!) and have questioned doing this project. But I find that I often go back and look at what life looked like for a week in whatever year I have done this project. I love the snapshot feel and the pics of everyday life. Thank you for all you do and encouraging us to focus on the stories and the everyday life. I might not do this if it weren't for you and this tribe of memory keepers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. kellyharper says…

    Thanks for sharing. I’m new to journalling and I’ve been kind of stressed about it. Seeing your journalling has really helped me not to over think it. It doesn’t have to be ‘deep’. Having fun with the pictures and trying not to our too much pressure on myself for first WITL. Have a great weekend with the kids back!

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  9. CarolynMarnon says…

    Ali-what is on the paper towel holder in the 2nd to last photo? It looks too bright to be paper towels, but it sure is pretty!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      They are reusable and from Marley's Monsters - based here in Eugene. Love them!

  10. Torm says…

    More rain!
    I always love your flower photos. I only got a few pictures today, so hoping to get a few more detail photos tomorrow.
    Here is my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. StudioM says…


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  12. mshanhun says…

    Loving these photos Ali! I'm sharing my page from last year today

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