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One Little Word® | Completed Albums 2018-2020

As we get ready to enter a new year with One Little Word® I took some time to film a video walkthrough my 2018 - 2020 albums. This video is a great introduction to what goes into my album each year after responding to the prompts in the workshop each month. 

For me this is very much a personal development project and I love that each word has it's own home. Using an album has worked really well for me over the last 10 years but you can totally make this experience your own in a blank notebook or pick up the One Little Word® journal (either as a companion to the class or use it on it's own). 

You can also check out an overview video sharing my 2011 through 2017 albums here. It's so fun to walk back through these albums and literally see the growth that has come for me personally through showing up and documenting my journeys with my words. 

Don't forget that workshop registration for 2021 is $5 off before January 1, 2021. 

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One Little Word® 2021 Stitched Journal is Sold Out
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5 thoughts

  1. Coop says…

    I’m seriously considering signing up for your one little word one workshop this year. I very much enjoyed your walk-through of your 2018 to 2020 albums. I feel that I could really take away a great deal of meaning from the types of prompts that you used during the past three years. My question is, do you anticipate the prompts being similar this year or perhaps very different with the addition of guests helping you lead the workshop? Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! They will be a mixture. Some of the guests will be taking past prompts and putting their spin on them and others will be new. They will all still be able to work in an album like this.

  2. Martinimom says…

    Hi Ali, I am seriously considering signing up for OLW this year. I am thinking the journal option would work best for me. i am wondering if the mini kits would work with the journals? I like the idea of adding stuff to the journal as I do in my travellers notebooks. Would this work? As always thanks for all you do. You continually inspire me to tell my stories! Happy New Year!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Yes! I think it can work. I'm planning to use the journal alongside the album - for me the journal will be my "in-progress" space for thoughts + ideas outside the prompts but it can totally all work there!

  3. cbrook007 says…

    Will there be a restocking of the OLW 2021 main kit? Hope so. I somehow missed the release. :(

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