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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Monday Photos + Words

Today I'm sharing a look at my photos + words for my Monday in Week In The Life™ 2021. 

The photos and words I'm sharing today are from when I woke up until around 6:30pm when I stopped working. I took a few more in the evening + finished up my journaling and will include that in my album. 

Today was one of those days for me when the kids aren't here and I spend the vast majority of my day in my office and at my desk. I'm hoping for some more balanced days later this week and am guessing that this might be the first year that I take more photos towards the end of the week vs. Monday. 

Just a reminder that I'm using the journal cards from one of the kits this year for the majority of my journaling. Here's what that looked like for today: 

I loved just focusing on responding to these prompt cards. It's a fun way to approach the words in this project for me this year. 

And here's a look at my photos for Monday: 

I took this photo multiple times today to simply tell the story of the passage of time during my day. I literally spent the vast majority of my day in this spot. 

Lookin into Aaron's office from our backyard. 

Looking out of Aaron's office into the backyard. 

Isaac stopped by (he's driving now) to pick up a package that was delivered for him today. 

My view. 

His view. 

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15 thoughts

  1. CarolineMcD says…

    Hi Ali. I was wondering if you're planning on doing longer journaling, or if these cards are the extent?
    Thanks x

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Caroline! My plan is to focus mainly on the journal cards this year.

  2. Mpasquini12 says…

    I love the my view/his view. I love the looking out/looking in. I love the multiple office photos where you can see how the light changes throughout the day. Thanks for these awesome photo ideas. And I love seeing Aaron loving on the cat!! ❤️

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. jlutherdesigns says…

      Ditto! Everything about this look at Ali's Monday was inspiring and wonderful!

  3. scrappinbetty says…

    Thanks so much for sharing your pix and journaling!

    It’s always fun to see what others are doing, how they’re capturing their moments and days.

    I had to laugh when I saw your doctor’s office photo because I’ve tried to capture this type of an image at my doctors’ offices in the past and it’s always been so stressful…and not worked out! Ha ha ha! It seems that those docs take forever to come in when I’m just sitting there waiting, waiting, waiting. But, the second I decide to try to set up getting a picture? Yup, they come bounding right in! =) And still, there’s a story!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      There's a story! Yes!

  4. lizbeth8 says…

    ... the pic of you snuggling Sam ... #kitterns ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. irish_kitten17 says…

    so many good ones!! I love it. so cool that you can always find some unique shots.

    p.s. is the cat playing a card game on the floor of the kitchen? :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ha! He's laying on a box that Aaron was cutting up for some camper van project he was working on!

  6. jlharbal says…

    Hey Ali. Random question: What do you use to stick those pictures to the wall in the last picture. Washi tape? I was thinking of doing something similar in my craft room but want to make sure I'm using something that won't leave a residue on the walls (we rent) or wreck the picture. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - those are all hanging there with washi tape! Every once in awhile one falls down but it seems to work pretty well (they've been up there for a couple years now).

  7. Britta922 says…

    I am loving this challenge. This is my first year participating and I am definitely still getting into the swing of things! I am very impressed with your beautiful photos Ali! I think I need to get more creative with my angles...
    I also documented my Monday on my blog, I hope it is okay to leave the link here!
    Excited to follow along with your rest of the week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Birgitreizer says…

    Love seeing your words + photos! I'm going to use these prompts as well. One question: Did you decide in advance which prompt card (3x8) to use each day, or do you choose during the day depending on what happens/what feels right?

    Also I Love that you mixed up eating/listening and just did an arrow, instead of taking a new card! :)


    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Christianne says…

    Such wonderful photos that capture the moments of daily life. I love the "Read more, write better" banner. Are you able to share where you found this as I would love to hang something like this in my office/house. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! It's from Rayo + Honey:

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