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One Little Word® | Choosing A Word From A Place Of Love

Over the years I've had many private conversations with my friend Liz Lamoreux about choosing + then living with words as part of a One Little Word® adventure. Many times we've said out loud to each other that we should record one of these chats to share with the community as we wrestle and confirm and support and get curious. 

Last week we got together and pushed record on an hour-long conversation: Choosing A Word From A Place Of Love 

This is an imperfect conversation between two imperfect people who love words and believe in their power to make a difference in our lives. We talk about words that push and words that hold and how some words work and some don't for any number of reasons. We talk about asking questions and how personal it is to have a journey with a word. Liz poses the question, "What do you need to hold hands with once a month to remember who you are?"

Download a zipped version of the audio file here.

I'm currently wrapping up my experience with the word "heart" (a word I will likely never completely let go of) and beginning to brainstorm/listen/get curious about a word for myself in 2022. 

Big thanks to Liz for sharing herself and her experience with choosing + living with a word in this conversation. 

NOTE: Details on the launch for One Little Word® 2022 will be coming soon. At this time we are anticipating a mid-December launch for both the workshop registration (workshop will run much the same as it has this year with a similar group of teachers coming together alongside Ali to share their experiences with a word) and the shop collection. We are currently experiencing delays in getting our products into the warehouse (part of the global shipping issues that many companies are facing at this time) and will let you know as we get closer when the actual launch will happen. 


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16 thoughts

  1. KendraW says…

    This year's workshop has been AMAZING! Thank you for always keeping things fresh and thought provoking.

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  2. rjmalinky says…

    Wow. I need more of this in my life!! Where's the podcast that is this kind of conversation everytime?? This was really helpful and has given me loads to think about.

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  3. KittenCreates says…

    Thanks for sharing this awesome conversation. This is the first year I have taken the workshop and really lived with my word. I have loved getting to know so many awesome women who guided us and inspired us. I just turned 69 years old (!!!) and I do have health challenges. My word for 2021 is SURVIVE. I really thought it would be all about me, but then January 6 happened along with too many shootings & racism & climate change & our democracy itself struggling to survive. It has been a powerful word for me to live with & explore. I'm really looking forward to a new year of workshops and exploration opportunities, with or without new products. It's all about the experience. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. ElanaAW says…

    This very well maybe the longest "comment" I've ever left anywhere. You both gave me so, so many thoughts I want to share!!! This is exactly what I needed to hear. So beautiful. I love you both for your honesty and thoughtfulness. For the first time since I started having a word for the year, I am having a little bit of trouble settling. My first year I chose PEACE, because after the previous year, I knew that's what I needed the most. The next year, I knew was going to be tough on a lot of levels (and boy was it X1000) and if I was going to look back at it with any sort of joy, I would need to take JOY by the hand. The next year I chose came out of nowhere. That year was 2020. I quickly came to realize that if my relationships were going to survive, I was going to have to be very intentional and active in making and maintaining connections. This past year the word SPARKLE found me ...and I went with it despite some doubts that it was a bit "light" (see what I did there, ha!) ...and yet it gave and gave all year long. After 2 years of literal, global uncertainty, I have no idea what 2022 will bring...and no word has arrived unbidden and mysterious in its possibilities. So, I've been looking for a word (momentum? swimming? action?) ...and I have not been able to settle. At the same time, it's never taken this long before. Patience is not one of my virtues...and while I always need it, that word does not sit well with me as something I want to hold hands with for 12 months, or that could remind me of who I am. I'm very, very drawn to the word is just that from a psychological standpoint, I do not want to give myself permission to give into "magical thinking." At the same time, I love being a "Magic Maker." I love the concept of "Deep Magics." I borrow that phrase from C.S. Lewis and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. What I take from it, as an adult, is this: our choices, our willingness to give second chances, the faith we put into ourselves and others, our love for others, our actions, our sacrifices are all playing into the deeper turnings of the universe; AND even amid tragedy and our personal grief, we need not despair. The bigger outcomes are surprising. Our actions matter. Even the smallest mouse can chew through the ropes and set the lion free...I know I'm being a bit free with those images and working from memory, as it's been a few years since I've read the book or even saw the film, but perhaps that's okay...and maybe I've talked myself around to MAGIC, since for much of this year I thought that would be my next word, in consideration of how often it came up in 2021. I welcome any thoughts. Can I (could you) choose magic without inviting in the "I wishes..." and the "let's just all think about rainbows and unicorns?" or expecting "thoughts and prayers" to be doing "enough" in times of need? (Though, I do love a good wishing well, rainbow and unicorn story:-) I *think* I can. I would hope that after all these years that I could keep it balanced, especially since I actually skew dark/realistic/practical. One of my favorite films is Practical Magic...not all magic is fairy tales and instant problem solving -- HP taught us that, didn't it? Much like prayer, magic is in fact the active connection of clarity + energy + intention + words + practice/repetition + heart & soul.

    Lastly, I would like to say, I think we need to embroider a quote from Ali from this recording on a pillow:
    * We are word people.
    * We believe in the power of words.
    * Words have the power to heal and to hurt.
    and I would add (paraphrasing much of the rest of their conversation *so choose yours curiously, carefully, gently, and with love.

    If anyone made it this far, thanks for reading. I appreciate it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lizelayne says…

      I love all that you've shared here. I think magic could be an incredible word to be in conversation with for the year. There are so many layers to it and directions you could go. Reading your words, I think you already know the answer. So glad you shared your thought process here because I know many of us have similar thoughts when choosing our words.

  5. daslebenistbunt says…

    Loved listening to your recording. So much Love there. It felt like a virtual hug!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lizelayne says…

      Love that it felt like a hug!

  6. jenn_mi says…

    Thank you so much Ali and Liz for sharing your conversation with us! Loved every bit of it! I love your thoughtful approaches to choosing your word (or letting your word choose you).

    2021 has been one of the hardest years for me filled with loss but I knew it would be way back in late 2020 when I chose my word - JOY. Of course that's why joy spoke to me so much. I knew I'd have to be purposeful in finding joy in 2021. I'm happy to report that this has been my most successful year with having a guiding word. I've felt my word leading me all year. This project and my word have helped me find joy in moments I otherwise couldn't have imagined finding joy in.

    I'm sad to say goodbye to my word but can't wait to see what word bubbles up for 2022. I have one that's started to nudge me but I'm letting it percolate and making sure another word doesn't speak more to me. Thank you both (and all the other instructors) for being such amazing teachers this year. I've loved having all the different voices and perspectives.

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  7. jdm9 says…

    Can someone please lease tell me where is the audio file or video? When I click the link I get jibberish. I am looking forward to listening 😊

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Are you clicking on it from a computer or mobile device?

  8. jdm9 says…

    Hey Ali! My iPhone.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. jdm9 says…

      Now that you say that, I went to my computer and downloaded it just fine! Thanks for the prompt to do that! Also thank you for sharing your passion and parts of who you are. Life makes more sense through doing some of the OLW/WITL/DD prompts. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Okay great! Glad you were able to download it!

  9. willsaldana says…

    I really appreciate how hard you worked to share what you know. This really is a great thing to share

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  10. DarylDixon1 says…

    The post discusses the significance of choosing a word that resonates with love and personal meaning, as part of the One Little Word® adventure. The author shares a recorded conversation with Liz Lamoreux, exploring the journey and impact of living with chosen words. This reflective practice helps individuals reconnect with themselves, providing guidance and support through life's challenges. I’m currently contemplating my word for the upcoming year and considering to assist with crafting a reflective essay on this process. Has anyone engaged with their services for personal or reflective writing? Would love to hear your thoughts! 💖📝

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. fluffhead28 says…

    So excited for another year of OLW. I love all the ladies on this team, you all are so inspiring. Would it be possible to get the word art as a download? Choosing a word from a place of love. Thank you!

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