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Plan, Prep & Play

Have you settled on your memory-keeping plans for 2023? Need some motivation or inspiration for getting your products turning into projects? If so, we invite you to check out our newest class, Plan, Prep & Play, taught by Linda Jordan.

Linda's goal with Plan, Prep & Play is to help you set yourself up for success as you dive into crafting in the new year. In Linda's class, you will explore goal setting and project planning specifically for memory keepers, discussing and applying various techniques that are adaptable to a variety of lifestyles and crafting approaches. 

In Linda's words, you do not need to be a self-proclaimed “Type A” personality to participate in this class; instead, this class is designed to help you find a system of project planning that works for you. You will learn techniques and tips for how to select projects, break them down into actionable steps, and celebrate following through on your intentions. 

Among other things, Linda's class will tackle craft organization, turning inspiration into projects, and other barriers (such as nonstop scrolling) that crafters face in getting their ideas on paper. While the primary focus of this class is on planning and prepping your projects, this class also includes a lot of opportunities and tips to see those plans come to life. In addition to detailed planning steps, worksheets, and tips, this class includes plenty of project examples and process videos. 

Meet Linda and learn a little more about her inspiring new class!

This class is perfect for anyone who needs motivation for following through with craft goals, practical advice for setting up projects, or inspiration for turning products into projects. So join Linda to have some fun while tackling your memory-keeping plans for the coming year!

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7 thoughts

  1. rachaelgiallongo says…

    Would this be beneficial for digital scrapbookers as well as paper crafters?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lindalovescreating says…

      Hi Rachael! Good question. A lot of the concepts would translate, but the focus is going to be on physical or hybrid projects because that is what I primarily do. Many of the planning concepts can apply to any type of project, even those outside of paper crafts (e.g goal setting, project planning, breaking down projects) and many would work well for digital (e.g. adapting inspiration, finding your own workflow). The only ones that might not translate perfectly, in my opinion, are the organizational topics, but I still think there is a lot of value in the class for a digital scrapbooker! I’d suggest checking out the class schedule (shown in the shop when you look at the class information) for more details on the topics covered.

  2. Suzfllip says…

    Will the lessons be recorded for access later?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lindalovescreating says…

      Yes! Once you buy any of the classes on Ali’s site you will have lifetime access. The “live” portion of the class is just that the lessons are released one at a time and you can interact with other students and me in the comments and on the message board. But all the lesson content will be available whenever you want to work on it.

  3. Addere says…

    Thank you for your article giving me new inspiration for 2023. hope all my plans will be carried out as I expected.

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