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Week In The Life 2024 | Ali's Sunday

I gave myself permission not to come back to my desk last night (Sunday) in order to simply enjoy the end of my weekend/week. 

Sunday was what I hoped it would be: a day spent doing some of the things I love best including puttering around the house, being outside, connecting, reading, napping, and spending time with Aaron. 

Here's a look at some pieces of my Sunday: 

Sunday started early for me and Betty with a drive to Mt. Pisgah to meet some friends at 8am for a long walk in a local park where the dogs can be off leash if they can be easily recalled (lucky for me Betty is in that category). It's definitely a favorite place to take Betty because there is a ton of space to walk, roam, sniff, and to swim in the river. She gets really muddy and wet and tired and she loves it so much. 

Once we got back home it was time for a shower for Betty. Back in early 2020 we added this shower to our downstairs bathroom and it's great for Betty washing. I've been doing this with her since she was a tiny puppy. Her most favorite part is at the end when she gets out and gets to go crazy rolling in the towels. 

Aaron is not an early riser (not his first choice) so when I got home around 10 he was just getting up and having his breakfast. 

After chatting with Aaron about our plans for the day (me = puttering inside/outside and lunch with Chris and Anna, him = music) I went up to my office to upload the photos I'd taken up to this point and did a little painting. 

Next I knew I wanted to spend a little time outside so I checked on my seed packets again to create some kind of a plan for myself and then headed outside while I waited for Chris and Anna to pick me up for our lunch. 

The lilacs are showing off. 

Anna picked a new place she wanted to try out called "Yummy Crab." They do seafood boils and we split a shrimp and Dungeness crab boil. 

Chris and I had invited Anna to lunch to have a check-in about school and sports and friends (basically all the things). It was a fun lunch and I enjoyed the three of us getting the chance to hang out. 

They picked me up in their Tesla (which was fun to ride in to see what it was like) and then dropped me back off at home. We live about a mile away from each other which has made things pretty easy over the years when transitioning kids and dropping off backpacks and giving the kids some freedom of movement when they were younger between the two houses. 

Still loving my house. 

When I got back from lunch Aaron was sitting at the dining table working on music. He's created thousands of songs over the years and currently he's updating some of them. It's been awhile since he's been focused on music (because life and kids and responsibilities and choices) but recently he's been excited to dive back in and has been getting his laptop set up so he can work on it outside of his office (like the backyard, etc). 

Betty took many naps on Sunday. She was definitely wiped out from our morning adventures. 

In the afternoon I spent some time planting a few of the things I picked up from Johnson Brothers earlier this week. I like moving things around in the yard and trying different plants in new places. Trying a couple tomatoes in this space this time. 

Aaron and I met up in our bathtub in the late afternoon and had a nice long soak. We ate leftovers for dinner and watched an episode of the Netflix show about the Cold War (and how it relates to where we are today). 

It's been a week. 

I love this project so much. I love starting it and I love getting to the end. Monday morning always feels strange after a week of this project. 

I'm grateful to you all for coming along with me on this adventure. 

I'll probably start working on getting my content into my album later this week. I like to give myself a little space before I dive in to let the memories settle. 

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11 thoughts

  1. jlutherdesigns says…

    I've really enjoyed seeing all the moments you've captured and shared here. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  2. ahiggins83 says…

    Thank you so much for this project and for sharing each day! I'm giving myself a moment to just be before diving into the next phase too. Can you share the Netflix show about the Cold War? I'm reading "Nuclear War" right now and it's terrifying and fasinating. Thank you again!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…
    2. ahiggins83 says…

      Thanks Ali!

  3. Britta922 says…

    Thank you for the motivation and inspiration to do this project! I am so grateful to have these memories recorded. The process of paying attention is so precious and I love to look back in the ones I did in previous years.
    Here’s a look at my Sunday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. dawnmi says…

    Love these Betty photos! Looks like the perfect relaxing Sunday. Thank you so much for your inspiration and encouragement during the week. So fun seeing what others do too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. HollyK says…

    Loved the week of sharing photos. I always love this project so much! I was wondering what garden books you had and where do you like to order seeds from? This year I want to try from different places, my seeds last year didn't do well.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I like books like the Sunset Garden Book, Grow More Food, and anything from Erin at Floret for cut flowers. For seeds I like Territorial, Floret, and Eden Brothers.

    2. HollyK says…

      Thank you for the recommendations! I love Erin's books they are my favorite ones.

  6. vicki_dalton says…

    I saw a seed packet of Bee Balm. Would love for you to keep us updated on it.
    I just bought one (plant) this year and am really excited about it--never had it before.

    Reply 0 Replies

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