Look at the dude!

Simonpreschool2005Simon's preschool photo came home this morning. I tend to hold my breath before opening them - you just never know what may be staring back at you.

Talk about pure delight.

He is getting so big. So tall. Growing so very fast.

And today, he rode the bus. Yep, a big yellow school bus.

He started his afternoon care program today. We had been on the waiting list since before we moved - took awhile but it was the place we wanted for him so it was well worth the wait.

Part of the services Simon recieves includes busing - either to/from school or to another care provider after school. So in preparation we have been talking a lot about buses around here. How cool they are - pointing them out whenever we see one around town. He seemed to be all over that - identifying things is really big for him.

So today was the day. Chris and I drove over to the school so we could watch him (from a hiding place becuase if he saw us it could totally be a no-go) get on the bus. He walked right out there and climbed right on and got buckled into a carseat (cool that they have those on buses). Such a brave dude.

From there he rode the bus to his afternoon school. Chris and I went on ahead while the other kids riding the bus got dropped off. We met with the teachers and got everything settled so that when he got to the school we could help begin the adjustment process and welcome him.

The bus pulled up. We went out to greet him along with one of his teachers. He was super excited - seemed to enjoy the bus ride and he bounded right up to the door of the new afternoon school. We were totally all smiles.

Inside we went - into the classroom. From there he became a bit skeptical of this whole deal. You could see him start to get uncomfortable and not so sure. Um yep, that is usually how I feel in a brand new situation. We stayed for awhile and showed him around. It is an awesome classroom set up with tons of tables and toys and pottys and sinks right inside the room. He was all over the toothbrushes. Yep - they have toothbrushes there too.

We told him we would be back later in the afternoon. He cried. We gave him a hug and a kiss and then one of the teachers took over.

Man it was hard to walk out of there.

I miss him being here in the afternoon - even though it becomes pretty much impossible to work. But I know he is in a safe place with cool stuff to play with and learn and other kids to become friends with over time.

When we picked him up they said he did great. He knew some of the songs they were singing and because of the picture schedule we use here (and his morning school uses) he knew the procedures for things like washing hands, etc.

And he was super happy to see us.

It was a big day here all around. I got a ton of stuff done. Chris got a ton of stuff done.

And if you are the praying type, maybe you could say a little prayer of thanksgiving for good schools, for caring teachers, and for very brave little boys.

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83 thoughts

  1. corinne says…

    well Ali I am sooooo happy for Simon and you and chris that this went alright! We experienced the same thing with anthony and eventhough the first busride I had to be on the bus with him everything went so smooth. He also looks soooooooooooo big in this photo and absolutly adorable!!
    really happy for you!

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  2. DeniseK says…

    Yes, I'm the praying type too and will send those thankful vibes out there! I can feel your pride and smile from here for Simon, he's one lucky little dude! And, what an adorable picture - you scored with that preschool pic!
    Denise K.

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  3. jill says…

    this makes me really happy! education is something that *really* matters to me...and this is wonderful news for simon and his classmates :)

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  4. Lainie says…

    You are such a great mom, I can tell. I'm saying a little prayer for your little family. You're doing great, you really are.

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  5. Eric Sohn says…

    Yay, Simon!
    Did you get him a Migo or a Firefly phone? The first or second day Laini took the bus to school, she got off at the wrong stop (we're in a townhome development) and someone walked her home - luckily she remembered the address.
    With the Firefly, when she got off on the wrong corner the next time (thankfully, it's only happened once since that first time), she called on the phone and stayed on until I came out and found her.
    Cingular now carries Firefly and Verizon now carries Migo. A good investment, unless you're getting door to door bus service.
    It's a great milestone, Ali...I'm so happy for you all.

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  6. Sarah says…

    Kudos to Simon on his day day. And I totally get the happy and grumpy - we live with that too.
    I have found Carol Gray's Social Stories to be very helpful with prepping our son for new experiences or events. The link is http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/socialcarolgray.html
    Her work more directly addresses AS, but if Simon listens to and reacts to having stories read to him, he can benefit as well. It's not terribly complicated, but it is just a great way of helping them prepare for something new, like a new school, or a birthday party, a trip, anything.
    I am not so much a prayful person as I like to envision people surrounded by white light and held by loving spirits. So I hope you and your family can feel the warmth and love enveloping you - I am sending some very powerful 'juice' your way.

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