Look at the dude!

Simonpreschool2005Simon's preschool photo came home this morning. I tend to hold my breath before opening them - you just never know what may be staring back at you.

Talk about pure delight.

He is getting so big. So tall. Growing so very fast.

And today, he rode the bus. Yep, a big yellow school bus.

He started his afternoon care program today. We had been on the waiting list since before we moved - took awhile but it was the place we wanted for him so it was well worth the wait.

Part of the services Simon recieves includes busing - either to/from school or to another care provider after school. So in preparation we have been talking a lot about buses around here. How cool they are - pointing them out whenever we see one around town. He seemed to be all over that - identifying things is really big for him.

So today was the day. Chris and I drove over to the school so we could watch him (from a hiding place becuase if he saw us it could totally be a no-go) get on the bus. He walked right out there and climbed right on and got buckled into a carseat (cool that they have those on buses). Such a brave dude.

From there he rode the bus to his afternoon school. Chris and I went on ahead while the other kids riding the bus got dropped off. We met with the teachers and got everything settled so that when he got to the school we could help begin the adjustment process and welcome him.

The bus pulled up. We went out to greet him along with one of his teachers. He was super excited - seemed to enjoy the bus ride and he bounded right up to the door of the new afternoon school. We were totally all smiles.

Inside we went - into the classroom. From there he became a bit skeptical of this whole deal. You could see him start to get uncomfortable and not so sure. Um yep, that is usually how I feel in a brand new situation. We stayed for awhile and showed him around. It is an awesome classroom set up with tons of tables and toys and pottys and sinks right inside the room. He was all over the toothbrushes. Yep - they have toothbrushes there too.

We told him we would be back later in the afternoon. He cried. We gave him a hug and a kiss and then one of the teachers took over.

Man it was hard to walk out of there.

I miss him being here in the afternoon - even though it becomes pretty much impossible to work. But I know he is in a safe place with cool stuff to play with and learn and other kids to become friends with over time.

When we picked him up they said he did great. He knew some of the songs they were singing and because of the picture schedule we use here (and his morning school uses) he knew the procedures for things like washing hands, etc.

And he was super happy to see us.

It was a big day here all around. I got a ton of stuff done. Chris got a ton of stuff done.

And if you are the praying type, maybe you could say a little prayer of thanksgiving for good schools, for caring teachers, and for very brave little boys.

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83 thoughts

  1. Trina Jaynes says…

    Sounds like it was an awesome day all around, Ali! Glad to hear that Simon did so well and that you guys got so much done. Hope it continues on that way.
    Have to say that I totally love your new quote on the side of your blog (I look forward to seeing them). It is so true and I think I need to print that one out, hang it up several places around the house and use those words to live by! Time goes by so very quickly and it's easy to get caught up in the things that don't really matter and let those that do fade into the background. I feel a scrapbook page coming on! Ü
    Hope you have a happy week! Take care...

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Shelley Rankin says…

    Transition isn't easy but he sounds like he is doing great! I love that photo, wish Keagan's had of turned out as nice. So cool that you have him in a good school. He will do wonderful. Saying lots of prayers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Andrea W. says…

    Ali - it seems many prayers are coming your way, Praise God! I love your post, your a super Mama! Simon's picture is adorable. Have a really blessed day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. marlo says…

    What a handsome little man. Great photo!!! It's hard leaving your children in a new place, not just when they are young but still when they are 18 heading off to college or away from home. Heartbreaking I tell ya!! He will do just great and Mom and Dad will be great too. Lots of new learning experiences.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Rachel says…

    he is looking so BIG!! and cute too :) Definitely will say a prayer...so glad it all went well!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Megan says…

    What a cute little boy! So adorable. I read your blog often, and only sometimes comment, but I just love the openness and realness that is you. Not afraid to share that he cried, that it was hard for you, but that it ended up good in the end. I love that about reading your blog! Thanks for sharing...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Susan Stevesnon says…

    Cute little guy have. Sounds like you hit a milesone today. Its amazing how fast they sneak up when you have kids. They grow so fast. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. steph says…

    That is the cutest photo ever! He looks so grown up and handsome! :) You have so much to be proud of today, and he is one lucky little dude to have such amazing parents! *steph*

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Sugar_Peas says…

    That school pic did come out awesome! That's so great he liked the bus. We had lots of tears here this fall when Ruby realized she would NOT get to ride the bus to school like big sis Simone does to kindergarten.
    I'm so jealous of all your work time. I'm currently at couch sewing on a rolling table in between mom type requests while watching noggin with girls. I still haven't managed to achieve that balance! LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Tracy says…

    Whenever I read your blog Ali, I'm often moved to leave a comment - but see how many people have the same thought - and can appreciate how busy you must be, and so I rarely leave my comments as a result...But having been observing Simon's progress all year long - I just couldn't resist today, and am sending my prayers and gratitude up & out there on behalf of you and the rest of us, struggling to make children's lives safe and happy and productive...Teachers are underpaid and in some cases - unappreciated. But not by me! So YAY for all those wonderful people who shape our future, by taking care of our children!

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  11. shelley esterholt says…

    that is just wonderful news about his school day, bus ride etc. :) Great picture too!

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  12. Daphne says…

    Ali, I just love reading your blog. I can especially relate to reading this one. My younger son, Joey (5) has been going to a preschool at our local elementary for 1 1/2 years and it was so HARD seeing him get on that BIG, YELLOW SCHOOL BUS! WOW! But, you know, they really know what to do! YOu are doing a great job. You inspire me everytime that you post ... You and your family will be in my prayers. Take care ... and dont forget to take pics of Simon on the school bus!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. liz elayne says…

    Such good news! Love that Simon had such a good day and it sounds like he felt success in this new environment. Good energy going out to good teachers, your family and the brave little kids out there.

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  14. Becky says…

    You totally took me back to the day my Sam started Kindergarten out at Goshen Elementary, the only special ed kindy in Springfield at the time (that would be ELEVEN years ago now!). He had to ride the bus from our house out on 58th (Thurston area) all the way to Goshen! It always seemed like such a long ride to me, and I fretted at first, but it was the highlight of his day. He was so into vehicles at the time, that getting to see all the cars and trucks was a delight. He hadn't ridden the bus to EEP because we lived a few blocks away from the Thurston class, so I just dropped him off and picked him up. He loved that part of his routine, and I hope Simon always does, too!

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  15. Lisa Russell says…

    Way to go, little Dude!! So proud of you! You will be in our prayers.

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  16. Kass says…

    Ali, I want to cheer from the rooftops for you, Chris and Simon! This is FABULOUS!! I think you and Chris are AMAZING PARENTS and all your love and hard work is going to pay off when Simon grows into the wonderful young man he is showing himself to be!! He is amazing!! YOU are amazing!! You are inspiring!! God bless you all!!

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  17. Jenny Alfonso says…

    Thank goodness for early intervention schools, loving teachers & brave little boys! Two years ago my Vince (diagnosed with autism) went through a similar program here in San Diego when he turned 3 years old. He also had the bus pick him up. And yep, me and my husband followed the bus in our car that very first day. From that day forward, he loved school and especially riding that bus. One day we had a doctor's appointment for him and he didn't get to ride the bus that morning. Vince wouldn't stop crying because he wanted to ride the bus! Nothing I said would calm him down. So yes, the bus took him to school that day with me following in my car. And when the bus pulled up to the school, he got off the bus and then was ready to come with me in my car to his doctor's appointment! Simon is just TOO CUTE!

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  18. dee says…

    Add me to the list of those sending up prayers of thanksgiving for Simon's successes today with the bus and his new school!
    BRAVISSSSSSSIMO, Simon!!!!! I'll also pray that your little man continues to keep his courage as he adjusts to his new routine. He is such a brave little boy and it does melt my heart to hear how well his transitions went today. The photo of him is indeed precious -- you have much to be proud of and celebrate in this and every day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Lindey says…

    ali-that may have been a little tear jerking for me. I'm hooked to your blog & love all that you share, be it scrapbook related or the emotions your experiencing with Simon. Total score with that school pic too, btw!
    You're in my prayers...wonderful how well Simon is doing...wonderful that he has such loving parents. smiling right now...he's a cutie!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Sara F. says…

    Hi Ali...you don't know me...but I look at your blog every day. A friend of mine (Kristen) is a big scrapbooker and she has a link to your blog on her blog...so that is how I found my way here. Anywhoooo...I was hooked from the first visit. I feel like I know you from reading about your life. Your blog is precious, insightful, entertaining, lovely, and inspiring! I totally enjoy it! I started one of my own... www.tommyandsara.blogspot.com but let me warn you--it is a very novice attempt at blogging!
    Anyway, I am an elementary teacher. I teach at a private academy here in Kentucky that is only for kids with learning differences. Most of the students have Aspergers or Autism. I find such delight in teaching them...I know that I would love little Simon! He is the cutest thing! What a lucky mother you are... Thank you for the credit and respect you give to teachers. It is so refreshing.
    So, nice to meet you....and thanks for giving us all a peep into your life.
    PS....my husband is glad I stepped up and introduced myself. He just did not think it was right for me to look at your blog without you knowing. ;) He is a bit upset that I am now asking for a Cannon Digital Rebel for Christmas because I always love your photos!

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  21. Jen says…

    That's one of the best school pics I've ever seen. He's such a cutie!

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  22. Christie says…

    As a former Prek Autism teacher I want to give props to you for doing such a great job as parents and lovers of Simon! I am so encouraged and inspired by the three of you. Keep up all the smiles!

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  23. kah-mei says…

    oh man, he's such a cutie, A!! So like you, and so like Chris, and yet just so him. So glad school and stuff's working out. Great pic!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. erin says…

    wow. a big day for you and your family. thanks for sharing, you just don't know how much your sharing can do for someone! you're in our prayers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Christy says…

    Oh, this blessed me so much!! My little guy, Steven, has Asperger's (a form of autism) and we've spent this year facing all of that & the starting of school & all the ensuing craziness surrounding that, so I totally identify.
    And Simon's picture is ADORABLE!!

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