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Holy cow.


You guys are amazing.

Thank you so very much for your support, kind comments and excitement over the Life Artist stuff on Cafe Press. I am really excited about this little adventure...thinking about all kinds of things to add as time goes on. Make sure to sign up for the newsletter for additional information (besides just product releases) on my travel schedule, inspirational stuff, tips, etc.

And on the home front, Simon is enjoying his two weeks of Spring Break (total funding issue for the Early Education Program). TV/Videos in the morning and then something else outside/away from the house in the afternoon. He is seriously cracking me up.

And don't you just hate it when you can't find something in your space? I know I have two small circle punches around here somewhere...been searching for them all morning. They are most likely right in front of me...

And welcome to all of you who signed up for CKU-A San Jose last night. Love that event - looking forward to hanging out in June.

And the font on the photo above is from my new font CD. It's called Dirty :).

And my coffee is so tasty this morning.

And...A Designer's Eye for Scrapbooking with Patterned Paper is up for PREORDER now.

Dude, crazy around here!

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42 thoughts

  1. Laura T. says…

    I love the picture and LOVE that font. It looks like rub on letters. I will definetely put that CD on my wish list (my 5-year wedding anniversary is coming up - good gift idea).
    Have a great day Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. HEIDI says…

    he is just so darn cute :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. lauren says…

    My 23rd birthday is coming up next Wednesday, so I've proceeded to send my mother and boyfriend an e-mail with links to the items I'd LOVE to receive from your Cafe Press Shop!!! :) hehe. So much for being subtle!!
    Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?!
    Loving the photos of little Simon! What a guy!!
    I'm off to pre-order that book.
    Enjoy your week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Albertina Kaheiki says…

    Congrats on Cafe Press... I love all the items.
    Best Wishes!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Bonnie K says…

    such a wonderful pic of the little man! that cd is going on my wish list, along with the book.. Ali, just can't get enuf of you.. like I said, you are way cool.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. cindy says…

    Holy freakin' cow!! Could it be any more exciting around your house?? Good times. :-) Thanks Ali for ALL of the inspiration!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Meredith says…

    how did you create such a CUTE little guy? i love the pics of him...they make me smile.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. joanna says…

    Check your sewing machine! (That's where Cole hid the two memory cards I was missing.) I am ALWAYS missing something for scrapping. It's not like it travels out of the room, but still!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Ksea says…

    My goodness... it is a little crazy for you lately, Miss Ali! What a cute little dude you have, too!! That font looks totally cool. I've preordered both the book and the CD. Congrats on everything!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Amber N. says…

    Wow! That's a great font! I think I may have to make my first font CD purchase ever! I always enjoy your layouts & your blog! Congrats on the cafe press too :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jeanne says…

    Simon is such a cutie...I love seeing pictures of him.
    I just can't wait for the book and the font CD. Thanks for making that because your handwriting is just too cool. I checked out the cafe press link and all I can say is AWESOME! Miss the newletter sign up, so I have to go back there now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Araxi says…

    Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez girl you are on a roll and Im really happy for you this is all so exciting!!! The Cafe Press, the book, everything!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. islandjen says…

    wow...2 weeks of spring break...what a lucky kid!! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Mary Rogers says…

    Ali - you new Font CD is have become such an enabler..tood bad it won't be available to purchase next week at CKU-Chicago!!
    oh, and if you were to purchase any of the t-shirts at cafe press for yourself, what size would you buy? No, I am not buying you one of your own designs, but have something else in mind. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Mary Rogers says…

    btw - I really do know how to spell....dang not being able to edit your comments.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Florence says…

    ahhhh busy -- a good thing :-) so happy you are spending so much time with simon -- he must be loving it!!!!
    so happy for you on all the other stuff -- very cool indeed

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. vegasandvenice says…

    Dude! I am like so totally syked by all your news fer sure.
    Sorry, I am a CA girl and when I saw the word "dude" I completely relapsed :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Tanya Webster says…

    Dear Miss Ali,
    CONGRATULATIONS on all your new adventures! My favorite??? YOUR NEW BOOK!!!! I CANT WAIT!!! If you have any time on your calendar there is a cute little store out in St. Helens, Oregon (not far from you!!!) that would ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you out for a class, book promoting, special appearance (need I say more, frankly we would just love to see you!!) Any possibilities of making this happen (seriously??) would be SOOO SUPER appreciated!!!
    Thanks for sharing so much of your philosophy on life and our art....I LOVE being a life artist!!! :) sounds soo much more important!!
    Take care!! Would LOVE to have you out (did I mention that already?? hee hee)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Jessica K. says…

    rock on girl! (and simon too!)
    love what you are doing for the industry, making it more of a lifestyle than a hobby. LOVE THAT.
    it is so much more than just paper and adhesives.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Emily L says…

    Ali- What lens did you use on this photo, 50mm f/1.8? He just pops right out of the picture!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Becky says…

    I've totally got Christina Aguilera's song Dirty in my mind now! Every time I see that font from now on, I'm sure it will go trippin' through my head...LOL!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Melissa Blair says…

    I can't wait until tomorrow! I told you I would be first in line to buy the book... well... I will be first in line to pre-order! =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Talia says…

    i loooooove all your life artist stuff! so awesome!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. PamMc says…

    I love this photo of Simon. His eyes look like they are FULL of wonderful mischief.
    Love the life artist stuff. I need a new coffe cup like I need a new hole in my head, BUT might just have to order one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Cheryl says…

    I'm so supporting you!!!! I've pre-ordered my font CD, your Book AND ordered a couple of items from Cafe Press. You are such an enabler! lol...

    Reply 0 Replies

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