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Studio Friday : Secret Stash


This week's Studio Friday topic is secret stash. Totally laughed when I read that one - very clever. Let's see, what kind of stashes do I have? I don't really have anything that is secret that I could think candy, no vices, no special drinks stashed away.

But I do have lots of stashes.

Here are a couple. First, my 7gypsies stash. Just my own little piece of heaven. Especially the rub ons and the sticker sheets. Love them. Use them. Don't share them. Continually adding them to my stash.

The second photo is of my inspiration stash. Things I get in the mail - like baby coupons from Target - that were really well designed. Stashed them away down under my computer desk for a rainy day (and you know it rains quite a bit here in Portland). Lots of goodies in that basket that did something for me at some point in internal voice told me to stash it...I try to listen to that voice.

And I just have to say that Jon Stewart was on fire last night. Love the Daily Show. Chris and I have not laughed like that in awhile.

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31 thoughts

  1. Lee L from Australia says…

    Hi Ali! Can you pls tell me which lot of 7gypsies are the sheets with "happiness & delight" on them??? I have heaps of packs of the etchings stashed away too!!
    Also, can't wait for you to be in Australia in Aug - v.exciting!! Are you gettting to stay for long???
    Lee :)

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  2. Lu says…

    oh, stashes...aren't they the most fun?

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  3. Colby says…

    Boy would I like to dip into your stash, Ali! I can only imagine what your supplies are like. I am sure you see the best of everything out there. I have a few stashes of my own...a few bags of new supplies from my trip to the lss that I haven't even opened and organized yet. I am so behind!

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  4. Angela C-M says…

    Love John!! My life is a "stash" lol

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  5. Bonnie K says…

    love your stash Ali.. I wudn't share the 7gypsies stuff way!
    love that stuff.. I don't have enuf of it... sighs.

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  6. kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu says…

    Great idea on keeping junk mail and other things that have an inspiring design. I'm gonna start doing that.
    I am actually re-organizing my stash. Sort and Purge! I am going to pay it forward and give my purged pile to the person to posts the most paper layouts at

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  7. islandjen says…

    very cool topic-i am totally a 7 gypsies junkie, i was just on their site yesterday "window shopping"!!

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  8. Sarah says…

    Jon Stewart ROCKS! I will have to try to catch the repeat tonight. I have started going to bed really early - 8-9 pm - and getting up around 3 or 4 am. Those couple of hours of unhurriedness are bliss. I am so much kinder to my family in the am when I'm not feeling under the gun.
    So I guess I gotta have TiVo - can't miss Jon.

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  9. marygrace says…

    use your stash...use your stash...use your stash
    you're brilliant at it.

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  10. Keeley Tillotson says…

    Look at all those beautiful goodies!
    Totally envious.

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  11. marcilambert says…

    mmmmm...7gypsies. i cannot get enough of them. your secret stash is more delicious than mine!

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  12. vegasandvenice says…

    Oh such neat pictures. I am completely drooling! I think I have a couple of those office desks too!
    Love the Daily show. Thought I would share my little post about.
    I hope it makes absolutely any sort of sense.

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  13. tiffini elektra x says…

    Your stash is gorgeous - 7 gypsies stuff is just fantastic! Jon of course absolutely ROCKS!! Love the Daily Show. . .

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  14. Sandi Anderson says…

    My husband and I are planning a trip to Seattle and Portland at the end of April. Are there any great scrapbook stores I should visit? The ones here in Mississippi are rather lacking.

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  15. Lain (Knit and Purl Grrl) says…

    What fun stashes! I love 7 Gypsies. Very cool fun stuff. And great idea -- that inspiration stash.

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  16. tonya says…

    Had to laugh out loud - I have the same "Dear Gaud" booklet from Veer in my backpack - been traipsing back and forth to work and home with me for over a week. Can't throw it out - maybe that is the voice I need to heed! I have every book/catalog they've sent me for the past 2 years in a bookshelf at work. Seriously too good to dispose of!

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  17. Emma says…

    Ali, I just wanted to tell you that I've been reading your blog for a few months but have never commented. I find all your entries so inspiring, and particularly the love you have for Simon is just so touching to me. I don't have any children, but I'm a special education teacher by training and you are so many lightyears ahead of a lot of parents of autistic kids. You understand him and you love him for just being Simon, and that is an amazing accomplishment.
    Thank you - for being such an inspiration, for posting layouts, thoughts, musings about things that make me think, and for having such a graphically inspiring space for me to visit every day.

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  18. Laurie says…

    i always admire some things that come in the mail for their design, but i've never thought to keep them to use for scrapping ideas! brilliant!

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  19. Klala says…

    Mentioning the Daily Show=Angry Kristi.
    I have my own 7gypsies stash, I am just upset that it all used up rubs and empty sticker sheets. Waaaaaah.

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  20. corinne says…

    Well I do not have a secret stash, just a statch!
    hope you have a great weekend!

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  21. Ellen says…

    I've been collecting "junk mail," labels of all sorts, ads from magazines, and all sorts of other freebies---anything that has a layout or design I am drawn to. The collection is my "inspiration file" and is kept in boxes, bags, and drawers....I though I was the only one who intentionally hangs onto what others would consider junk!

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  22. joy says…

    What a great stash...and a great idea for inspiration!

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  23. Alissa says…

    Love me some 7 gypsies, Girl! they are totally one of my very favorite companies!

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  24. Lauren says…

    Just had to share Ali! As I was reading about your stashes, my DH walks past my computer and says..."Hey, nice picture" ahahah I had to laugh because he tries his hardest avoid the scrap world, so the fact that he stopped to comment was sweet! And then I thought to myself, 1. OF COURSE nice's Ali Edwards! and 2. OF COURSE it's 7 GYPSIES! xoxo

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  25. Kip says…

    oh man, I have a 7 gypsies stash too!!!

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