Autism on The View.

Right now I am watching The View. Normally I don't watch TV during the day but some kind people sent me emails letting me know that todays topic is autism.

As many of you know, this is a super emotional issue for me and watching is stirring up all those emotions. Listening to Toni Braxton talk about her son being diagnosed was like listening to myself tell the story of our journey. This is such a good thing they are doing - talking about it, bringing it even more out in the open. I just know there are parents out there watching today who are being introduced for the first time, who now may be questioning their own child's behavior, who may be crying as they watch. My heart goes out to those parents. And in the same moment I am excited for them that they may be able to help their children find their own special place in the world.

These kids are so, so amazing.

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45 thoughts

  1. cindy says…

    Peace and blessings Ali. :-) Glad the show is a good one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Megan Nielsen says…

    I too, am watching the VIEW today, which I don't usually do. I'm glad to know more about Autism. I have a close friend whose son is Austistic and I really had no idea what they were going through....
    Megan tannernielsen

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  3. Lisa says…

    I am watching today as well. I share your thoughts. All my emotions are being stirred up as well thinking back to the initial period when the twins were diagnosed. We are on quite a journey. I love that there was a whole hour devoted to increasing awareness.
    Talk to you later.

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  4. Suzanne says…

    I'm glad you were able to catch the show.

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  5. Sue says…

    Ali I am glad you saw the show. If I knew you in real life I would have called and let you know what the topic was today. I was hoping you had seen it. And I am glad you did. Simon is a real blessing. I can see how special he is in the pictures you share.

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  6. Kimberly White says…

    Ali! My cousin is autistic (he's about 17 and not high functioning) I appreciate all your work towards raising awareness about autism. Thanks! Hope you have a wonderful day! Kim

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  7. ArtsyMama says…

    Yep, me too! Suddenly all my "autism friends" were calling to say it was one and I tuned in. It was really emotional for me too. Do you ever really get USED TO IT?? Great that they are bringing awareness to the issue.

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  8. Danielle LaFave says…

    I signed on today with the intention of leaving a comment about this mornings episode of The View. I am a regular watcher of this show and was not aware of the topic until I turned on the TV this morning and I immediately thought of you. I am young (23) and have no children as of yet. I also do not personally know anyone who is dealing with this issue. This peaked my curiosity of the subject. Although I sure the show today barely scraped the surface of how huge this issue is and how many people it affects, I found it very emotional and informative. I can't help that think because it affects 1 in 166 children, what if it affects a future child of mine? What would I do, what would I think? Then I realized that those questions can only be answered by those who have experienced it first hand. The optimism, courage, strength and love for Simon that I sense you have in facing this situation, just through your entries on this blog, is admirable and I wanted to commend you on that.

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  9. Sandi says…

    I was hoping you would see the show today. I thought about you and Simon thoughout. Thank you to Rosie O'Donnell for bringing this topic to The View. Hugs to you and Simon.

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  10. Laurie says…

    I was so glad to see the family interviews and some of the amazing things that these parents were doing for their children. Having a special needs child, even though he has something other than autism, my heart completely understood what all the families were saying about the emotions which sometimes include sadness, but also the triumphs. I was happy to see some of the information could be helpful to families with children with different special needs as well! This is turning into a very long post, but I want you to know, that you inspire me all the time to celebrate the triumphs and just be ok with everything. Thank you Ali!

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  11. Cara says…

    The show brought tears to my eyes and I thought of you since I do not personally know anyone who has autism or an autistic person in their life. I think it is great that you are "open" on your blog and in your scrapbooking about Simon having autism. I hope this show brings more awareness to the subject. You are an incredible person and have an incredible family. You and Chris have accomplished so much already professionally which is amazing in itself but even more amazing with Simon and all of the challenges he must bring. As a mom of two young children I know all of the "normal" everyday challenges kids bring and I admire you for balancing your professional and personal life. Thanks for sharing your life with me through your work!

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  12. Jenny A. says…

    Thank you Ali. I missed the show but I was able to see highlights from The View's website. It really did bring back emotions of when autism entered our lives. Such a long road we have traveled. I see all the progress we have made and am thankful for all the therapists/teachers/doctors and other parents of autism who have helped us on our journey. It was such a powerful message. And a big thank you to YOU Ms. Ali who is constantly bringing autism to the scrapbooking world.

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  13. Erin says…

    I found out about the show as I was working and called to have my husband tivo it for me, so I will watch it this evening. As a music therapist who sees numerous kiddos with autism this topic is also emotional for me, because I know what my kids and their families go through each and everyday. I agree with you 100% that these kids are AMAZING and I am blessed to be in their lives and watch them grow.

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  14. Mary Trautner says…

    Hey Ali,
    I was right there with you watching the view... welled up a couple times but know there is hope now as opposed to 40 years ago. I know Julie has a chance now to live a full and productive life.
    Mary T.

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  15. denise says…

    ali . . glad to hear that you were able to catch "the view" today. my mom called to tell me it was on today. she knew after "split rock" that i would want to watch it. unfortunately i had an eye appointment and missed it. hugs, denise

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  16. noell says…

    Ali, I have been reading your blog since last spring I think. While I am fully aware of Simon having autism, I have never heard your story of finding out, or what his abilities are. Do you have it written up somewhere where we can go read it?

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  17. Courtney says…

    Hi Ali!
    I read your blog everyday-I am inspired by your creativity as well as your strength! One of the mom's we work with here in TN was on "The View" today-her daughter, Grace, was the remarkable artist that they profiled.
    Thanks for mentioning it!
    Courtney from Nashville :)

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  18. MandyK says…

    SO glad you got to watch it! A friend was able to record it for me thank goodness I was all excited to see the View airing a whole hour about Autism. I am so glad that now more people are aware.Thank you for all that you do to raise awareness Ali! As a momma of a 3 year old with Autism I give Ali and another scrapping friend the credit for making me aware and noticing the signs and getting the intervention for my son. My heart goes out to all those families that will travel down the road we have it's a hard one but man is it worth it these kids are amazing!

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  19. cheryl says…

    Oddly enough, I'd e-mailed Rosie O'Donnell about your blog weeks ago. I thought she
    should read about you and your "life art".
    The joke between my best friend and I is that
    we're always ahead of the rest of the world.
    I didn't even know about Rosie's interest
    and committment to Autism. Funny how the
    connected we are, all of us.
    Rosie should know about your art, she'd love

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  20. sue says…

    Since I work during the day, I'm afraid I missed this program. I need to do some research on this subject.

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  21. Meredith says…

    Saw the show. Thought of Simon.
    There is a family that has an autistic 1st grader that lives a few doors down from us. I love how they encourage her to play outside with all of the kids. It is wonderful for her, but it is a such blessing for my kids, as well.

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  22. Margaret says…

    The abc website has selected clips of the show on Autism.
    There is a Link to the footage on the left hand side of the page.

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  23. Alli says…

    we don't have this program here but I am amazed when something here is on about autism and people call me to tell me so I can watch it, sometimes people who I hardly know.
    Alec has touched so many hearts, this is a hard journey but so rewarding seeing him grow and develop. I do find it hard to watch programs now as it stirs so much emotion up, I've tried to give up re-living what I as I see as my mistakes from before we realised Alec had autism and try and focus on what I can do now and be his advocate, yes he is different but he amazes me every day.

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  24. Anne-Liesse says…

    You were on my mind. I saw the show, too, and my wish was for more information. It seemed to be over too soon and too "surface". I'm glad they talked about it and hope to see more on-air conversation about Autism. Take care.

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  25. Mary Rogers says…

    I totally missed it! I was at work and by the time I saw the post on 2Peas is was too late to get someone to record it....if you find anyone with a copy could you please let me know..
    we are struggling with some huge issues with Madison right now...I am not sure if emotionally I could have watched it anyway, but I know I need to.

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