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Nothing better.


There is nothing better than waking up to a little voice saying, "Mommy, LOOK - it's snowing."

And snowing it is. A lot. Very special for where we live. It is coming down hard and has been all morning so far. Just awesome for little and big kids alike.

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47 thoughts

  1. Melina (gingerkitty) says…

    looks amazing

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  2. Sue says…

    I'm not a winter person at all but I appreciate those who are. Little ones (and big ones) who love snow and snow play always have fun. Hope your day was filled with snowmen, snow angels, snowballs and hot chocolate!

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  3. amanda says…

    Oh yay!!! That must be such a treat. I hope you all soaked it up today - including the obligatory hot chocolate and bubble bath following the snow play. ;)

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  4. Carole says…

    That is such a great photo! Enjoy the snow! Especially if it's a treat for you! I live up in Ontario Canada and we spend our winters buried in snow. Ughhhh I like it at first but it gets to be long after a while. It is fun to go out and play then come in for some hot chocolate and a nice long nap! ;o)

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  5. deB says…

    how fun...can you send some to Virginia? just opened up my AEzine...wouldn't it be fun if you could send a little snowball too? :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. leslie says…

    oh, i miss the snow. i love japan but where i live we don't get any. enjoy it. immensely!!

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  7. Leauriy says…

    What a great shot. Have a daughter same age as Simon and she was SO excited this am as well. She came into our room and drew the blinds and was jumping all around, it was great. the funny thing was she had a friend sleep over and they were very content to play and make pancakes until the friend's parents came to get him...THEN, we all went out and had a snow ball fight and even got to use the snowlady kit that my brother/girlfriend had sent for xmas.
    Ohmygosh, was it BeaUtiFUL, but had to shake the blueberry & lilac bushes, cause the plum tree fell due to excessive snow weight.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Cathy says…

    We finally got to play in our snow yesterday after a week of sub-zero temps. And it will all be melted by tomorrow. gotta love the weather.

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  9. Kathy W says…

    Glad to see that Eugene got some snow. Wonder if it will stick around so that Simon has a "snow day" from school. Since I moved from Eugene to Utah a couple months ago, we've had snow in the front yard since Dec. 1, and it's supposed to snow again tonight. Enjoy yours!

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  10. Cate says…

    Oh, look at those big flakes! How cool!! Enjoy it while it lasts!

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  11. Sara says…

    Oh sweetie, if you want snow you should come visit us in Iowa! It warmed up to 20 today. Last week our high was 3, and the low (without wind chill) was -24. Seriously. What happened to global warming? :) It's supposed to get to a freakishly warm 40 tomorrow then back to the teens with... yes... more snow. Kids are loving the late starts and snow days around here! You're welcome to come enjoy our snow ANYTIME! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. ELLIE says…

    WOW - look at all that beautiful snow - absolutely awesome - living in florida I do not get to see it - but it is wonderful to see such a magical part of winter (at least to me)...
    BTW - I did a video with my ONE WORD for 2008 - I hope you can find the time to check it out!!
    Enjoy the snow~

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Dianne says…

    Hi Ali,
    I am a big fan of your work and check into your blog often. I have a son the same age as your beautiful son Simon. I love reading about all of his everyday triumphs. I wanted to pass along this link for Five for Fighting's new song that is helping to raise money for Autism Speaks Thought you might like to check it out.

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  14. Michelle W says…

    I just love the snow, but here in the south we don't get it very often. But when we do I am out there with the kids. Looks like Simon Likes the snow.

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  15. MelissaL says…

    Lucky dog! I live so far south that it never snows.

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  16. Nicky Anderson says…

    Love it - where we are it is so bitter this morning!! -31 degrees, and with the windchill it is -49 degrees. Buses were on time, but should be an interesting day. Too cold!!
    Like your snow a lot better and there is nothing better than a childs excitement.

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  17. dr berry says…

    Yes- what a glorious way to wake up and what a fabulous day it must of been. Enjoy!!

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  18. Kim Bolyard says…

    Man I wish I lived where it snows.
    great photo by the way

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  19. suetreiber says…

    yes, that is one of the best things about snowfall. It's like magic for a little while.

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  20. Michelle says…


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  21. tryshia says…

    AWESOME that you have some snow! I love snow, about a month ago we got 40+ cm in one day. You never know what you will get up here in Canada. It was beautiful but it was a mess.

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  22. Susi (Dragonfly Dreamer) says…

    This is such a sweet photo of Simon all bundled up walking in the snow. He is so beautiful and photogenic. I have never seen a bad photo of him. You are such an amazing mother. My boys are now grown and once we could afford a camera, I took alot of photos, but there were gaps. They grow up so fast and the fact that you capture the every day is so good. I am doing that more now and some day when I have grandchildren, I will definitely capture and get their mother into capturing the every day as well as the special moments. Thanks for so much inspiration!

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