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words + photos : friday + weekend creative

The project this weekend is to create a layout using only words + photos. Maybe one other embellishment? That part is completely up to you.

What is a story you have been wanting to tell?

Remember this photo from earlier in the week?


That photo + words printed out on textured cardstock + a bit of ruler ribbon (and a smidge of ink) =


[ cardstock: Bazzill; font: Avenir; ruler ribbon: Papier Valise; ink: Stampin Up; date stamp: Staples ]

Here's a couple things that ran through my mind as I was putting this page together:

1. Use journaling as a chance to speak to your audience. In my case my audience is often Simon. I write as if I was talking with him, telling him the story. This is real language and more personal.

2. Remember that there are lots of different ways to get words onto a page: handwriting, type, stamping, letter stickers, typewriter, etc.

3. Don't forget a date. Man, this is such an easy thing to forget. I scanned this layout in before realizing it was missing the date. Depending on the story I am telling I may include that date I wrote the jouranling as well as the dates for the photos (in this case they were the same).

4. Maybe my next ten layouts will be as simple as this and maybe not. Bringing yourself back to these basics for a bit and then moving forward gives you perspective once again. So worth the effort.


Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments this week. It has been cool to delve deeper into the real heart of scrapbooking. Going through the process of gathering all the content has solidified my belief in the power of words + photos. They are what truly matter to me in the long run.

There is also something very powerful about the process of creativity. I was reminded this week that there are so many different ways to be creative.

Focusing energy on words + photos is a creative act. My creativity comes into play big time when I take photos (setting up the shot, following the emotion, capturing moments that otherwise go by in an instant) and when I sit down to write the story.

Again, thanks you for your interest and time this week!


[ The full words + photos series can be found here: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday. ]

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85 thoughts

  1. Sharna says…

    This was an awesome series Ali! Thanks for taking the time to share it with the world. I really appreciate that. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!!

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  2. Helene says…

    thanks for this week; I'm surely going to make a try on this WE challenge, I have made several or them, this is so inspiring, and hlps me think "out of the box" !
    smiles, Helen

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. HeidiG says…

    I have sooo enjoyed this week's blog! I always learn so much from you - whether by reading your blog or books, you seem to put everything into perspective and make it that much easier to put into words what I really want to say on my pages. Thanks so much Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Diana says…

    I really enjoyed this week. Thanks for sharing so many fantastic things with all of us. Happy Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Stephanie Shepherd says…

    I have thoroughly enjoyed this little series! :) I know this is a lot of work on your part, but I have very much appreciated it and hope to see more as they fit in your life as scrapper, mama and wife. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. sue says…

    Awesome series Ali! Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. sue Treiber says…

    great series, Ali. You are the best at photos + words.
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. HeatherC says…

    ALi -
    I really enjoyed this week's feature. Really made me think about my stories and I do not think I write enough --- made me want to rethink how I scrap -- am I telling the most important stories for my children and grandchildren to read in the future>> When you think about it, it is a way to leave your voice behind for future generations. Thank you! HeatherC

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Susan Bowers says…

    Ali, I took your photos + words and basically simplified. I've gotten 5 layouts done so far this week - No! I got five stories told and photos scrapped! Thanks for the 'simple' push. I've posted them on my blog (many are scraplifts of YOURS!!!) at
    Blessings to you

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Molly says…

    This story is so touching. Without the words so much would be lost; the photo adds to the emotion. Paul Rand said "A work of art is realized when form and content are indistinguishable." This surely qualifies.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Marge says…

    Thank you, Ali, for such a great week! You have definitely inspired me (again!), and I have some great ideas. Happy Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lourdes says…

    Hi Ali,
    Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed this series. I haven't commented before but I have been taking notes, jotting down ideas and being very thoughtful of the stories I want to say when I have taken pictures this week.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Amanda says…

    Thanks for the super coolness this week. I am so inspired to do more with "our story" particularly using more words and thinking about the reader. Thanks!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jenny A. says…

    Thank you Ali! What a very powerful and inspirational week you have provided us (again). I would love for you to do this more!!! Happy Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. emily says…

    I always love how you show new products but I'm really loving this words + photos approach. I've been using the stuff I have on hand (which is way too much), and I've been really just focusing on telling the story, and making lists of those stories I want to tell. This weekend I am working on telling the story of my husband and I before we had our twins. We had 10 years before them and when I look in our scrapbooks it's as if our life started when we had the babies-which it kind of did. But still our story is pretty cool too. Happy Mother's day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Jenn says…

    Thanks, Ali, for all of the posts this week. I have really enjoyed reading each one and am hoping I can take some time this weekend to create a words+photo page. It is amazing how much words+photos can bring to a page! I want to simplify my life+simplify my scrapbooking. This was such a great boost for me to do that!

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  17. Sarah says…

    Loving these ideas! What wide format printer do you have for 12x12 layouts? I'm sure you've mentioned it before but I looked around and couldn't find it...

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Katie Lee says…

    A big THANK YOU for all the blog posts this week on words + photos. It really reminds me of the real PURPOSE of scrapbooking. I loved it. Happy Mother's Day,

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Loree says…

      Just do me a favor and keep writing such treachnnt analyses, OK?

  19. Sue says…

    Ali, I look forward to looking at your blog every day. You are truly an inspiration. Thanks for sharing:) Sue

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Mary Jo says…

    Thank you for sharing this week!
    I have been a huge fan of your work since I stumbled across 2p's back in 2004.
    You never fail to inspire :0)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. alyssa says…

    Really enjoyed the series, Ali, and I know it's something I'll refer to and think about for quite awhile to come.
    Like lots of other people, this has really sparked my creativity this week. Creating is such a different experience when I ask myself whether I have "time to share my story" as compared to "time to scrapbook". It sounds like such a no brainer, but it really shifted my thinking. Thanks so much!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Julie Mitchell from Canada says…

    I followed your Words + Photos with great interest. Thank you for reminding us about going back to the basics.
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. O says…

    I haven't thanked you yet for all the thought and work that went into your blog this week. All of it, for us, for our creative hearts. Thanks Ali...your insight is priceless and so very appreciated. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Stephanie says…

    LOVED what you did this week!
    And for the printing part...have you ever printed photos on Avery Printable cotton and used them on a layout?
    Great texture and so fun to work with!
    Definitely give it a try....I did a whole layout on it digitally, sewed it to cardstock and then added traditional elements on top and I loved the end result. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal) says…

    Thank you so much for all the work you put into writing the detailed daily words+pictures tips!
    This was a very inspirational week..

    Reply 0 Replies

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