Three Things : Lines (and a Designer Digitals giveaway)


One of the easiest ways I have found to add journaling to my projects is to incorporate products that include lines just waiting for words. They invite words.

[ Or I can always just pull out the pen + ruler and get those lines on there myself. Whatever is least complicated at the moment tends to be my choice. ]

Here's a look at some of my favorite products that showcase the simple beauty of lines:

Karen Russell Narratives Scalloped Lined Paper : Probably one of my all time favorite lined papers (next to the old Making Memories Ledger paper). I love that bit of scallop around the edge.

Technique Tuesday's Storyteller's Ledger Stamp : A great stamp for jotting down information and telling bits of a story on layouts, cards, minibooks, etc. Completely versatile.

Luxe Simple Lined Double-Sided Paper : Quickly becoming a favorite, this lined paper is a part of Luxe's Simply Luxe line (essentially lines + dots). Check out the grid, ledger, and pinstriped verisions as well.

Mug Memo Notebook from Fishs Eddy : This mug inspired the line theme this week. Such a happy mug. And watch out for lots of other cool things in this shop. Check out the other memo/line-inspired mugs and trays here.


In addition to Three Things today I am exicted to offer a giveaway of my first collection of layered templates and brushes from Designer Digitals. Leave a comment below with your favorite tip for getting words down on your projects (and not leaving them blank for a "someday-down-the-road-I-will-add-the-journaling"). A winner will be drawn at 5pm Pacific on Wednesday.


[ Three Things is a weekly product series : check out the archives here. ]

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682 thoughts

  1. Lisa says…

    before I am "allowed" to take the page downstairs to show off, I have to put the journaling on...

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  2. Sherry Mescher says…

    Write down life as it happens. It makes journaling on layouts much easier. Mini notebooks tucked everywhere.

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  3. jan says…

    i write down whatever i can, even if it doesn't make sense. i realized i long time ago that i'm no great orator. sometimes just words and half phrases are enough to get my meaning across.

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  4. Carla Lautner says…

    I always knew that handwriting was an important way to journal. But you know how that goes.
    I recently just lost my father unexpectedly.. I now know, that handwriting is so important. So these days i'm trying really hard to know that it's okay that it doesn't look perfect.

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  5. Melanie says…

    I just try not to forget the power of words. There are so many details, senses and ideas that can be forgotten about a moment if it isn't written down.
    I also keep a Word file on my computer with a bunch of quotes I find along the way. Makes it easy to add to a layout or even a handmade card.

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  6. Nancy says…

    Keep it short. Short can be pretty good.
    I keep a basket of small label stickers around, there is always one (or two or three) that will fit the layout, and on whick I can scribble my words.
    If I think of more to say later on, I write it on the back of the layout and add a label or just writing on the layout that says "look at the back" or "please turn".

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  7. Laura Zato says…

    I save unique clothing labels in a cup on my daughter's changing table and will jot things down quickly on the labels and then use them later on my pages... They make great embellishments!

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  8. Jessica says…

    I'm often hampered by trying to get things 'perfect' so I take too long to journal because I just don't know what to say. I still go back and look at my old layouts and wish I'd done them differently. However, my favorites are the ones where I handwrite around the pictures the thoughts that I have without over thinking it. For vacations and important events that I know I won't be able to scrap for a while, I write down my thoughts and the details of the event(s) so that I will remember later. I'd like to start doing that more often - to keep a running journal or diary that I can reference when I'm scrapbooking.

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  9. christy Kennedy says…

    fantastic tips. I am so much better about journaling when I let the picture tell the story and add a few words of my own-- much better at it with digi lo. Thanks for the give away!!

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  10. suzielyons says…

    I carry a notebook in the car that's always open that I write down things i want to remember... quotes from the kids, etc and then I use my notebook as a starting point for layouts.

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  11. Marlene says…

    I leave a small notebook in my car and another one on my nightstand. This way I can get important thoughts down before bed or when I am in traffic. It's amazing how easily the words flow when I am traffic.

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  12. June Goh says…

    I try to record on my blog our daily happenings else I have a notbook close at hand for those out of the blue words that my son starts speaking.

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  13. Dawn S. says…

    I like to jot down thoughts, comments & conversations either in the moment or as they enter my mind. I keep a special notebook just for this very reason. That way, when I finally finish the layout the journaling is essentially done for me!

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  14. scrappeach says…

    Post-it-notes! I carry two sizes with me wherever I go. Whenever I think of things I want to say, I write them down on the post-it notes along with the date. When I'm cleaning out my handbag (or before, if I remember), I find the notes and put them in a 12x12 folder that holds pictures, paper and embellishments. When I find pictures to go with the words or paper or whatever, I add them to the notes. Once I have it all together, I'm ready to scrap!

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  15. Monda says…

    Always, always, always (did I say always?) jot down the detail/quote as soon as is possible without interrupting the moment. It's a fine line between making a note with enough detail to spark the journaling later, and interrupting the emotion of the present by taking note. The latter results in others feeling that they are merely subjects in your narrative rather that the core of your life.

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  16. Nicky says…

    Most of the time I journal long before I make my layout. My kids will say something funny, or I'll start thinking and type out a paragraph or list (or whatever) right then. I save it and later- sometimes a year later or more- I go back in and read it... then I find photos and use the journaling.
    I'm purely digital now (with a half a room of paper supplies getting dusty), but when I did paper scrapping I would do the same thing- except I'd format the journaling and print it out on white cardstock. Then when I'm inspired to scrapbook, I'd pull out my sheets of ready made journaling and cut them apart and use them. Those are some of my best pages!

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  17. kathryn says…

    I like to use tag and journaling spots for journaling. I find it easier to jot my thoughts down on something small that way it isn't so overwhelming.

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  18. Joyce says…

    I always keep a notebook with me. When I have time, usually when I am waiting for my kids at their afterschool activities, I write.
    I also keep a calendar to write down quick things the kids say, or tidbits and thoughts about the day. Since the date boxes aren't that big, I don't feel like I have to write down much, but at least I am able to keep track of what day things happen. The calendar has pockets too, so I can also stick things in it, like small pictures the kids draw or other records.

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  19. Angie says…

    So that I don't forget what I want to write (by the time I get around to scrapping), I typically type what I want to say about certain photos and then print it out later in a way that fits my layout.

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  20. Kelly Libby says…

    Welcome back.
    I write notes and daily journaling on the back of whatever is in my purse or handy druing the day; the back of my starbuck's cup holder, on the margins of the bus schedule, receipts, tickets, etc. and I stick them in my layouts whenever I'm ready to create that particular page. I have a little pile in a drawer with the date and I just go through and pick the one I want/need. I like journaling on the day the event/moment actually happened opposed to going back to write later. I think the thoughts of the moment are real, true and haven't been processed nor analyzed. They are my words at that moment. It's added a fun element to my scrapbooks because not only am I journaling and getting my thoughts on paper, that day, but I am added some personal pieces of me and my everyday life into my art. And isn't that what your story should really be??

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  21. Becky says…

    I basically just don't let myself put on the page protector until I've added at least some journaling. It's still hard though - mainly because I really don't like my handwriting!
    :) Becky

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  22. LisaZ says…

    I always leave room for journaling. Whether it be handwritten or a space where I can print on a piece of cardstock for later. I love to use my Autumn Leaves stamps for just the right journaling spot.
    I've recently started a blog to keep track of little daily things that go on. I find that sometimes I can't always remember the day to day things that went on- just the events.

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  23. Kimberlee says…

    It's hard for me to get all of my journaling down because I always have too much to say. (eek!) Working digitally is easier for me to get the words on the page, but I still don't like all of the clutter, so I'm brainstorming other ways to add journaling without making pages look messy.
    Can't wait to see your new stuff.

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  24. Karen says…

    I hate my handwriting but I just always jot it down on anything I can add later....that way if I make a mistake I can just redo it!!

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  25. Karen says…

    I hate my handwriting but I just always jot it down on anything I can add later....that way if I make a mistake I can just redo it!!

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