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Friday : Random Thoughts

Happy Halloween!

Simon has been home this entire week with a fever so we will probably be laying low tonight. The plan is to have him put on his costume (Darth Vader of course) and answer the door, give out candy, and maybe visit a couple neighbors if he is feeling up to it.

I will be carving my pumpkins this morning and plan to use some of those tips from you guys on using the drill to create the holes.

A few months back I posted about the Nie Benefit for the Nielson family. I came across a link to a more comprehensive story from the Arizona Republic. It is quite a read: life, sisters, grief, hope, family, etc. If you would like to help the family go here.

If you are local we are doing a Come Play event on Saturday and a craft/scrapbooking sale on Sunday at Jill's from noon to 5pm. For more information go here.

Last night I heard about a cool program called Sunshine Albums for Children. Here's a bit of info: "The Sunshine Albums Project is a wonderful opportunity to create an
album for a child who is in the hospital facing illness. Many of the
children in hospitals are there for cancer treatment. The albums are a
way for the children and their families to document their journeys to
wellness." What they are looking for are photo and journal ready minibooks no smaller than 4x4 and no larger than 8x8. You can read more about it and how to donate on Deb's blog.

So excited to see the December Daily 2008 Flickr Group filling up with photos. Very inspiring. I especially love how people are using what they have and just going for it.

I hope you all have a safe evening tonight and a wonderful, creative weekend.

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31 thoughts

  1. Suzanne says…

    you're going to love the effect of the "holey pumpkins" - we did ours a couple of nights ago and they turned out awesome!! lots of little holes (hubby used a small drill bit) randomly all over - very cool!!
    hope Simon is feeling better soon!
    happy halloween!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Carolyn says…

    Sorry to hear Simon isn't feeling well. One year I was ill when I was about 7 or 8 and one of my cousins went trick or treating for me because I had to stay home and was sad. Hopefully Simon can at least have some fun giving out candy :)
    I joined the December Daily 2008 flickr group, looking forward to completing this project for the first time without freaking out about having my album be perfect before I start the holiday season :)
    Thanks for always being so inspiring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Nicky Anderson says…

    Hope that Simon is feeling better, nothing worse when they are sick. I am sure that he will still have fun dressing up!!! So excited about the xmas book, gathered all my stuff together last night - so close to having it ready.
    Have a safe and happy Halloween.
    Nicky from Canada

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  4. Stephanie S. says…

    Feel better Simon! I so wish I could sign up for the fun classes this weekend but it would be a bit of a commute from VA. Will be working on my December Daily this weekend!

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  5. Catherine at Design Editor says…

    Happy Halloween! I just posted a photo of pumpkins I did last year with a drill:

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. iHanna says…

    Happy Halloween, hope Simon gets well sone. Thanks for being such an inspiration Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Linn says…

    Happy Halloween! I'll have to get onto that flickr group and post my book...although I'm thinking of making a new one and giving my first one away as a gift!

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  8. Pam says…

    Sorry to hear that Simon won't be up to trick or treating tonight. He'll have fun being in costume and handing out the candy.
    Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Amy Curran says…

    Happy Halloween! What a great idea for scrapbook lovers.

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  10. Kendra says…

    Awwww, hope you feel better soon, buddy! I was sick on Halloween FOUR years in a row in grade school. Missed the costume parade, etc., and my mom also let me dress up in my costume and hand out candy. Hope the great pumpkin leaves him so special treats!

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  11. Angela W says…

    Poor Simon. I hope he feels better soon, and gets to visit a few neighbors.

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  12. Sara says…

    Poor Simon, what a bummer to be sick on Halloween night. It's raining here so not sure what we will be doing. We may tough it out. Maybe the GREAT PUMPKIN will visit our home while the kids are napping...
    Happy Halloween Ali!

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  13. Anne Alley says…

    I hope Simon feels better! What a drag, to be sick on Halloween :(

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  14. young c-m says…

    Sorry to hear Simon isn't feeling well - hope he feels better soon!

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  15. Erin B says…

    Thanks for mentioning the AZ Republic article. I read it the other day (I'm in AZ) and it brought me to tears. The sunshine albums are another great cause I knew about, but had forgotten.

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  16. Donna says…

    Just wanted to tell you thanks for taking the time to post everything that you do. I'm sure you hear this all of the time, but you you are so inspiring! Happy Halloween!

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  17. Paola Norman says…

    Oh so sorry to hear that Simon is not feeling well poor little guy..
    I hope he gets to visit some neighbours.
    May the force be with him.
    Happy Halloween.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Casey says…

    Just had to comment because my daughter has been home sick with a fever all week, too! We're hoping to get to at least a few houses tonight! I've been working on my album and hope to get some pictures soon. I've decided to only use things I have or make this year - no new product! We'll see how that goes...

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  19. Lynn says…

    Have fun at Come Play! Wish I could come again! I will be in Eugene but standing out in the pouring rain watching a xc meet!

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  20. Kaila Acker says…

    Happy Halloween!!! Hope Simon is feeling better soon! Thanks for always sharing your great ideas.
    I had one quick question. Where did you find he glass beads that you used on the front of you Halloween 2007 album and do they come in other colors? I have a realy fun idea for them, but need to find them first!
    Thanks! Enjoy your weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Lisa says…

    Simon, turn from the dark side and feel better soon :) Seriously, I hope he feels well enough to enjoy a little fun tonight.
    I've been keeping up with the Nielsons since I heard about the accident. What an amazing family! And I mean the whole family... Christian's side of the family and Nie's side. Many praises for Stephanie's progress so far. I know she has a long road ahead of her, but the progress she has already made is amazing. I can't wait to hear when she gets to snuggle her babies again.
    TFS the Sunshine albums too. I had heard of them, but didn't know what they were. Neat idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Katie says…

    What a bummer for Simon to be under the weather. And such fine weather it is too, ugh!
    I am so stoked to dig into my stash and put together a December Daily! Thanks for the inspiration.
    Wish I could afford to "Come Play" but alas the budget is tight. *sigh*
    I have been keeping tabs on NieNie through her sisters blog: / What an amazing and sad story.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Meka says…

    Thanks so much for mentioning the Sunshine Albums for Children program. It sounds like a great way to share the joy of scrapbooking, and give back at the same time. I'm off to follow your link and see what it's all about.

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  24. Deanna says…

    Hopefully Simon will feel better soon! My boys enjoy passing out the candy rather than Trick or treating!
    I also read the AZ article the other day {WOW}, what a well written article. It made me cry. I have been following her dialogs too (Nienie dialogs) for a little while too and reading them has made me want to be a better mother and wife. I highly recommend reading her blog ;)

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  25. MiaS says…

    I hope Simon feel better so he can go out for a short trick or treat! I was planning to cut a pumpkin, the tradition is sort of new in Sweden, but my mother in law thaught it would bee nice to grill it. It tasted yummie so I'm not to sad!!!

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