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Happy New Year

I wanted to take a quick minute today to wish you all a Happy New Year

My wonderfully awesome crazy crew and I had fun taking this shot right around midnight on New Year's Eve. We set up the camera and grabbed some of those fun party poppers and took a couple shots with the timer. I'm so glad we did. I love these guys so much and I can't imagine a better photo to complete 2015. 

I'm in the process of organizing a One Little Word® list to share with you this week taken from this post. I'm hoping that Liz Lamoreux will read the list of words again for us as she has the last few years so I'm waiting to hear back from her. The classroom and Facebook group for One Little Word® are buzzing and so fun to begin the year together with our words. 

Today I'm in the office cleaning up and getting excited to have Katie back here tomorrow. She'll be working here at my house a couple of days a week and then working from her own house on the other days. 

Today I'm also printing photos for Project Life® because that's what I feel most excited about right now. I'm working on getting photos into my 2015 albums and starting my 2016 album and thinking through my approach. I'm also getting ready to launch my new Storytelling With Project Life® (used with permission) workshop - look for more details on that later this week. The workshop will begin later this month and will run for 4 weeks and be similar in scope to my Storytelling With December Daily® workshop: a look back at my past albums, lessons learned, thoughts on the process, and specific storytelling ideas. 

Katie & Peter & Graham & Aaron and I are also getting ready to head to CHA this coming weekend (the big Craft & Hobby Trade Show). If you are going make sure to come by the Studio Calico booth - I'll be there on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing so many friends again and meeting new ones. 

I wish you all the best this year. 

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36 thoughts

  1. SuzMannecke says…

    Happy New Year Ali! What a great and memorable photo! Have fun at CHA! I will not be attending this year but will look forward to seeing your posts and Instagram feed from there! :) Safe travels to you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. CristinaC says…

    What an awesome photo! :) Happy New Year! I'm excited to see what this year brings!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. clickclick says…

    Great photo, Ali! Do share - what is the amazing wooden(?) thing on rollers? Is it a Library Cart? Pretty sure that needs to be in my home.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It is some kind of old metal cart that I bought at an antique fair a few years ago. I use it for books but it's actually deeper - made for something else originally. It is ridiculously heavy.

  4. jemi says…

    I had to laugh at "took a couple shots". Hope so. Happy New Year. (Love Anna's boots with her girly dress.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mtercha says…

    Awesome photo! You guys look like you're having the best time. Wishing you and your crew much happiness, and good health, in this new year. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jnstclff says…

    Happy New Year Ali, will you be adding any '2016 'digital products to the shop in the near future like you have in the past? Here's hoping!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep! They are on my desk right now.

    2. Jnstclff says…

      Fab! Just kicking off my 2016 Project Life, knew I could rely on you! Thank you.

  7. PoochPatrol says…

    Happy New Year! Thanks for inspiring me to document my life. You've helped me appreciate the beauty in even the mundane. Thank you. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. birdnscrap says…

      You took the words right out of my, uh, keyboard!
      Thanks, Ali!!

  8. claraogren says…

    Happy New Year Ali + All!! This picture is Awe. Some. Y'all look so happy in that photo!!

    OMG, I'm SO EXCITED to read about Storytelling With Project Life!! I'm not even gonna lie, I just fist pumped!! I'm ALL over that!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. spagirl says…

    Happy New Year Ali!! What a fun family photo!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. michelezh says…

    Such a an awesome photo Ali! Happy to new year to you and your crew. Wishing you all the love this coming year:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. kalibetsy says…

    Happy New Year to you and yours! So excited to have another new class from you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. broniors says…

    Happy New Year!! I am super excited about your Project Life workshop.

    I have been working on finishing my 2015 album and hope to bring some better practices from what i have learnt in the December Daily course. So this is wonderfully timed. Can't wait.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. minimd12 says…

    Awesome! Such a fun family photo! Love that Katie is babywearing. All signed up for OLW and looking forward to another year of inspiration. I live in SoCal just a few minutes away from CHA and I've never been. I heard its moving next year. Any ideas on how I could get in to Anaheim this year? =)

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. abbypimentel says…

      Yeah, I was wondering about CHA, too! I live about an hour away and would LOVE to go - is it just for vendors??

    2. abbypimentel says…

      Yeah! I would love to go to CHA since I only live an hour away - is it just for vendors??

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Hey! Yes - it's just for sellers & buyers who sell :).

  14. lime says…

    Love the fun and excitement you captured! Such a great idea for a photo. Wishing you and yours a good and happy 2016!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. iscrapjohnson says…

    I am excited to for the Project Life Storytelling. I have been on the fence with Project Life and this year I have an approach that I hope will work. Like the idea of having a support team other than Facebook. Love the private classroom idea. Thanks for all your inspiration. Have fun at CHA - looking forward to seeing what is new for 2016. ~Ann

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. lidohdee says…

    Way too excited about the news you shared about Storytelling with Project Life! Can't wait to are such an inspiration. And that picture is the best! I always always leave your blog or process video with a smile on my face. You are one of my best "cheerleaders" as in #GoDebGo...thanks so much for all you share with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. stkong7 says…

    Happy New Year Ali! I'm so looking forward to the storytelling class with Project Life. Thank you for your inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. kre8tivekate says…

    Totes lovin' on Anna's snow boots and sundress-that's how I roll, too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. happytoscrap says…

    Happy new year! I signed up for the one little word Facebook page. And have not been approved, any chance it will be approved soon? I have purchased your class.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Customer Service is working their way through the approvals today. Thanks for your patience!

  20. virginiegoujon says…

    What an awesome picture of an awesome and crazy crew! Happy New Year everyone!
    Love Anna's outfit: snow-boots + sundress = rad!

    Please say HI to Aaron and Katie

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Ljoque says…

    Still trying to decide on 12 X 12 or 6x8 for PL this year. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by choices in kit for the small cards.

    Ali, have you decided what size album you're doing for PL 2016 yet?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm sticking with 12x12. As I've gone through and printed photos for 2015 I still just love the size - it's the right fit for the amount of photos I take.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Are you talking about the cards from the "official" PL kits? I feel that way too - Katie and I split them up to make the quantity less (that said we also include products from other smaller kits like my Story Kits too). Maybe going through and removing the ones you know you won't use would be helpful to you?

    3. Ljoque says…

      Definitely the kits. I too want to include some from my studio calico and your story kits. I feel overwhelmed as to how to approach that. I tried getting rid of the cards I definitely didn't like in the PL kit, but still have too many.

  22. shannon80 says…

    Love this photo

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. lindakaydb says…

    So glad to hear that you are doing a story telling with project life class! After working through your Story Telling with December Daily, I decided to record a story and have a picture for each day this year. I am being flexible about the photos -- they don't have to match the story or even be made on the exact day. I am using the Project Life app on my phone at this time. I may or may not get it printed -- haven't decided yet. But, just having all those little stories that I can put together in scrapbook pages or print as a project life book is terrific. In fact, just thinking about a story for each day helps me to appreciate my day as it moves along.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. RuthieB says…

    HI Ali! Happy New Year!
    Speaking to Project Life ... would love to see more of your weekly PL layouts on your blog, as you did with your DD posts. You always share such inspiration and fun! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. deedee58 says…

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

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