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Translating, Gratitude, + Digital Layout Prints.


[ As seen in Creating Keepsakes magazine : Supplies : Andrea Victoria Autumn Crush Patterned Paper; Katie Pertiet Notebook Paper Pack; Ali Edwards Layered Template #15 ]

Today I want to write a bit about the idea of translation.

In my creative work (and in lots of other parts of my life) I often think of myself as a translator. For me, translating is taking in information/content/daily life/inspiration and then expressing it in my own creative language through scrapbooking. Each of us has our own personal creative language; our own way of seeing and expressing the stories and experiences of our lives.

Translation also relates to how we view the creative work of others. When looking through magazines or online, I take in so many different ideas - a bit of this + a piece of that + how cool that they did that with those embellishments - and then translate those themes, ideas, concepts into my own creative language. Just because I have a boy doesn't mean I only look for boy pages; I look to the overall design or the clever way an embellishment was used or a cool use of type.

I love looking at all kinds of things for inspiration. I love seeing the ways in which people create with and without a lot of products. I love seeing how people tell their stories and how they express their existence through the pages they create.

The digital layout above is one of those pages that is easily translated into either a paper or digital scrapbook page. I originally created it with paper back in 2004 and then used that design as the basis for the template. Here's a look at the original that I think I created for the Two Peas in a Bucket Creating Garden:


Here's a look at other examples of this template in action from the Designer Digitals gallery. Each person took the template and translated it using their own creative language. They made the template work for them and the story they were telling. Click on the names below for links to the specific pages and larger versions of the layouts:



If you normally look at the design of a project/layout why not try focusing on the theme/subject. Or if the subject is usually what draws you in, make an effort to look closer at the design. What can you take away from what you are seeing and translate into your own creative language?

Remember, we each have our own unique creative language. Working with digital templates, using a previous foundation design we created (what I call not reinventing the wheel), or "scraplifting" (being inspired by the design of someone's layout and using that as the basis for your own) are all simply different ways to begin the process of creativity. I also think they are each a great way to gain confidence in your creative choices.

What can you translate today?


Another thing I wanted to share with you today is in response to a couple questions I recently received regarding how I deal with and store my digital layouts. This is a shot of some recent 12x12 layouts I had printed at (I don't print these at home) laid out on the dining room table:


And in the album:


My digital layouts go right into my 3-ring albums along with my paper pages. Just as I love the mixture of sizes in my albums, I love the mixture of traditional and digital pages. They all go together because they are all our stories, documentation of our existence and the lives we are living.


For more on digital & hybrid scrapbooking check out some recent tutorials here.

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43 thoughts

  1. rosa m. neno says…

    good morning from nj.....i loved the pages you showed this morning, and the templates are really useful to me; i have many photos left to scrap from last christmas, and i think it will really help! i love how your layouts have clear crisp lines!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Tracy says…

    I just want to really stress: PRINT YOUR DIGITAL LAYOUTS! It is so worth it to hold them in your hands. I am doing the same as you, placing them in albums alongside my paper layouts--although those are quickly becoming a thing of the past :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jenny says…

    Great LOs and inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Maureen says…

    I love seeing the actual how of what you do. It's also fascinating to see others' use of your layouts - so inspiring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. anna aspnes says…

    YES! I'm a huge advocate of printing your digital pages and mixing them in with paper. It's so easy to for them to get left on your harddrive. Great post Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. sheila c. titcombe says…

    Hi Ali
    This may be a really stupid question but ... I love the digital sheets you create but how do you transfer these to use in a normal scrapbook? How do they download when you only have an A4 size printer?
    I am totally excited by the way you create your pages but digital ... I haven't got a clue.
    Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. stacie says…

    I know you have told us a million times over but i can't figure out how to find it quickly in the archives...what sort of 12x12 binder do you keep your masterpieces in?

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. amber says…

    Hey Ali, I'm a huge fan and hope to one take a class from you. You're layouts are beautiful, clean and not overly complicated...just my style. My question though has nothing to do with's about light sabers since you write about them frequently. I was wondering if the light sabers Simon plays with light up and if so where did you all find them?

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Ali says…

    Amber - we opt for the non-light up/non-noise versions :). They are the least expensive and work just fine. We have gotten most of them at Target.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Melissa LaFavers says…

    I really love the concept of translation, the language and vernacular we all use to interpret what we see into our own creative pursuits. Really a new way to think about it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Nicky Anderson says…

    Thanks Ali, this layout is great. I am loving the digital scrapping now that I have photoshop elements. It just takes it to a different level for me.
    Just got your december layouts and some other templates!!
    Loving it.
    Have a great day.
    Nicky from Canada
    PS - saw you on facebook - pretty cool

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Ali says…

    Stacie - check out this link for more info on the albums: /2008/03/anatomy-of-an-a.html

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Abby P. says…

    Hi Ali, love your layouts - all of them! Question: what kind of paper does print 12x12's on? I have lots of digital 12x12's waiting to be printed but can't find 12x12 photo paper!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jodi says…

    I would love to get into digital---but curious how do you print them? Do you have a printer that allows you to print the 12x12 pages?! Would love a post on a quick "how to" on digital scrapbooking--and the printing part of it too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Amy says…

    They print it on regular photo paper and you can get them matte (looks the best I think with the 12x12 page) glossy or metallic finish, They really are great quality. They come to you 12x12.
    If you were to print at home with a large format, I think you need to buy larger paper and cut it down.
    I totally recommend The quality is great and the shipping is only $2 no matter how much you order.
    I ordered over 1000 prints(all differnet sizes and the order came in 3 different boxes) last summer and it only cost me $2 shipping!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Janaina says…

    can we do this template in 8 1/2 x11
    to print?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Amazons says…

      As always, thank you for your inspiration. I love how you freely share with us. After reading your posts I want to dive right into a project!


  17. Tiffany @ Snapshots of Life says…

    I love these tips! I just started digital in last week...and appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Ali says…

    Hey Jodi - I don't print these pages at home. I upload them to You can check out some tutorials I have done on digital scrapbooking here: /hybriddigital-scrapbookin.html

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. {vicki} says…

    I would be thankful too if my husabnd did the dishes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Anne Alley says…

    Thanks for the thoughts this morning; I've been in such a rut lately, and I needed a new way of approaching my projects.
    And thanks for the digital tips, they are always helpful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. HeatherC says…

    I often print my 12x12 pages in an 8x8 format -- but print on an 8x10 (then I just trim the sides) and can print at my local Walgreens or WalMart and then keep in an 8x8 book.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Peggy says…

    I bought this template last weekend (during the big sale) and created my very first digital page with it. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Marianne says…

    It's funny that this should be the topic today. This is how I translated my gratitude yesterday =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. molly says…

    I like this post, and I can see that it's true. Just as a musician or vocalist interprets a melody or lyric -- in your work you do the same, "translating" your emotions to the page. It's the element that distinguishes one artist from another. I think we all strive toward that point of development and can only get there through doing MORE in whatever discipline we may choose.
    Such happy pages! Have a great day, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Margarita says…

    I am getting into Digital Scrapbooking now - I have never done paper scrapbooking - but I would like to do a little bit of paper later. (I guess I am doing things "backwards" but I am a graphics designer and I am more comfortable using Photoshop than cutting paper!)
    I am glad you mentioned you mixed both techniques in the same book, I was thinking about doing that too but wasn't sure.

    Reply 0 Replies

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