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Right now.


1. Filling the house with fresh flowers.

2. Excited that my Mom arrived yesterday and will be here with us for the next couple of weeks.

3. Watching Simon work-through his homework. Going through the routine of protest, silliness, more protest, and finally settling into concentration and then triumph & celebration at the end. 

4. Reading voraciously. Started and finished Girl with a Pearl Earring
in a couple nights. Starting World Without End

5. About half-way through creating a "reflections" book for the first few weeks/month with the new baby. Planning to share images from that project on Monday unless she comes before then. I am using some older pink Anna Griffin patterned papers that I have been holding on to for something special. 

6. Our bags for the hospital are packed and ready to go with comfortable clothes and a couple sweet things for the baby.

7. Feeling calm about my choice to have a repeat c-section.

8. Hoping to finish up our taxes today. Would love to have that done and out the door before the baby comes. 

9. Trying to remember what it's really like caring for a newborn. Reading up a bit on baby care and hoping it will all come back to me (or I will relearn). I would love to read some of your favorite tips for those first few weeks if you have them (I am all good with the "sleep when the baby sleeps" mantra).

10. Simply excited beyond measure to hold this new bundle and welcome her into our lives.


It's all pretty surreal right now.

I have been thinking a lot about the three of us and the family unit we have been for the past seven years. For many of those years I was pretty sure that Simon would be our one and only. Now, with another one coming so very soon, I have been reflecting a bunch and hugging Simon just that much tighter and longer.

I am a different person in lots of ways compared to who I was when Simon was born. Many, many things have impacted me tremendously over the past seven years. I am looking forward to meeting myself in this new role. I will be gentle with myself. I will seek help when I need it. I will savor and celebrate as many moments as I can.

Looking back and looking ahead and being in the right here, right now.

Things are about to change big time once again.

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446 thoughts

  1. Sue in Indy says…

    I will all come back to you, and you will be a terrific mom! You will enjoy having a girl, and marvel at how different girls and boys really are.
    I had a repeat C-section too, and it was so much better than the 1st one.
    Best of luck to you and the family when the time comes!

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  2. Susi from Germany says…

    My favorite tip: Do not listen to any advice (unless you ASKED for it, of course), have it your way!
    A friend of mine taped a contract in her entrance hall which said "Any advice on babies is prohibited." Every guest had to sign it. LOL. She was SO fed up by everybody telling her to do it this way and that way!

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  3. Lycia says…

    Wishing you all the best as you enter this new chapter of life!

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  4. sue says…

    It sounds like you don't need any advice. You pretty much know that it will be a time of extreme busy-ness with another little one to care for. If you can rest when she rests, you will be better off for it. The only other thing I can suggest is that you make up several meals to put in your freezer that you can just pop in the oven for a quick meal, it'll make your life a bit easier on those really hectic day.
    Take care and I'm praying for a safe delivery for you and the little one.

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  5. Expat says…

    What a lucky little girl to have you and your family waiting to meet her. Best wishes for a smooth arrival. Very exciting times! Now, go get those taxes done so you can really relax and enjoy things!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Tara says…

    I have 11 weeks until my repeat c-section, and your post filled me with emotions as I too am hugging my son that extra bit tighter and longer. I am nervous to see how he'll react being the centre of my world the last 7 years and now there's a whole new person joining us. He's so excited to meet his little brother. I remember that feeling too when I met my sister when I was 7. Such big changes coming...
    I wish you and your family well... here's to new life and a speedy recovery. Enjoy your new daughter.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Tara says…

    I have 11 weeks until my repeat c-section, and your post filled me with emotions as I too am hugging my son that extra bit tighter and longer. I am nervous to see how he'll react being the centre of my world the last 7 years and now there's a whole new person joining us. He's so excited to meet his little brother. I remember that feeling too when I met my sister when I was 7. Such big changes coming...
    I wish you and your family well... here's to new life and a speedy recovery. Enjoy your new daughter.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Bonnie says…

    Reading what you wrote about coming to terms with another c-section hit home. I had make that decision for a second time when I was pregnant with my daughter. I have no regrets! I felt I needed to do what was best for her and me. What I did love is that she decided to come early. Once she is in your arms nothing on how she got there will matter. Enjoy your the next chapter of your life! It will be a full one for sure.

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  9. Anne L says…

    All the best wishes and pray for safe delivery of the new baby A. May God continue to bless you and your family as you welcome a baby sister for Simon.

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  10. Sara says…

    Ali, you seem to meet each new challenge and opportunity with courage, determination and a great spirit...that is all you need to transition from a family of 3 to 4. It is going to be so amazingly wonderful to hold this sweet baby after the years of experienced your've gained. It will also be wonderful to watch your son hold and help you with your daughter.
    As a woman who thought I'd never get to experience babies, I've been blessed beyond measure and have lived the last 20 months raising babies! It seems that baby stuff just multiplies, carrying a diaper bag everywhere again is new and fun but somewhat annoying when you haven't done it for so long (at least its cute I imagine!)
    The whole "sleep when they sleep" thing doesn't work for me and my brain. I'm too busy in my head to slow down. But my best advice is to follow your instinct b/c YOU know what is best. Others will tell you what to do or what they think is best but in reality -- only you know. ;) You are the best thing for your daughter and all she wants. Its pretty neat to be a person's only desire and to be truly the only one able to meet all needs at all times. Cherish it and build that bond.
    I'll stop writing a book now. Good luck and happy nesting.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. kristisb says…

    I don't think you need advice, either...just wanted to send my best wishes to all 4 of you. I've had 1 c-section & am anxious to see how my next little one (much later!) will enter the world. I think it's great your mom will be there to help with Simon while you're at the hospital, and help you when you get home. Such exciting times!!

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  12. Phebe says…

    Had a lucky run into your blog recently and love all that you do! Just found out that I'm expecting and we were totally taken by surprise for a few reasons. We already have 3 boys - 14, 13 & 3 and baby #4 is most welcome. Like you, I've been feeling so much more welled up with love inside for our 3 boys when I found ot about our latest addition. For many years I too thought that my first two would be my only children as I had pretty much given up on marriages due to my first failed marriage. But now, my second has brought me another 1 + + :-) I'm excitedly exploring my inner world daily and embracing our new family with much celebration in all things big and small. Congratulations to you and yours!

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  13. Kim says…

    Ali, we are all holding you close in our hearts and prayers as this "little she" comes and opens up another part of your heart. We are all so happy for your family.

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  14. maureen says…

    Such a great place for you and your family to be right now. Thanks for all that you share with us. Enjoy this special time. Hugs & prayers.

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  15. gina says…

    I don't think you really need any advice either...but here's my little experience: think now about the physical things you do well (your inner supergirl) and try to do those things when you're home with your girl, and you're tired and you're feeling a little bit like you need a pat on the back. I had a few simple work projects to get done on my "maternity leave" which helped a lot. I was able to do something familiar and which I knew I was good at, when taking care of a newborn was not my cup of tea!
    Enjoy your time with your mother, too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Tammy McClafferty says…

    My advice - go with your instincts. My kids are 5 years apart, and yes i am a much different mom to my dgt than i was to my son. more relaxed tops the list!! But even being older - i felt much more energized, calm, relaxed and even recovered quicker.... go figure!! (speaking of --that came back quicker too!!!)
    Have fun!
    Trust yourself!!
    ohhhhh - I can't wait for you!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Carrie says…

    My own due date is 6 weeks away... and I've having the same sort of feelings about my now 6 year old son and our family of three changing to four!
    I'm anxious to read people's newborn tips... it's amazing how you forget!

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  18. debra says…

    so exciting :)
    my best tip is lots of muslin wraps, babies love to be wrapped up tight and nighties so when you have to do the feed change thing especially of a night there is less screaming getting the clothes off and on and therefore not waking everyone else in the house :)
    also we did a newborn photo shoot with a photographer that specialised in newborns when my gorgeous boy was about 3-4 weeks and these photos are some of my favourites they lose that newborn sleepy angelic look so quickly and you do forget :) so even though I thought it would be great if I lost my baby belly in the end it didnt matter and I have some great memories
    all the best

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  19. Robyn says…

    Oh my goodness, I wish I was in your shoes. One thing I would definitiely recommend is Dunstan's Baby Language. It's the one thing I believe EVERY mother should be issued with on having a baby.It tells you how to identify what your baby wants by the sound it makes when it cries. This is an enormous help. Contact me if you don't find it;)

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  20. Kay Gregory-Clark says…

    Ali, I'm thinking very much about you these days & praying for a safe delivery. It sounds as if you are quite prepared! Just want to share that I have returned this week from Chicago, where I saw my new granddaughter for the first time--a preemie, the second for my son & his wife. And, she had a second C-section as well. Both mother & daughter are doing so well I cannot believe it. In fact, it's been 1 1/2 months now & she has already begun exercising. As for that little bundle...she is the most precious thing on earth! I was fortunate to get lots of rocker & holding time. Her big sister (4) is so proud & full of plans. Yes, there's some jealousy--your Simon will need lots of EXTRA hugs & playtime with you, assurance of how special he is too. Prayers blessings go with you.

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  21. kellicrowe says…

    I have so enjoyed your nesting process:) Was the Girl with the Pearl Earring wonderful?!

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  22. homedotmade says…

    Really, it does come back. I too had an easier time the second go-around than I had the first. I say a big hurrah for an 'experienced' body and a smaller baby who decided to come 3 weeks earlier.
    As we all are, I am anxiously awaiting baby girl Edwards and join in the congratulations for you all. Praying for a safe and happy delivery a healthy baby and mom at the end of it all.
    God bless you all.

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  23. kym says…

    When my daughter was born, my son was just about three years old. Although excited about her birth, I struggled with how my son would feel. I was so afraid of neglecting had been just us for three years. I struggled with how would I give him the attention he had and deserved in the past. It took a couple of long months for my guilt to subside. One thing that helped me was to have a weekly mommy and son outing. Whether it be a trip to the library,Target or the grocery store, it really helped me to get some quality time with him and it made me feel like we re-connected from the busy weeks. Plus it also gave the two of us something to look forward to.
    My advice is to take a few hours a week and make them for Simon. Leave the baby with your husband and vice versa and let him be the center of attention.
    Congratulations and enjoy scrapbooking with all the wonderful pink/girly items out there. It is such a nice change from blue!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Missy says…

    Best of Luck Ali! I am having my own repeat c-section next week, and it took me a long time to feel calm and accepting of the choice to do so. Reading your words really hit home for me because I have been doing and feeling the same way about our older daughter. She's only 2 and a half and although she is excited I can only imagine how this is going to effect her once her little brother is here. After a difficult first pregnancy and emergency c-section, we didn't think we would have any more children either. My best advice is to have lots of healthy snacks around the house, I remember being so hungry recovering from the first one and not having anything to eat in the house at 3am. Also take any help that is offered. I remember having an aunt that brought us dinner one night and it was the best thing in the world. So nice to have a home-cooked meal that I didn't have to make myself. Again big hugs to you and the rest of your family and good luck!!

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  25. marlee says…

    Ali - best of luck to you. My advice is to just live in these moments and enjoy the crazy, sleepy, wonderful early days. My youngest is turning three in April and I miss so much my newborns. I have had four c-sections - and each recovery was easier than the previous one!

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