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Simple Celebrations : 5x7 Baby Photo Books


Here's a little something new I have been working on for Designer Digitals



This is
the first of a new series of small books I am developing called SIMPLE CELEBRATIONS that work with the 5x7 soft-cover photo books available at Shutterfly.

This past weekend a baby pink version, a blue version, and a brown/neutral version became available.

You can view my pink book in the Shutterfly gallery here.

Each package includes 11 .jpg simple sentiment files that are ready to upload to Shutterfly and be added to one of their 5x7 soft-cover photo books (upload just like you would your photos).




Each package also includes the word art as separate .png files and three journal blocks (see below) so you could easily add more text if you wanted (or a space for notes to be written directly into the book after it is printed).

EDITED TO CLARIFY : The journal blocks and the separate word files (.png) can be added to the sentiment pages in a photo-editing program (such a Photoshop Elements), saved as .jpg's and then uploaded to Shutterfly to add to the book/print. 

AE_SimpleCelebrationsBabyBookINCLUDES_PREV AE_SimpleCelebrationsBabyBookINCLUDESjournal_PREV

PLEASE NOTE : Make sure that you turn off vivid pics before printing through Shutterfly otherwise you will get less than desirable results with the colors.

In addition, Shutterfly is currently running a promotion on photo books: End of Summer Photo Book Sale: 20% Off Photo Books. See site for more details. Offer Valid from August 08.13.09 to 09.01.09.

These books make lovely, simple gifts for grandparents, friends, and family.

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58 thoughts

  1. xerxia says…

    Oh so lovely, I'm thinking what a spectacular gift that would be...

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ali Edwards says…

    Hey Terri - to work with the journal block files + separate word .png files you will need to use a photo-editing program (like Photoshop Elements). You would set up the page how you want it (adding journal block + text, etc), save it as a .jpg and then upload to Shutterfly.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Andrea Mette says…

    I noticed your book had black pages at the beginning and at the end.. How do you get it to be that way? Even though I picked the "Classic Black" those pages for me are saying they will end up being white...?
    And how do I get my spine to be the same pink color as the front and back of the cover? Did you use the blank pink page for the back?

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Katya says…

    Very pleased, lovely Anna.
    My English is weak. I want to know better, thanks to your blog and beautiful photos, always inspired

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Heidi Y says…

    Love this idea!! Thanks! And Anna is so beautiful! Ali, do you know if this can upload to other online photo companies (like snapfish)?

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Andrea - the black pages just show up on the slide show not in the printed version. When creating my book I chose "print your digital" from the drop-down menu of style choices (vs. classic black, baby, birthday, etc). For the spine I just used the same page as the cover and moved it over so the word is hidden. I used the blank page for the back.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ali Edwards says…

    I would guess it would work if they have a 5x7 book - these pages are a bit bigger (designed for the shutterfly page size). Always worth a try :).

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Andrea Mette says…

    Ali, can you please elaborate on getting the spine the same as everything else - I'm having troubles!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Liz Ness says…

    Sweet, simple, and beautiful! =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Ali says…

    For the spine select the same file as the cover (you may need to add it to your photobook again to be able to select it - click "get more pictures" to add it again). Once you have selected an image for the spine, click on the spine and a new window will pop up. From there you can move the image to the left or the right so that the word is not on the spine.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Andrea Mette says…

    Thank you Thank you!!!
    Now, I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly: the front and the back of the covers are different colors, right?

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Andrea Mette says…

    If they are different colors, is there a way to make the back of the cover the same as the front?

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tonya F says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Judith says…

    I love your ideas Ali and that you continued to be inspired. I am thinking these would be great for my nieces and nephew. Now to find the time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Carrie says…

    LOVE this concept. Look forward to seeing other themes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lizzi says…

    The baby photo books are great! I love it! Thanks for sharing... =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Susan W says…

    Ali I hope you read this. I really want to say Thank You to you. I bought some of those American Crafts page protectors a few months ago. You mentioned them in one of your posts. The 6x12 & 12x12. I normally scrap 8.5x11. I haven't really done anything with them except for the past few days. I have been in a bit of a scrapping slump. I have been purging and cleaning out my little space tho from time to time. But, not really doing much of anything else. Anyways, I actually scrapped within the past few days using some different sized layouts. I had to purchase a new album to store them of course :-) I love how they all look together.
    Thanks for giving me the sense it is okay to mix sizes and for a sense of more freedom with my scrapping. it is fun telling the story's I want to tell without being committed to just one size of paper. I feel much more inspired now.
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. kelli crowe says…

    this is a fantastic idea. and i know this because i have already figured out like 4 vesions...wait, 5....i want to make with this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Tim Pannell says…

    Hi Ali,
    I loved the books and the products at DesignerDigitals were great too! I've been a commercial photographer for decades and I just started teaching an online photography class for moms on how to take better pictures of their kids and found that everybody is scrapbooking so I'm educating myself about all the opportunities out there. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Tara M says…

    Ali these are perfect! Just bought the blue one to make an album for my lil guy to hand out as gifts to his grand parents and of course for us too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Miss B. says…

    Gosh I am CRAZY, COO, IN LOVE with your penmanship! This is so simple and sweet, just lovely!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Janice says…

    Hi there-
    I love this...I am finally going to scan my first son's baby photos (pre-digital) so I can make one of these! I have bought the blue book kit and have got the jpegs imported into iphoto.I have used Shutterfly a lot so am comofortable with that part but I really would like to use a journalling block or two but have never used png files or Photoshop. I have downloaded a free 30-day trial version to try this out!
    Can you refer me to somewhere that will explain how to create the png pages? (your explanation above to someone just wasn't quite enough info for this digital rookie).
    Thanks so much.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Shannon D says…

    I too would love to know how it would work, Heidi did you try it out? I am in Australia too and have used Snapfish a bit. Ali do you know what size the pages are in shutterfly, you said they were a little bigger? Thanks off to have a fiddle.

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  24. On the Eastern Journey says…

    Your baby album works perfect with adopted kids too. Thanks for keeping it simple.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Janice - I recommend starting with this link to Getting Started in Digital Scrapbooking at Designer Digitals:
    From there, here's a quick how to:
    1. In Photoshop Elements open up the .jpg file that is all pink (no words).
    2. Also open up one of the .png journaling block files.
    3. Using the black pointer ("move" tool) drag the journaling block onto the blank pink .jpg image.
    4. Use the "T" tool to add text to the journal block.
    5. When you are finished adding the text, save the file as a .jpg (it will have become a .psd file when you added the journal block) and then you can upload it to Shutterfly to add to the book.

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