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Mark Your Calendar: Week In The Life 2010


Just wanted to let you know in advance that I am planning to do another round of my WEEK IN THE LIFE project this year from April 19th through the 25th. Much more info to come as the date gets closer.

For more information on this project in the past go here: Week In The Life.

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63 thoughts

  1. Kristyn G says…

    Yay!! I am looking forward to playing along again this year! I love my 2008 WIL.

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  2. Melanie says…

    I can't wait. I couldn't do the 25 days of Christmas because we were in the middle of a huge move so I have been waiting for this.

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  3. Kimberly Minyard says…

    okay I am going to try this out. I am thinking of doing it the week of march 29-april 4. This week is my daughters birthday as well as easter. Do you think it would be more meaning full to do it on a normal week with nothing else going on ?? looking for info. I did your book idea for december and really enjoyed it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Tina Johnstone says…

    CAN'T WAIT, ALI!!!!!!!!
    Tina J.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Tanya W says…

    Im so going to do this, what a great idea......

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jana says…

    Great idea Tiffani! I think I'll do the same - this way I can follow along & have my photos developed ahead of time!

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  7. KimD says…

    That is so funny as I was thinking about doing another "week" this month sometime. (I've noticed I haven't been taking very many pictures lately and that really gets me clicking!) I did one on my own last October so am excited you're planning one right around the corner. I'll definitely hold off and do it with everyone else April 19th. Thanks for letting us know in advance...

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Mary C. Anderson says…

    I have never participated in doing your week in the life. Can I make digital pages for this project or do they have to be made the traditional way. I truly am looking forward to playing with all of you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Sara M says…

    I took your Week in the Life class at CKU-Albums, in Chicago.
    I was just looking through it the other day. I have to say it is my favorite album I have ever done. At the time, I had a little girl in diapers, another one in preschool and life was busy. Now I have 3 little girls instead of 2, my preschool daughter is a 3rd grader and my baby in diapers is in kindergarten.
    Honestly, I get teary eyed every time I look at this album. Life goes way too fast. Stopping to notice the everyday stuff is the only way I know to slow it down a little.
    Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sandy (Your Life, Organized) says…

    Can't wait!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Sarah G {austinbygeorge} says…

    Oh fun!!!
    I'll be on board for this one. Yay!!

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  12. kirsten says…

    I think I'll join you this time. My son's third birthday falls in April.

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  13. Nicole says…

    Would you mind sharing the "Week in the Life" button to add to our blogs? Definitely plan on playing along, and I'd love everyone that sees my blog to see it and think about playing along too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Judy says…

    Hi Ali,
    I have never done anything like this before, but was thinking about doing something similar. I am so glad I stumbled on this. I don't have a fancy camera and am not really a good photo person. But I would like to give it a shot. I guess it doesn't start til April. I finally understood that this is something you've done in the past and the links were from that time. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Molly Irwin says…

    considering ... considering ...
    want to see if it fits in without interfering my other creative priorities. Still, it IS only one week and if I can get it DONE within that week, then it shouldn't interfere.
    ... just stream-of-conciousness-thinking there.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Debbie says…

    I was wondering the same thing. Would it work to run a stitch vertically down each of the 4x6 spots on a 12x12 divided page protectors. Or use a 4x6 background paper but attach 2 elements to it as if it were divided???

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Ali Edwards says…

    Sure Nicole! I will add some info in my next post.

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  18. Szabina says…

    I think I'll join you this time. My birthday will be on those week :) I can't wait :))

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Shannon Clattenburg says…

    I've never heard of this project before, so I am uber excited to jump in!
    Thanks for creating and posting :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. darylm says…

    How would this work as a travel album? Im going on a cruise in May for 21 days (so it would be 3 weeks in the life, so to speak) to Dubai, Oman, Jordan and Egypt. I thought this format might be an interesting way to document the trip.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. stephanie says…

    I am super excited, thanks for letting us know!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Danielle says…

    I am so excited that you will be doing this again! The last Week in the Life books I did is one of my favorites and I'm excited to see how life has changed!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. radish says…

    i do not think you need a good camera. I took all of my vacation photos on my IPhone. It did great for lots of things. YOU have to think about what is interesting, ordinary, everyday. Just start taking the pictures.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. radish says…

    I am taking some classes during the same time. But I am reading up and looking at examples of past years and am taking a ton of photos this week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Ali Edwards says…

    I think it would be great! Those pocket pages are so great for collecting bits of this and that along the way. Sounds like an awesome adventure.

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