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Mark Your Calendar: Week In The Life 2010


Just wanted to let you know in advance that I am planning to do another round of my WEEK IN THE LIFE project this year from April 19th through the 25th. Much more info to come as the date gets closer.

For more information on this project in the past go here: Week In The Life.

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63 thoughts

  1. Nathalie says…

    I have never participated before but after just finishing Jeffrey Yamaguchi "52 Weeks of Random Acts of Creativity" I feel an strong urge to take everyday photos. Starting to think about the the baseball card dividers...

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  2. julie says…

    wow - sounds grand - i'm doing project life and keeping up well and i think the timing might be FAB - i am due with baby number 2 about then ( have 2 dates - the 12th and the 16th) So that might be a VERY exciting week for our family to document :> a brand newbie in the house :>

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  3. Andie says…

    i love this project - but i'm going to start small - with 'a day in the life of andie'....

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  4. Ellen says…

    Hi Ali,
    After more than 3 years of not scrapbooking the December Daily 2009 got me scrapping again although not like before. I'm planning to do the "week in the life" also. I've been working on Dutch "overlays" and the album will be very simple and clean so that when the week comes I only have to take pictures and make notes and not have to think about how I'll have to scrap every day in a new and original way.
    Every day will have to same setup much like your setup but in Dutch and a little different.
    Thank you for the inspiration!

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  5. linda says…

    I can't believe we are nearing the week already...need to prep! Thanks for leading the way on's nice to see a week in a life every so often in your life. We can really see how life has evolved and changed...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Norma says…

    Wow! It sounds great! I'm looking forward to trying this challenge! It's going to be nice to exchange differente types of weeks, mainly because I live in Rio de Janeiro city/Brazil! Just a question: Is is a class and are there any fees? See you all!

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  7. margie says…

    i will definitely be joining your "week in the life". my sister and i blog together and are both planning to join in.

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  8. Marsaille says…

    I am so excited. My mom just said she would do this as a "Grandma" album for the kids. We will both do the same week, which includes her Bday. So we will have one day together that we can both document... how different will it be? Can't wait to see.

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  9. Nikki Brewer says…

    whoohoo.....normal week for i am sooo in!! i have never done this before either but it sounds so inspring!!

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  10. Angelica says…

    Hello Ali,
    I am VERY new to photography as well as scrapbooking. However, I love love taking pictures, and recording them on my blog so I knew that digital scrapbooking would be a wonderful next step. Can I do a week in the life with you next week digitally only. I do not see how I would have the time to do a paper scrapbook. If so, what supplies would you recommend I get. I have been practicing with your mini class. (Thank you so much by the way).

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  11. manningroad says…

    I want to do this but am a total novice - do we need to sign up ?

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  12. L. Scott says…

    I did your first "Week in the life Project" and loved it. It made for some really creative pictures. I'm excited about this project. Can't wait to see what happens this go around.

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  13. Heidi Mireles says…

    I can't wait to participate in this project. What would make it even better would to be to win the Big Giveaway. I also think that for me, just recognizing what I do from day to day is significant...and when I had younger children....I realize now was even more. I now know that I didn't give myself much credit for being a working mom and also a wife, mother, teacher, house cleaner and cook (and the list goes on). Thank you for making me really look at myself and who I am. It has been gratifying in many ways.

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