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Week In The Life : Thursday


The morning coffee.


The morning screech.


The morning blooms that are just about done.


The morning's second breakfast (yogurt).


The morning goodbyes.


The morning's third breakfast for her and first for me.


The morning unloading of the dishwasher before the morning work-out.


The morning pick-up.


The morning/mid-day work.


The all day bed.


The mid-day outfit.


The afternoon pick-up.


The afternoon drive.


The afternoon capture.


The afternoon swim.


The afternoon swim wrinkled toes.


The afternoon peonies.


The evening bath.


The evening playtime.


And, the evening snack.

My overwhelming thought about this project today: I love photos.

I definitely recovered from the frustrations of yesterday. Thanks for all the nice comments and I'm so glad that so many of us are familiar with the event known as "waking up in the morning to a kitchen full of dirty dishes from the night before."

Thursdays around here follow a similar progression as Tuesdays - with Simon's swimming lessons in the afternoon. His swimming lessons have become a treasured Mom & Simon time. Rather than the bus bringing him home, I pick him up from school and take him to the athletic club for swimming lessons. Because of the time of the lesson we are able to not be in a hurry - I bring him a snack, we sit in the lobby together, and then we make our way downstairs to the pool. He really loves being in the water (definitely takes after his mama) and is making really great progress. It's a great part of our weekly routine right now. 

And for today, one of my most favorite quotes from Mary Jean Iron that I recite to myself often:

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.

I wish you a wonderfully normal, ordinary day.


Just a reminder that the REALLY BIG
comments will close today at noon pacific. The list of winners will be posted on Monday.

for a complete list of Week In The Life posts.

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129 thoughts

  1. glee says…

    we call them hobbit breakfast (or lunch) as in the hobbits always eat twice as many meals as we do!

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  2. Leslie says…

    wonderful post ... I feel as if I've spent the day with you and your lovely kids!

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  3. Melanie says…

    I loved every single photo. You are the master storyteller and it's beautiful. I was going to participate but after the first day I realized that I couldn't do it this time. I am taking Karen Russell's online Photography Workshop and I needed to concentrate on that. I have enjoyed seeing your weeks photos and look forward to seeing the book.

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  4. sandee says…

    I usually don't comment on blogs, but as I sit here tonight, your week made me cry. Ya see, I have an empty house with 3 nearly grown kids, and I crave the days of chaos and mayhem and crowded calendars and just so much LIFE. I SO remember those days, and miss them like crazy. The novelty of having enough time to scrapbook, work out and read quickly faded when there wasn't anyone around to share my triumphs with...even if it was just a triumph over the finicky coffee maker. ENJOY ENJOY and savor every tired, bliss-filled moment. And...if you need a grandma to come babysit, call me. I need some kids to cuddle. Thanks for the blog--

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