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Memory Keeping Q and A | Coming Soon

05 | 03 | 2011

Thanks so much for all the great memory keeping questions you left in the comments last week. I took some time over the last couple of days to read through each one and separate them into the following categories (because that's how my brain works):

  • PHOTOS | Cameras, Printing, Organization, Backing-Up, Etc.


  • ORGANIZATION | Office, Supplies, Projects


  • BLOGGING - Work, Time, Overwhelm, Motivation





  • DIGITAL | Tools, Techniques, and Organization


  • PROJECTS | Project Life, Week In The Life, Scrapbook On The Road, Books, Etc.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be addressing these questions and topics. Thanks for your patience as I want to answer them as completely as I can (many involve taking, uploading + editing photos, writing out steps, etc). Most will be on my main blog (vs. my projects blog) but a couple topics might be answered over there because of the way I archive and categorize my posts.

If you have no idea what I mean by the two blogs, here's the basics: I've essentially got two blogs happening here (1) a main blog that covers everyday life, stories, giveaways, special features, inspiration, etc. and (2) a project blog where I include product updates, projects, layouts, video tutorials, etc. You can always click on the "Archives By Category" link over along the left side near the top of the page to view the archived posts for each category. If you'd like more details on how my site is set-up I've got a video tour for your viewing pleasure on my Welcome page.

Stay tuned! I hope to have the first post up later today or tomorrow morning.

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17 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Thank you for giving us this chance to ask and find out more about you. Thank you for taking your time to answer us and thinking it thru first, that's what we love about you. I'm looking forward to reading it all. Thank you for being so generous with your time.

    By the way this photo is gorgeous and would be great in your OLW album. I'm assuming it's from your yard.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lisa W. says…

    That is a beautiful pic. Al gosh thank you so much for taking the time to answer...research...all these questions. Although I actually did not ask one myself i WILL be reading all the things answered as I know there is SO much to learn. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Tracy says…

    Ali...thank you so much for taking all of these questions and most of all taking the time to answer! I didn't post a question because what i was going to ask had already been asked...can't wait to read all of your answers. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day weekend...your children are Blessed to have you for their MOM!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Cheryl says…

    Ali I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into doing ALL of this. As a "newbie" to scrapbooking, sometimes I look @ all the items I have and just feel overwhelmed. I know part of it is being scared what I put together won't look right, but thanks to you, I know it will come together... and it will be ok. Thanks for all the info and hard work you put into sharing it with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kristyn says…

    I thank you in advance for all the time and diligence you will dedicate to these questions. I know I'll learn something from each and every one!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. jan from Canada says…

    lovely shot Ali, light signifies so many things. In movies, and in photographs, light conveys such emotion. I know when I seen this shot, immediately I felt a sense of tranquilty and peace. I can see why many photographers look to include light in their pictures. When I see a photograph of someone, especially a child, it seems angelic, that a greater force is a very big part of the memory being made.

    Can't wait to learn something new this week :)


    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Christine says…

    Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. My Photoshop Elements skills have skyrocketed ever since I found your blog. Just being able to watch you instruct with the program is million times better than reading about how to do things. This is what is good about the scrapbooking universe....people are generous with their ideas and have a strong desire to help others.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Cool - thanks for that feedback Christine!

  8. Nancy says…

    As always Ali, thanks for your dedicated, thorough approach. You set a great example for other bloggers, myself included! I look forward to reading all of your A's to Q's.

    Also - love this photo!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Debbie S. says…

    Holy photo!!! WOW! And gosh, isn't first blush AWESOME!!! Did you post-process that at all? (another question!)

    Can't wait for the posts...I, too, learn so much from your blog.

    Thanks, Ali!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Debbie S. says…

      Fantastic. I'm really amazed at what you captured looks like you caught some of Tinkerbell's light just left of center. :) So cool.

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Debbie - I lightened it just a touch using levels.

  10. Brooke says…

    Looking forward to it Ali. It would take me a year to address all that, so I'll be super patient!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Catherine Denton says…

    Can't wait to hear your ideas in all these categories!
    My Blog

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kathy says…

    Can't wait for your posts, I know they will be interesting and helpful to so many people. We love you Ali!!!! Kathy (Brisbane, Australia)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lindsey says…

    first, that photo is so fresh and has so much feeling. i have thoroughly been enjoying listening to you on the paperclipping roundtable (wishing you were on every week). which is just another way you inspire. but my fave part is how open you are with your journey/process/ideas/life. thank you for being so real.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Linda Farrow says…

    THank you Ali. I appreciate your willingness to share your ideas, techniques and experience. It's very generous. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Q&A's. Happy Mother's Day!

    Reply 0 Replies

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