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For The Love Of Pinterest

I tried to resist, I really did.

I thought, "I don't need another place to mess around online."

And maybe I still don't really need another place to visit online, but Pinterest is really serving a purpose.

The purpose is inspiration.

Color inspiration. Type inspiration. Memory keeping inspiration. Cooking inspiration. Clothing inspiration. Home inspiration. Inspiring words. And stuff I just love.

It's a site to categorize and keep all those inspiring ideas in one place.

I see things online I want to remember and I "pin" them to my "boards." This is my favorite way to use it - as a home for things I'd like to remember or revisit all in one place.

I also see other cool things people are "pinning" and "re-pin" them to my own boards for safe keeping.

My collection of inspiration is growing. And just like many things, I've already gone through a couple phases. Right now I'm in the "this is super great" phase especially as we head into the holiday season. A quick search for Fall or Halloween or Christmas brings up so many fun ideas and eye-candy.

Are you on Pinterest?

A really big thank you for your kindness and support on my What Is Real Now post.

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116 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I haven't given in to it yet!! I just keep bookmarking the pages that inspire me. I do like the idea of Pinterest though so that it would be organized for me. Love love all the holiday ideas out there at the moment.

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  2. Sally says…

    I have to say it...
    It's a SCRAPBOOK of sorts, isn't it? I tried to stay away too, and that didn't work. But I do store ideas there! Love it!

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  3. Solgunn says…

    Yes! I love Pinterest. So much inspiration and so easy to find.

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  4. Jenny in Wellington, New Zealand says…

    Oh my gosh yes... I LOVE Pinterest. It's just blimmin interesting :) And fun. Wow the things you can find on there, the crafty stuff that you can do, the colours... just wow.

    It's also a nice way to find out who of your friends have similar interests to you. AND you can cross post really excellent finds to Facebook :)

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  5. Vera says…

    I love Pinterest! I'll start following your boards too :)

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  6. Greisy says…

    Ohh yes I am! I simply love it, lots and lots of inspiration... and of course I follow all of your boards :)

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  7. Katrina says…

    I guess you could say that I was an early-adopter - I've been on Pinterest for a while. LOVE it!

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  8. MonicaB says…

    I caved in a few months ago and I love it! I spend more time on there then facebook and my reader on most days. I will be adding your boards to my eye candy....

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  9. Lori says…

    Ooooh! That sounds fun ... Thanks, Ali

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  10. Pam says…


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  11. Suzanne says…

    LOL! I know what you mean! I tried to resist too but all those visual yumminess kept on calling my name!

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  12. Jenny says…

    I am on Pinterest and LOVE it!

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  13. SentimentsbyDenise says…

    Yes! I've been carried into the Pinterest abyss! Love all the inspiration for so many of life's joys! I'm checking out your boards this morning - love it when the ideas begin to make music in my head!

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  14. christen says…

    i am addicted!

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  15. Alice Golden says…

    I too tried to resist... but I'm glad I didn't. What I find is that I can pop onto Pinterest for just a minute or two and get a giant burst of inspiration. In many ways, I think I will spend less time online because it is now so easy to find inspiration all in one place.

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  16. Nicole says…

    I'm on Pinterest too (nicolereaves) and have been following you. I LOVE it! I had many of the same feelings as you in the beginning but now I find it to be the absolute best way to bookmark ideas on the internet. I love that you can catergorize pins too! Now I'm looking for a happy balance of pinning original ideas and repinning. :) It's so much fun!

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  17. Marsaille says…

    Of course I am. I have wanted Pinterest for years, and it is finally here. I process visually, so pictures are the best way for me to remember sites and ideas. Love it!

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  18. theresa says…

    ok,ok,ok.....I've been resisting,but it is ohhhh so neat!....I'm in.

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  19. NatalieSpring says…

    I've resisted because I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account,one of which is required for opening a Pinterest account. I've asked Pinterest if this is absolutely necessary and they said yes. So, we'll see how long I resist Pinterest and Facebook/Twitter.

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  20. Karin Canazzi says…

    Oh baby am I ever on Pinterest...I actually make/do some of the stuff I see there. Maybe I should have a board of things made from Pinterest inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Carmel Keane says…

      That's a neat idea!

  21. Shelley Haganman says…

    I LOVE Pinterest. Once I pin something I then bookmark the site it came from so I can go in later and really look and LIFT it for later!!! Ali I also wanted to share this video about a sister and her brother with Down's and Autism. I think you might like it. Shelley

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  22. Monica says…

    How funny! Everyone seems to be posting about pinterest lately, including me! :) I am a fellow pinterest addict. I use it like you. I used to drag url bookmarks to my desktop but it got all cluttered and I never knew why I was saving it. Now with pinterest I can keep the image I want, with a permalink, and organized by how I will use it. LOVE!

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  23. Vicky says…

    I did notice that you'd been pinning a lot in the past few days.... !! :)

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  24. Beverly says…

    YES! for about two weeks and have been inspired!

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  25. Lisa A. A. says…

    I'm in love with Pinterest! The inspiration I find is endless: crafts, decorating, parties, color schemes, homeschooling activities... I had no idea how much I would love it.

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