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December Daily™ 2012 | Day Eighteen

It's not every December that we get snow here. And we do it really doesn't tend to last very long and I get really excited to see all those flakes coming down. We got some snow today - just enough to not close schools (which they usually do with just a tiny bit here) and for me to get a chance to go outside, tilt my head back and catch some snowflakes on my tongue.

It also provided me with great excuse to use a bunch of snowflake embellishments.

Here's Day Eighteen:

Photo on the journaling card + a transparent page in the middle + photo on the left side.

On top of the transparent page I added snowflakes on top of snowflakes (on both the front and back side). The snowflakes are from Studio Calico's Wonderland Snowflakes Wood Veneer and Studio Calico's Wonderland Ephemera Pack. I use Glossy Accents to adhere the wood veneer.

The text along the bottom comes from a Christmas Quotations digital set:

Here's a link of all my days so far for 2012:


Click on the images to link to the products.


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40 thoughts

  1. Rosy Kakaletris says…

    Just lovely Ali. This year it looks like I'll be having a green Christmas. We haven't had snow yet this month. Don't think I'll be able to use those snowflake embellishments. Sigh.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ilona says…

    Beautiful photos Ali!
    I love to come and check your new posts, it's always inspiring! Thank you Ali!
    I'm a little behind but will catch up today with my December Daily :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sarah says…

    Lovely Ali - I think our Christmas will be brown here in North Australia but I can dream!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Cecilia says…

    Hi Ali, I live in Sweden and the thought of closing schools when there is snow actually made me laugh a little. I wonder how much snow we have to get before the schools close. We got 40 cm a couple of weeks ago and since the kindergarten is still open, I assume that is not enough. :)

    Also, love the look of your house!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. TracyBzz says…

      I'm in northern Alberta, Canada and I can't imagine anything closing for snow or cold either. It started snowing early this year, at Thanksgiving Oct 7. And it can snow as late as May long weekend. Not that it stays on the ground everyday fromOct-May. But I'm glad you enjoyed your dusting of snow.

  5. Brooke says…

    Awesome! I remember being in Canada for Christmas one year and watching the little snow flakes on the car window. They really are quite special. Only snow around here is in the freezer!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Marie says…

    I'm just a fan of the picture of you!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Monica says…

    I totally understand that you are exited snout using embellishment you don't get much use of! Snowflakes is not that for me though!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. laura g. says…

    i want snow!!! you've gotten more than we have over here on the other side of the state!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Sherry Eckblad says…

    Your book is just amazing and I am loving how you add all the bits and bobs. Ours is definitely a white Christmas here in Minnesota. We got 13" about a week ago and I don't see it going anywhere until at least late April or early May.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Kathy says…

    Ali what an amazing day for you, the colours, a white christmas (well a bit early) and the house looks are doing well. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Peggy says…

    Hi Ali!! LOVE YOUR 2012 DECEMBER DAILY!! I have a question and I know you are REALLY BUSY and this can wait for a reply, but could you please tell me how to print on top of photos and add the Christmas quotes to my photos?? I am kind of new to digital and LOVE how you mix the hybrid (sp?) with digital. I would APPRECIATE any help. THANKS!!! I work on an HP with WORD.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Sure! Happy to help. Here's a link to my Getting Started with Digital page: And here's a specific link that includes adding word art to your photos:

  12. Kelly says…

    Love this layout Ali! We will be having a white Christmas here in Latvia! We have quite a bit of the white stuff! So much that they have the snow patrol out shoveling it off of the rooftops to make way for Santa!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh I love that.

  13. Allison M. says…

    Love this spread! It is snowing here is Nova Scotia as I write this (and schools are cancelled for the day in my area) - looks like we are going to get dumped on pretty good today, however it'll most likely be gone before Christmas.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Megan says…

    So love this page! I hope we get snow where I live!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Alicia Christian says…

    Love that picture of you! I'm trying to get more pics of myself into my memory keeping. Do you set up a tripod for your self shots, or do you have someone else take them?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I do have a tripod but I often just set my camera on a table or chair or counter or the ground to take the shots with the self-timer. I also have a remote but I don't always remember to use it.

  16. Emily Niehaus says…

    Those photos are just gorgeous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Tina J. says…

    We're under a blizzard warning today, here in Nebraska. I could make a page that looks just like yours! Woo Hoo!!!

    Ali, your house looks so beautiful! I'm curious to death - what room is above your front door? Those three big windows on the top floor? That's so pretty!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It's a bedroom.

  18. Carrie says…

    I think this might be my favorite day yet. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Melissa says…

    So, so gorgeous today, Ali! (As usual, but I especially love this one!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. northcarmen says…

    I can only dream of having that reaction to snow. ;) Here, our reaction to the first snow -- which fell in October this year -- was, "Noooo...". Maybe after a few years in Africa I'll be more excited to come home to a white Christmas.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I totally get it :)

  21. JC says…

    That photo made me smile! :)
    We're expecting snow today and tonight -- looks like my daughter's Christmas wish will be coming true a bit early!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Liz Ness says…

    You house/yard looks awesome covered in snow! =)

    Happy holidays to you and your family!!!


    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Cynthia H says…

    Love your pictures and the snowflakes on the transparency!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Katie says…

    The snow looks like so much fun! We had a few flurries here, but nothing that stuck.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Sharon in TX says…

    Beautiful ... layout & weather! It is 80 here in Houston, people are shopping in shorts. But tomorrow it will get down to the 50's ... all of us Texans will pull out our scarves & boots! Brrr! :)

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