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2013 Summer Manifesto Album | Free 2013 Cover Update (PSD or PDF)

I started thinking about summer this past weekend.

Our favorite outdoor swimming pool is open now and it was like a mini reunion over there on Saturday and man did it make me realize that summer is really almost here again.

How can it be here again already?

I know many of you have kids that are already out of school. Mine still have a few weeks to go but being at the pool this weekend was really a signal to me that I better think about my intentions for this summer before I blink and it's gone. I took a peek at the calendar for the next few months and it's already pretty crazy.

  • I've got some travel plans. Both for work and for fun.

  • My Hello Story (which should actually be called Hello Layouts) workshop will run from July 8th to the end of September.

  • Simon's signed up for summer school in July. He's already told me he thinks that summer means he gets to play video games everyday so I need to be a little more clear and structured about how that's actually going to go down.

  • Need to sign Anna up for a couple camps.

  • Hoping for lots of pool time and bike rides and hanging out with friends and family.

All that said I want to make a more specific list like I did last year and it's underway.

Last summer I felt like I had really clear intentions about what I wanted to experience. That initial list lead me to create a mini-album documenting my summer manifesto which you can read about here: Bringing The Summer Manifesto To Life.

I'm thinking that I'll use this same format this year but do it as an insert in Project Life using the 4-up 6x6 pocket page.

If you'd like to purchase this set for the first time I've updated the file at Designer Digitals to include the new cover for 2013. It includes PSD files so you can change the colors and a printable PDF for easy printing in the colors shown in the preview below:

If you purchased the album set last summer and just need to change the date I've got a free update for you for 2013 (click the text below to download either the PSD or JPG version).

>>Download the 2013 PSD cover page here (colors can be adjusted using the PSD/Photoshop files).

>>Download the 2013 PDF cover page here (300 dpi resolution). Choose this one if you just want to print and cut.

Check out my posts from last year about putting this together:

I'll share my list when I complete it soon. I want to chat with the kids about what they'd like to see/experience/have on our list too.

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27 thoughts

  1. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    Love the idea!!

    We are going into winter on this side of the planet but i think i should make a summer manifesto album for the end of this year.

    ENJOY the summer guys:-) Hope you have a blast out in the sun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. ChrisyC says…

    Hey Ali, Found your Summer Manifesto really inspiring last year. For the first time l did my own manifesto last December (l'm another one from the southern hemisphere) and found it really useful and motivating to make sure l had the summer l really wanted. I'll have to bookmark this page so when December rolls around again...l'll be ready to go again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Debbi G. says…

    thanks for the updated cover!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lee Currie says…

    Thanks so much for the updated cover! Coincidentally, I too was thinking about this project and just posted my Manifesto: I'm looking forward to getting this project DONE this year! Also looking forward to "Hello Story" - all signed up and ready to go :D

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Love your list Lee!

  5. Amy says…

    Thanks Ali!!! I'm thinking about giving my kids a way to each document their own summer. This simple approach might just do the trick :O)
    I LOVE your comment about Simon and the video games and when you said you "need to be a little more clear and structured about how that’s actually going to go down." Yesterday my 5 year old said that she was planning to watch TV all day, every day, for the whole summer.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Laura says…

      Amy when I first read your post. I thought you were giving your kids away! LOL :) Sorry, but that thanks for the laugh, I really needed it! :) I think all of us want to "give our kids away" for a little while in the summer sometimes...when they are cranky and don't want or like to do any of the planned activities! GRRRR!!!!

  6. Lisa W. says…

    My very talented friend Kendra did this last summer, AND it is so SO lovely...on my to do list for this summer, thank you Ali:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. alexandra sirugue-macleod says…

    as always, "merci" for the inspiration Ali ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. cinback says…

    I attempted to do a manifesto last summer, but I made it way too complicated (in a pocket page album) and i just didn't get it done. This year I am going to follow your template and keep it simple...thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yea for simple!

  9. Paula says…

    I will be doing a manifesto survey with my family tonight, great idea to survey for everyone's input Ali! Let's get manifesto-ing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lynn Wigren says…

    Thanks for the free update! It was very generous of you, Ali! Any chance of doing a linky thing so we could share pages as we make them? I know you have a really busy summer ahead of you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Maureen says…

    I am doing this project this summer too - first time! And I am posting mine on instagram to encourage my nieces an nephews to "make the most of their summer" too (my nieces and nephews are my main followers!). I love how your book turned out last year and I have mine all ready to go for this year!! Sooo looking forward to the summer!! Thank you for being such an inspiration to live life to the fullest Ali! I look forward to seeing your completed book this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jen says…

    The comment about Simon's expectations made me laugh!! Thanks to you, we have employed our own version of the Simon Chore Checklist. Day 2 and we're doing, well ok. But it gives our days structure, which is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Annette says…

    Thank you Ali! Very excited to do this again. Really loved it last year and loved putting it all just right in the Project Life pages. Here's a link to mine last year using Design E if anyone is interested:
    super fun and easy to do! now for making a list for this year! thanks again!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. keianna says…

      Great idea. TFS

  14. Aby says…

    Love Simon's comments about summer. Sounds like he's on the same page as my son...who thinks "summer school" is an oxymoron. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Kathy says…

    Hi Ali, I thought I posted a comment yesterday but it's not there so may I posted it on your old summer manifesto link as I was in and out of those posts.

    Here in Australia it is WINTER and we have 2 weeks of June school holidays and I was wanting to use this manifesto as we have strawberry picking at the strawberry farm etc.

    Q. Can you tell me What are the fonts that you used and font sizes so I could change the word SUMMER to WINTER myself. I think there are 4 times I need to change it:-

    1 - cover
    2 - intro
    3 - back
    4 - page to add photo to

    I purchased the Summer Manifesto last year and have downloaded the 2013 cover sheet.

    Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Casey says…

    Love this idea! Making a list of things I want to do this winter. Very interested to see how you decide to document this within your project life album.

    You are so creative! Thanks for the inspiration :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. summer manifesto. | Megan Tsang | Photographer & Traveler says…

    [...] a nod from Kelly and Ali. I decided to have my own little list of things I wanted to do this [...]

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  18. 2013 Summer Manifesto | Allowing Myself says…

    [...] by Ali Edwards and Kelly Purkey **If you’ve written up a summer manifesto, please share it with me. I love [...]

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  19. Sü Smith says…

    This is a great resource! Thanks so much.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Nelly V’s | says…

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    […] recommended this summer manifesto printable fromAli Edwards at the beginning of the summer. If you didn’t use it that way, you can still […]

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