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Day In The Life 2013 | May


  • This month totally took me by surprise. Time is flying by and there's not enough room in my brain to occupy all the stuff that's happening around here. Push and pull is the name of the game right now.

  • My biggest personal observation yesterday (that is less about documenting a day in my life and more about the way I'm living life which is definitely a reason I treasure documentation): I need to put an end to some negative self-talk. There are tapes running in my head that need to be changed and re-recorded. For me right now it has to do with organizing my time and getting the things done that need to be done (work and life). I remember this from a few years ago when I put together the original content for my Yesterday & Today workshop and I'm experiencing it again with Hello Story. The difference this time is that there's not another adult in the house I can count on to help me with household responsibilities in the evenings as I put the class together. I know I am not the only one experiencing this in life but man it's hard. Rather than letting the mental stuff take over (worry, fear, frustration) I started to work on telling myself I can do it. I felt a little like I was re-directing one of my kids but maybe that's a technique I can make work on myself too.

  • Because of all that mental mess I felt disconnected and distracted from the process. One thing that made it easier was I decided to skip the Daily Sheet and just use Instagram and include a time and a few words in the description.

  • I used the hashtag #dayinthelife and I loved seeing so many of you joining in.

  • All photos were taken with my iPhone 5. All edited with Rad Lab or Pic Tap Go on my phone.

Here are links to the other Day In The Life posts this year:

NEXT UP | This month I'll be doing Day In The Life on Wednesday, June 26th. I'll post a reminder about a week before here and on Facebook/Twitter.


You’re invited to include a link to your May Day In The Life page here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link.

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26 thoughts

  1. Esther says…

    You are a courageous woman and yes, you can do it!

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  2. kelly libby says…

    Allow yourself to take a break, and short cuts, where and when you can. Nobody can do it all!! You are NOT ALONE!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sue says…

    Once again Ali-wonderful! Love it and love that you are so open and personal with us. It's a process and each time is new-enjoy it! We Do!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Nicky from Okotoks says…

    You are amazing and always live with that and what you give and do!!! Breath in the moments!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lisa W. says…

    Always a this!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. rachel @ open~heart says…

    great picture of you unloading the laundry - laundry pics show up in my PL with disturbing regularity ;) Also love seeing the rapport that's grown between you and your son - his love for you is visible when he looks at you through the lens. DitL fell on a difficult week for me too this go-round, and the project helped me notice the things I do have and hold them with gratitude. Peace to you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Megan Anderson says…

    I struggle with the balance of work and life too, I think lots of us do. It's sort of weird to say, but it is so helpful to know that others struggle with this. Thanks for sharing.

    The photos you took are beautiful. Loved following along on Instagram.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Cele Schaffer says…

    Noone says we cant change the rules!! Do whats good for you and your kids-the rest of us dont really matter in the long haul. Maybe you totally dont do day in the life and do something else or not at all. Maybe you take a blog vacation in the summer...Whatever YOU DECIDE will BE and thats that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lisa says…

    I understand where you're coming from with the time issue. This may not help you (but hopefully it will), but I recently was having the same issue, so I sat down and made a list of what I needed to do. And believe it or not, the simplest solve (in my case) was rescheduling. I switched my gym time to the mornings (I was never going in the evenings), which gave me more time in the afternoons. I also keep an ongoing word document sorted by day with a list. I accomplish what I have to immediately, do as much of the "would like to"s as possible, and move the rest to the next day. So far, so good!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Annette says…

    I so relate to this, exactly why I had not participated in Day in the Life this year. But I did capture some photos this month and it was really fun to see what people were up to. I'm working full time and trying to develop content for a project as well...I have new admiration for those who develop content! So thanks for all you do. I know I really appreciate it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    It all get's a bit overwhelming at times!! We are with you on that one. At least you are living life to the full!

    You are an amazing women and YES, YOU CAN DO IT:-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kim L. says…

    Philippians 4:13, I (you) can do everything through Him who gives me (you) strength.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Laura says…

    You always inspire me, Ali! I was a single mom for over 10 years and can speak from experience, you really can do it and you can do it well. The important things will get done and if you really look at it, those things that don't get done, really aren't that important.

    How you talk to yourself is so important. I, too, had to pay attention to my self-talk and re-phrase things to change my limiting beliefs. You can do it! Persistence pays. I read some recent things that helped me (Greg Kuhn's book about Physicists Never Fail and Mike Dooley's Thoughts Become Things).

    You can do anything, truly.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Tacha says…

    Love your day in the life every time Ali, may I ask which filters you use the most in Pictapgo? Hugs Tacha

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  15. Erica Hettwer says…

    No profound comment here, just a little love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lisa Johnson says…
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  17. J3SS1C4 says…

    You really can do it, Ali! I always feel like things get hard when there is a big deadline looming. You've taken one of the biggest steps though, by realising that you were using negative self talk and addressing it. I find it inspiring that you are open about things like that, because it helps all us who are dealing with similar thoughts to realise 'hey, I'm not alone in this'.

    Another month of awesome photos, too! I love the one of you and Simon pulling faces, you and Anna in the car and the popcorn!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kathy says…

    Love the photos from your day and taking the pressure off by writing and documenting every minute will immediately lift the pressure off you. I worked for an Accountancy Firm for 13 years and times sheets are in 7 min intervals which is great if you are working solid on a task for 4 hrs not so good if every 10 mins you are doing something different and have to document it. You are getting the photos of a typical day in your life in May and for that you can pat yourself on the back. I've been raising my kids on my own for over 5 years and in the last year I have been out for one's just me and the kids and you just put one foot in front of the next. My mantra was "just get through today" and one day leads to another and I would say the same thing. It is very tough but not much choice but to just do it and put one foot in front of the next. Hang in there some days are good and some days are bad (ie overloaded and stressed) and other days are just plain busy. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

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  19. Linda says…

    It's ok- you'll be 50 in the blink of an eye--- and find yourself looking back and realizing- damn I was/am incredible!!!

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  20. slmnontec says…

    I plan to take Hello Story (saving up the $$) and am wondering if there are photos of subjects I should be gathering ahead of time.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi - no, unless you have specific stories you'd like to tell. I'm including more than one idea/example each week for the different themes so you'll be able to choose what most motivates/inspires you.

  21. Michelle says…

    Time! Time! Time!!!! Really struggled too, this year especially. Now I am just trying to stay organized and focus on what I DO accomplish. Thanks for keeping it real. That is what keeps me coming back to your blog.

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  22. Sara Grafton says…

    You can do it.

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  23. Alicia says…

    The negative self-talk must be in season. I was just realizing I've re-formed the habit on being negative with myself. Hate that I slip into it so easily but have to concentrate so hard on re-recording those messages. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It's definitely work! For me it feels like a physical weight. When I stop doing it I feel lighter and can breathe easier.

  24. Day in the Life with ArchitectMAMA | Architect MAMA says…

    [...] I decided to finally join in on the #DayintheLife photo documentation project going on over at Ali Edwards. [...]

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