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AE Projects In Progress | The Office, Part IV + A $150 Minted Giveaway

Things are coming along here in the office.

And as you can probably tell we are definitely taking our time putting things together. This was my intent all along - to take it slow and not bring anything back in that I don't absolutely need or love. Our pace has also been dictated by other projects that are taking precedence over a put-together space.

Read more about the transformation and the process here and here and here.

We recently added two of the 1/2 size Expedit shelving units from Ikea and the plan is now to get two more because they are just right for this space. I especially love that they are on wheels (these are a separate component you can purchase) and we can move them around as needed.

We also started putting a few things up on the walls (man I love the white).

These three lovely prints are from Minted's awesome collection of Art Prints (read more about entering the generous giveaway below - there's a different process this time):

I chose these three because:

  • (1) I love looking at the connected lines on the world map. It represents the travel I've done and the travel I dream of doing and the interconnectedness of the world in which we live.

  • (2) Three organic circles for me, Simon and Anna. And it includes orange.

  • (3) The lyrics to "you are my sunshine" have been a part of my life since I was tiny. One of my first toys was a little yellow lion ("Sunny") that when wound up would play that song. Anna has that lion now. Love the hand-drawn lyrics and the shape.

I also moved the lockers back in and decided to leave them the way I bought them vs. painting. The lockers hold things like art supplies I use less often, ribbon, cards & envelopes, a small crockpot that I use for melting wax for collage projects, etc.

You can see the other 1/2 Expedit there along the wall. One of the things I love about those is that it acts as another table top. Right now there's a layer of papers on the top - ones I'm reaching for as I put together the layouts for Hello Story.

Inside the shelves I've currently got some 12x12 paper trays from Display Dynamics. I have had these trays for years - they've moved with me from house to house and are still so totally useful. I think I'm going to go back to organizing by manufacturer - for the last few years I have been organizing my pattern papers by color. The fact that those trays fit perfectly inside the shelves is awesome.

In addition to the trays I'm also including baskets from Ikea. The baskets hold things like punches, wood-mounted stamps, etc. I'll share more on those as we figure out what makes the most sense.

Basically we like to put things into other things.

And I still make piles. Lots and lots of piles.

And everyday I walk in here and am thankful for the bright white space.

GIVEAWAY | Today we're partnering with Minted to offer a $150 store credit giveaway. US residents only.

That $150 can be used towards anything Minted offers: art prints, holiday cards, wedding invitations, save the dates, announcements, journals, etc.

PLEASE READ | This giveaway is going to be run a little different than we have in the past. Instead of leaving a comment to enter what you need to do is click here to enter via Minted's website. When you click over it should take you to a page that looks like this:

This giveaway will run from today through Sunday, July 7th, 2013 and I'll post the winner when I receive the name back from Minted.

Minted's Limited Edition Art Prints

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89 thoughts

  1. Jen says…

    thanks for the chance - the office space looks great

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. kristineS says…

    wow looks so crisp

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Benita says…

    Yay for white!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lori Page says…

    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity. Love your room Ali!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Sue Alg says…

    You office looks great. Having just completed my office/craftroom redo I know what you mean about going slowly and only bringing back what is absolutely necessary. I did a complete cleanse and now that I'm done I'm much more productive and organized. Love it. Thanks for the giveway. Love the Rising Sunshine.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. elizabeth says…

    LOVE LOVE LOVE it - but you are my sunshine is my favorite - I'm buying for my neice, that is how she used to fall asleep, maybe grammie will need one too - TY for such wonderful posts - happy summer

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kimberly Loxtercamp says…

    Thanks for the opportunity! Your office looks like an amazing space to work in!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Mattie says…

    Awesome! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. TaraMcK says…

    Ali - did you have them framed through minted or on your own?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      We did them using Ikea frames.

    2. TaraMcK says…

      awesome thanks Ali!

  10. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    beautiful beautiful beautiful white studio Ali and Katie!

    So jealous of your beautiful new work space:-)


    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kelly says…

    Thanks for the chance Ali!
    Your office space is so wonderful!
    You are very blessed!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Ellie Augustin says…

    Your space is AWESOME! Thanks so much for the chance.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Carla says…

    I love how the office is coming together. Loving all the white!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Laura says…

    LOVE the clean, bright and organized room, the baskets add a nice neutral, organic touch. So ready for so much creativity. I love Ikea also. I am still working in a corner of my bedroom, but happy to have that. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nicolle says…

    Beautiful space. You're so blessed to have a space solely dedicated to crafting and creating! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity as well, Ali + minted.


    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Bridget says…

    Dream space. Love the world web and the three stones!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. daniele says…

    Such a beautiful space to create.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Katie says…

    inspiring office! I am sad to see that those display dynamics trays aren't available. BOO!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Here's an updated link (they have them available without the lip on the front - you really only need that if you were storing them at an angle):

  19. Alicia says…

    It's looking beautiful! Love the white too! Maybe when it's all done, you could take us through a page step by step to show us how the functionality of it works well for you? For some reason watching people reach for things also inspires my organization in addition to seeing pics of what's put where. Does that make sense?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I can totally do that - I'm working on figuring out the functionality of everything as we go - I'm big on that.

  20. rhonda nickol says…

    Loving how your room is coming together Ali. I recently moved, had to downsize my scraproom, so I have been changing and buying new storage as I go to fit my style. I would love to win some new prints for my room,but I would proably get them for my grandson(he comes first)!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Amy Myers says…

    I love the expedit on the rollers! That's so cool. I wonder if they would work well in the classroom like that. How high do the wheels lift it off the floor and do the wheels lock? I love how your office is coming together!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      The wheels lift it 4.5 inches off the ground. One wheel on each set locks (so two of the four lock).

  22. Graviela says…

    Love the to giveaway!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Mary says…

    So much inspiration and fun! Thank you for the chance to win - awesome giveaway.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Denise says…

    Absolutely Beautiful! I love the light and the freshness of it all. Such a peaceful space!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Pam Ballard says…

    Love your space. Entered the giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

    Reply 0 Replies

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