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Week In The Life 2013 | Monday Words + Photos



If you are looking for today's Studio AE/Technique Tuesday Blog Hop go here.

I'm without my favorite 24-70 lens this week (it was dropped a few weeks back and is being repaired) so all my DSLR shots are with my a fixed 50mm 1.4 (a lovely lens but just not the same). I work with what I've got.

I used either Rab Lab (along with Photoshop) or Pic Tap Go on my iphone for editing these photos.

Without a doubt this project always gets me really thinking about my life (as if I didn't already, maybe amplified thinking is a better explanation). It's through the paying attention that the patterns emerge and that adjustments can be made.

It always makes me thankful.

Without a doubt this project always gets me to take more photos - with intention. Some of my favorites over the years have been taking while participating in this project.

Today I wrote this down: Question assumptions about my life. Not sure exactly where that's going but it felt meaningful in the moment.

I also thought a lot about how I'm almost always telling Anna what to do/what not to do. No wonder she doesn't want to listen to me or wants to do the opposite of every thing I say. I also tell her I love her a lot, but I know my exasperation shows. A lot of my emotional energy right now is going into figuring out the best ways to be here for her and encourage and steer her in positive directions (and remember that she's just four years old and she's through some big transitions right now too with a new schedule and new school). There's a lot of photos of her today. She's mighty.

Here's a look at some of my photos from Monday (from morning to evening):


(self-timer shot) Anna started pre-K last week so we're adjusting to a few things: earlier morning, uniform and no TV before school. After battling for a few days about the morning screentime (lack of) my Mom suggested I read to her while she eats breakfast. This requires that I get up a bit earlier to get myself and all my other before-school-tasks completed. Smooth morning today (and she was actually much happier than she looks in this shot). Thanks Mom.


I drive her to school and walk her to the gym where all the kids begin their day and then into her classroom. Today she kissed my goodbye on my cheeks, chin, forehead and on the top of my head.


I return home to find this young man in his Star Wars robe on the couch with his faithful sidekick (who by the way was out all last night and was ready for an all-day snooze). Today was Simon's last day of summer; Tueday he starts 6th grade.


Morning coffee spill. Hello Monday.


He comes upstairs to ask Katie or me to help with the settings on the toaster and to ask a couple questions about why they call it "the force."


One of the things we emphasized over the summer was making your own breakfast. Buttered english muffin for him today.


Pick-up from school. They have half-days for the first week before moving to full day. She wants to wear the dress/jumper everyday.


After lunch hang out on the couch with Katie and watch Brave.


Quiet time in his room.



She wanted to paint before having her own quiet time. We got her out of her uniform and pulled her hair back (often a fight involved) and a blank canvas. She painted for a few minutes before she was getting way too silly and was ready to move onto something else.


Katie took a few shots of her on one of the white walls in the office.


And Katie also took this one looking into the office. Love it.


And then she spent some time on Katie's lap.


And some time on mine and she kept talking about how snuggly and warm my skin felt.


And then it was quiet time for her.


And work time for me.


Which lasted only a bit until she was ready to go outside and play with her new neighbor friend.



Simon in my size 10 flip flops playing iChess while Anna rides scooters with the neighbor.


The dishes that remained on the counter all day. I almost cleaned them up twice but the dishwasher ended up not "catching" the soap so it ran without soap and I needed to re-run it. And then I was just tired.


She played while I cooked baked potatoes with broccoli and cheese.


Dress up clothes and accessories of course.


And a little TV before bed.


A favorite corner, especially as the sun is going down. I bought that wire wreath from CB2 (I think) last holiday season and wrapped it with white twinkle lights and have kept it up all year. It makes me happy, as does the light coming in from the windows.

Anna fell asleep on the couch. Simon went around around because he misplaced one of his light-sabers. I decided to tuck them in and skip the dishes and get back to reading the book Wild (I started it ages ago and got distracted by life).

Tuesday is a big day as Simon starts at his new school. His attitude right now is awesome and I so hope it's a good experience for him.

I also took some time during the day to print out the This Is Our Life 4x6 journal cards that I'm planning to use for Project Life this week (there's also a This Is My Life set available as well).


Super easy to just open the PDF and print on Epson Matte Presentation Paper. I'm planning to just add a couple thoughts/reflections/observations from each day.


I'd love to have you include a link to your MONDAY of words and photos here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!



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47 thoughts

  1. Shannon says…

    Simon, I wish you well on this momentous day!

    Ali, thank you for posting that pic of your unwashed dishes. My counter looks the same. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoast says…

    Ali, always find your projects so super inspiring and thought provoking. Thanks for doing what you do, and being a big bright spot in my day  Can’t wait to see how the rest of your week unfolds, and how you document it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Raylene says…

    Wow! I can't get over how big Anna has gotten over the summer break! Simon is turning into a real man now! So TALL!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Sarah @ 2paws Designs says…

    Looks like a good day. I have a 4yo too so totally get the craziness of that age. Somedays are smooth & others I feel like all I do is bark directions & get frustrated. Here's my recap of Monday: I think my favorite part was the joy in my 4yo's face as he realized he learned how to operate the timer on one of our point & shoot cameras. :) I forsee a lot of fun pictures like that. Have a great Tuesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lida says…

    I liked the sleepy head shot of Anna, just starting the day. I got one of my girl too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Fanny says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kendra says…

    I hope this doesn't come across wrong....but thank you for sharing ALL the little bits of your life here. This post struck me. You have dirty dishes, and struggles with your children, and struggles with yourself. Yet you still share and learn and grow from it. And document it. Makes me feel like if you have the same struggles I do....then maybe I CAN document my/our life. That I'm not off on my own island.

    Thanks and breathe:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Mandy says…

    Here's Monday's post :

    Thanks Ali, loved your first day of photos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. J Allen says…

    This is great! I've only done the "daily" thing during December for December it just have never done it.

    On the book Wild, love it, when I completed it I felt kinda like I did when I was a very little girl and heard the Helen Ready song "I am woman"! lol

    Happy Tuesday ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. cindy says…

    simon is super tall and i dig anna's smile... i think about that myself, b/c i always did the opposite of what my mom would tell me or not tell me. i am still working on being better about concious of how i approach my own w/out them doing what i did w/ my mom growing up...

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. dawn says…

    What a wonderful real life Monday you shared with us. LOVE LOVE those pictures of Anna, she looks so grown-up in these ones, not sure why. I tried to pick a favorite but they each just got cuter. So glad you got so many of her today, what an awesome girl she is.
    Simon is HUGE, I know you must hear this all the time. My son hasn't grown much so seeing Simon at the same age as my Sam is so WOW!! Big prayers and good day wishes for Simon today....go Simon.... can't wait to see tomorrow's pictures.
    Sam just started middle school too and is doing great so far.
    We also started the make your own breakfast this summer, works out well. Screen time in the morning has never been a problem for us, just a quick 10mts before bus comes. It's the dinnertime/bedtime that is an issue.

    I love that wreath, beautiful picture of it and the sunlight. What room is that in?

    Thanks again Ali for this wonderful way of remember our days and letting us share them here with you!

    Happy Tuesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Megan Anderson says…

    Beautiful capture of the day! Your kids are so cool. I love seeing what they are into and seeing their personalities shine through. Reading to Anna in the morning is such a good idea! Hope her transition smooths out soon. Good luck to Simon on his first day of Middle School!

    And I will so let dishes sit out so I can run the dishwasher twice before I'll wash anything by hand.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Julie C says…

    Love all your photos....I only took a few but did make it through the day fully documented which is a first! Looking fwd to completing this project this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Natalie @ ArchitectMAMA says…

    Loving those "This is My Life" 4x6 journaling cards. I'll be documenting Week in the Life in my PL album this year--so those will be perfect since I have to take the super simple and streamlined approach this year if I have any chance of getting it done!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Keianna says…

    That photo of Anna against the back wall, really shows just how big she is getting. I have a 3.5 year old going on 13, so I totally get the issue of exasperation and trying not to let it become a permanent fixture on your face. TFS

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. MerryMom says…

    I love how the cat is all stretched out and takes up half of the couch! And on a blankie no less!

    Your cat reminds me our old cat, Mr. Ed. Same coloring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Stephanie says…

    Very inspirational, as always :)
    Here's my monday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Donna says…

    With only myself wandering around the house my pictures are mostly of things. Yours have inspired me to try out the scary self timer today.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Debbie says…

    Lovely normal human life, spilled coffee and all. I found age 4 to be the most difficult for each of my children. Keep loving and getting mom's advice, Love the cuddle time with the soft skin :).

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Patti L says…

    This is such a cool exercise to see, even tho it hasn't felt right for me yet. I love those captures, I enjoy blurred photos, showing motion, life. I'm also reading Wild. Haven't gotten far either. I def read more in fall/winter. Awesome start to the week of recording for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jennifer K says…

    LOL I didn't get to cleaning up my kitchen until later in the day either.

    There's just something about the afternoon/evening light coming in, isn't there?

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Debbie S. says…

    Wow, Simon's feet and Mighty Anna looking straight into the camera. Lovely bunch of photos of your day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. laura @ says…

    Thanks so much for inspiring us to slow down and look at our lives and document the moments! This is my 2nd time trying WITL, and maybe this year I will complete the entire week! Doing good so far!

    Loved Wild! Such an amazing adventure and life experience!


    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Sarah @ TM2TS says…

    I know the frustration of a dishwasher not using the soap that it's provided with. My husband thinks it's okay to just unload, and I hate that!

    I love the shots with you involved. I keep forgetting about that setting on my camera ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Courtney W says…

    Ugh! Dishes on the counter... that is SO the scene at my house daily.

    My Monday words + photos can be found here:

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