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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Friday Words & Photos

Ah, Friday. 

If you've made it this far, awesome. If you stopped earlier, awesome - I bet you captured some photos and words that can be made into something that's just as meaningful ( make an album, add to Project Life®, do some traditional layouts). Do the best you can with what you have. 

Again, thank you for being a part of this journey this week. 

Here's a look at our Friday using the prompt "the story of this photo:"

The story of this photo | I have a bad habit currently of reaching for my phone first thing. I'd like to change that habit. Maybe next week. 

The story of this photo | Coloring before breakfast. And I love when she has her hair in a pony tail. 

The story of this photo | I told them to go outside after a morning that included a lot of me getting frustrated at the messes they had left in most rooms around the house and and challenges getting them all picked up. They got it done. Anna is really in a play and drop and on-to-the-next phase. It's not my favorite. 

The story of this photo | After kids and messes and clean ups and food and coffee and getting Aaron & the kids out the door and and and. Finally sitting down at my desk for some design work (and quiet).

The story of this photo | My single tomato plant that's a volunteer from last year (means I didn't plant it this year, rather it sprouted from a decomposed plant from last year). My friend Ali told me I should cut off the branches that aren't producing to help the green ones that are growing to ripen quicker. Might embark on that project tomorrow. 

The story of this photo | Taking care of business. 

The story of this photo | Anna was playing Jenga on the floor in my office near Katie's side of the table. Katie took this shot. The Jenga pieces are all over the floor in this same spot as I type up my words for the day. 

The story of this photo | Exactly where he's supposed to be. He loves, loves, loves this basket. He got in their the first day we brought him home and it's definitely become his space. 

The story of this photo | Laundry on the counter. Fridge open. Drying dishes on the other counter.

The story of this photo | Not a single complaint about leftover cold pizza. Pineapple for her. Cantaloupe for him. Pepperoni for me. 

The story of this photo | An afternoon break for BoxTrolls and lounging on the couch. Simon's feet are almost as big as mine. 

The story of this photo | Anna was sitting next to me on the couch playing games on the iPad. I asked her if we could take a photo together and she was willing. Love. It was about 3pm and she was still in her PJ's. Thank you summer. 

The story of this photo | A light afternoon workload meant that Katie got to go home early so Anna kept me company while I worked on a few things in the afternoon. 

The story of this photo | We stopped for dinner at one of our local favorites ( Cafe Yumm - Anna had a small Yumm bowl and Simon had a chicken skewer & a quesadilla and I had soup) and Simon humored me with this shot while Anna was in the bathroom. Around here we would notice that he is not wearing his usual hat (a white Nike hat that he wears all the time that is "the" hat). His level of flexibility has increased so much over the last few years - definitely something to celebrate. 

The story of this photo | Our friend Kim invited us out to her family's farm for an evening of water gun battles and smores. We made a quick stop at Target on the way for some water guns and ended up getting Simon another pair of swim trunks and another swim shirt because I didn't think it all the way through that he was not going to love getting his regular clothes wet (at least I thought about it before we got to the farm). Anna, no problem. Simon, big problem. 

The story of this photo | Kim had set up buckets with water and hoses and the kids loved it. Anna got soaked. Simon played for maybe 15 minutes and then retired to a chair. These kinds of activities can be hard for him - the chaos, getting squirted by random people, lack of control, etc. I totally get it. 

The story of this photo | Anna, on the other hand, was totally into it. 

The story of this photo | She might have met her match in this one. 

The story of this photo | Yeah, I'm not sure where he gets that face. Love you Simon. My friend Kim grabbed my camera and took this shot of Simon and me. Love friends that get it. Love friends that invite us. Love friends who take an interest in getting to know Simon. 

Love Fridays. 


Want to make an album that documents the reasons you love someone in particular or a group of people? Check out my new Mini Class that walks you through the steps of creating a 6x8 album:  Love You Because (now available with immediate access). Workshop includes a 50-minute step by step video that walks you through the process of making the album, a 15-minute presentation that includes a focus on the reason why and an overview, a full color PDF handout with a how-to and images of my album, a printable set, message board and gallery for sharing your work. There is a bundle option available as well if you are wanting to take all three of my mini-classes - details on that are here


I'd love to have you share a link to your FRIDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free  Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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26 thoughts

  1. sarahboirin says…

    i can definitely recommend the mini album class, i loved meeting ali in Paris this spring where she taught it and i love my mini album! thanks ali, loved all your photos and thoughts today.x

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. virginiegoujon says…

      Bonjour Sarah, tout à fait d'accord avec toi. Moi aussi je l'adore ce mini. Quant au moment passé avec Ali, que du bonheur!!!!

    2. sarahboirin says…

      coucou! oui c'est vrai <3

  2. petrac says…

    The Play, stop, drop move onto the next thing is so my 7 year old right now. Most days I try to direct her and explain but boy it is challenging so I totally hear ya on that. Also so love your casual dinners. I really need to take leaf out of that book. Roll on Summer! Thanks again for sharing. Love my nightly visits here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Michelle06 says…

    Favourite part of my day has been when my loved her a long time friend spent time talking to and helping my son in her field of expertise - carrers and employment. Full heart.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. hgauvin says…

    I'm still in and loving this project. There's actually been "stuff" to document this week and I think that's what kept me in the game. Plus my people have been in on it as well. That's always a good thing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. SusanBowers says…

    Favorite photo today was you and Anna on the couch until I saw the one of Anna with the watergun and her face:) I love how you add something extra about your business at the bottom of these posts (new digital products in store, classes - nice reminders!); I'm telling you this because as a faithful stalker - I mean customer - this works for me:) I love the different story starters for each day of the week.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. katie1980 says…

      Yes, tose are my favourites too! Soooo cute!

  6. isabellerenaut says…

    The way you can adjust to Simon's needs (or even when you mentioned Anna not going into the pool for her first training and you being patient) reminds me I have been so inflexible with my owns kids and that I must learn to listen to them more in many ways and to trust them and probably myself too. Good lessons.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. gina200 says…

    As a first time WITL I am really enjoying this. Yesterday I thought "I've already taken photos of that" but your different approach each day helps me to see things differently. I've been walking around this morning really thinking of the story of each photo. For some reason that concept really just clicked now....slow learner I guess.

    Woke up this morning thinking ugh! I wanted to capture my husband mowing the lawn and he snuck that in on me last night while I was making dinner and I didn't get a photo of him. I wouldn't mind so much but there are few of him this week while he's been at work. I guess typical of the week and a story in itself.
    I love the photo of you and Anna. Is that with the big camera or iPhone? And I have to say, you are incredibly photogenic first thing in the morning. Love those shots. One more love - love that your friend gets it and the last photo of you and Simon.
    Thanks again Ali for your inspiration and encouragement!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Bspannbauer says…

      Just a thought, but next week when your husband mows the lawn sneak a photo of him and put it in your album and journal how you missed it last week but was able to get it the following week and why it was important to you. If its important to you I say go get it and journal about it, remember there are no rules ;)

    2. katie1980 says…

      Love this idea!

  8. JuliaH says…

    I'm enjoying these daily prompts/story starters and maybe I missed it if you shared them in advance, but I am writing them down to use next time. I did my WITL a few weeks early, to capture one of the last weeks at home before my boy went off to college (!). With my husband and I off at work each day and two teenagers, I asked each family member to take at least one photo of their day. Even with lots of reminders they "forgot" most days (except for my 15 yo daughter who takes photos all the time) - well I tried! Thanks for the inspiration, awesome kit and just everything about this project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. lindalovescreating says…

    I love all your posts (and story kits and week in the life and one little word and...), but rarely comment. I was just reading the comment above and it got me thinking, I also love your sentence prompts you use each day and this week I've scrolled through your old posts for ideas for what to use. Maybe it's a little late for this go around, but I would love a round up post before next week in the life (or as part of your getting ready post) that lists the prompts you have used in the past (or other ideas you have as well), just to have them all in one place. Thanks for everything you do, you are truly an inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. katie1980 says…

      That would be a great idea, if you can manage it, Ali :)

  10. chiswickmum says…

    Hi Ali,
    Have also been loving your prompts and would support a post with them as a list for next time. I also love the design for the days with the date in the left corner. Any chance that would work for DD?
    Well done with this project and thank you for posting so thoroughly. Encourage you to get IN the pool this coming week...

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. sneakerwaves says…

    Your shot of the volunteer tomato plant made me think of so many analogies to life....that only YOU could write! Bloom where you are planted, volunteer and prosper, trim off activities for the children that don't work so that those that do blossom....well, you get the idea. Love how you honor and respect Simon's strengths. FYI Funny....A large, black, rogue bat flew into our home. Flew several times straight into my face and hair. Hysterical but functioning enough to try to get photo for WITL. Pest control fellow totally didn't get my project and thought I was crazy trying "to capture the moment." He captured the bat.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. virginiegoujon says…

    Love your prompts, words and photos of this week. Really inspiring. Thank you so much.
    I'm still in! Sharing my wednesday, thursday and friday today.
    Have a nice day!

    PS: Love my "Love you because" mini album! Encourage everyone to take this class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. emilylyc says…

    Ali- I just LOVE your posts! You are such a refreshment- so real, so cool, so laid back and go with the flow (at least that's how you seem). I've really enjoyed learning along with you this week. It's been eye-opening for sure. So many things I'm rolling around in my mind about the "why" behind our routines. Can't wait to put this album together. XOXO

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Bonnie says…

    Do you know why I've followed you all these years Ali? Because you are real, true, authentic, willing to share the good and the challenging with us. Thank you for your honesty. It is truly inspirational.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. mtercha says…

    Awesome photos. Awesome friends. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Morgan_Wilson says…

    I heart that last pic!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I'm having a good time taking photos - and taking a good hard look at our daily life - picking up on some little things that I take for granted, cajoling for photos, and writing it all down! It's been long overdue and good. Regardless of how fast I get this week in an album, it was a win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. lidohdee says…

    Don't think I can say enough how totally inspired I am by your words. I can take the photographs, but the words are hard. I keep watching and I keep taking classes, and hopefully one day they will come. I will be doing my WITL next week as this week was so totally abnormal for us, I decided to push it back a week. Have thoroughly enjoyed soaking in your pictures and words this week as you document your life. I love that you are showing us to keep it are one gracious lady :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. dianelynn5 says…

    I love that in most of the photos this week of Katie (that I noticed) at the desk working her feet are tucked up under her Indian style. I sit the same way. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. cathycaines says…

    Love the prompts!! I decided to do the same - thank you so much!

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