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One Little Word℠ 2014 | Workshop Registration Now Open

AE_OLW2014_Promo My One Little Word℠ workshop is back in 2014 and I'm excited to invite you to be a part of the journey.

This year I'll be running the workshop via a password protected section of this website. I've had a great relationship with Big Picture Classes for the last three years and will continue to work with them in 2014 for a re-run of 31 Things (register here) and Hello Story (registration will open later this year).


Having a single word to focus on each year has made a difference in my life.

In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January – a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, story, light, up and open. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They’ve been imbedded into who I am, and into who I’m becoming. They’ve been what I’ve needed (and didn’t know I needed). They’ve helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer, and to grow.

What do you do with this one little word?

You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities.

You can check out my archive of One Little Word posts here.

In 2011 I offered my first year-long One Little Word℠ workshop in an attempt to help me stay in touch with my word and make it more visible in my daily life. It worked. I've been more connected to my words these past few years because of the specific actions and reflections I've put together for the workshop.

As I reviewed my album that includes the last three years it was so cool to see, literally see in my words and photos, my own personal growth in those pages. I've had a very challenging last few years and the pages in my One Little Word℠ album (one 8.5x11 album holds three years) document a lot of that struggles and successes as I worked my way through (and continue to work my way through) the changes in my life after divorce.

This year I plan to continue that tradition here at The cost will be the same as previous years - $31 for 12 months of content and community. Get $5 off by signing up before December 31st. This workshop is not complicated and it’s not time-consuming. It’s simply a way we can come together to share our experience with our words throughout the course of the year. AE_OLW2013_APR_inalbum


Each month will include two main features: a reflection and an action.

The reflections will be something to think or write about and the actions will be something creative - an opportunity to do something beyond writing. In the past that's included things such as a photography assignment, a collage, a vision board, creating a playlist, etc. You can expect a mix of prompts from the past along with some new ones.

Each month will include a video presentation, a full-color handout that goes over the main idea for the month and printables/digital elements. Some of the prompts from past years may be repeated because I see value in the repetition of the exercises with each new word (but all audio, video, and reflections will be new for 2014).

I'm going to continue the tradition of using an 8.5x11 album for my content (see recommended supplies below). Over the last three years I filled an 8.5x11 album with content and I'll be starting a new one for 2014. By the end of the year you’ll have compiled the contents of an 8.5×11 album that documents, defines, celebrates and generally makes your word more visible.

DO YOU NEED TO BE A SCRAPBOOKER? No. Even though we are making an album it’s really more of a journaling/record keeping/thinking/exploring project. I’m excited to see how people interpret the prompts and make them meaningful for their own lives.


LOCATION | This workshop will be run through a private section on my blog. After registering you will receive a Welcome To Class PDF that includes a password to be able to access the class content. On the first of each month you will receive an email reminder to visit the classroom when new content is posted.

REGISTRATION | Payment is made via Paypal (you are able to select a credit card option as well through Paypal). After going through the payment process you will receive an email with information to download the Welcome To Class PDF. Depending on your method of payment through Paypal (credit card, bank transfer, etc) you might be able to download the Welcome To Class PDF immediately or you may need to wait a couple of days for the e-check to clear. You have the opportunity to download the PDF three times before the password will need to be reset. Please download the PDF and save to your computer.

Once you receive the Welcome To Class PDF you will have the passwords needed for the classroom and the video. Inside the classroom you will find a pre-class handout download: Choosing Your Word. Subsequent monthly links will be included on the first of each month.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want the monthly reminder email to come to a different address than your paypal email address please send us an email after registering so we make sure we have the correct address for corresponding with you.

COMMUNITY | An optional private Facebook group will be set up for communicating with classmates and sharing the journey. I hope you will consider joining me on this journey.



Please note that these are suggested supplies. You can use anything you'd like for documenting the prompts/creative excercises. Keep in mind that the printables will be designed to fit the sizes above.


COST | $31 $26 through December 31st

Buy Now

One Little Word is a trademark of Ali Edwards Design, Inc.

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130 thoughts

  1. katie scott says…

    I know this isn't the one little word list - but I already know my word for 2014 - sometimes the word comes early and is obvious. I took your class at BPC in 2011.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Brooke says…

    I love the way my word comes to me. Mine came, I tried to make excuses and get rid of it but after some thought I found that I love how it can fit into so many areas of my life. The initial definition is not the only one! Putting this class on my Christmas wish list, I'd love to take one of your classes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. dawn says…

    I'm so excited about my OLW for next year, never has it chosen me quite like this before and I'm so beyond happy about it. Already putting mine into action and looking forward to what it will bring me in the new year.
    Looking at your list of past words, I see we had some same ones but at different times. Will have to look back on yours and see how/why you chose them. Thanks for including them here.
    Thanks so much for keeping the class and inspiration going with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lyna says…

    Just curious why is size 8.5x11 chosen? Does 12x12 work?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Lyna - I use that size because it's the standard page size for notebooks (not scrapbooks) in the USA. Another reason is that I create full-page printables for the writing assignments and most people don't have an over-size printer to print 12x12. Also I personally like that for me it was a different size than most of the other albums I work on - differentiated it from other projects for me.

      All that said you can make it any size you want and adapt the prompts to fit your chosen method. I know in the past some people have added their monthly exercises/prompts to Project Life.

      It's really less about the specific way you choose to document and more about creative reminders to make your word more visible throughout the year.

    2. Lyna says…

      Thanks for the insights Ali :) Am signing up soon...

  5. TrishMD says…

    I am so looking forward to doing this again. My word "hit" me on Saturday. It's perfect for 2014! Now, I just need paid...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Michelle says…

    Looking forward to class... Word is close to heart.... Signed up...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Paula says…

    This will be a Christmas gift to myself. I have signed up for the prompts for 2 years and loved the experience both times. So happy it will be right here on your website - I think I will participate more that way because I love to visit each day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jennifer K says…

    Looking forward to doing this again! My word has already come to me a few weeks ago. So cool. If anyone is thinking about signing up, just say YES!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Michelle says…

    I'm really thinking about it. I'm new to your site and really like it. I feel I need something like this to get thru some things. But I'm a new scrapbook er and I'm not tech savvy at all. I don't know how to load to websites or much else. But I will think about it and in the meantime continue to visit your site. Great inspiration and I love your stamps. Thanks. Michelle

    Reply 7 Replies
    1. Michelle says…

      Thank you for the encouragement. Tw/o factors are holding me up. I am so very not tech savvy it's not even funny. I'm afraid to be tripped up. Also have a fairly serious illness I'm dealing with. Can overthrown in the hospital and miss weeks of assignments. I love this idea so much I could cry. I'm just not there yet. Maybe I can follow along with some of the blog posts like another commenter plans to do and think on it. Thanks again so much for your encouragement. That's greatly appreciated and goes a long way. Michelle t.

    2. Michelle t. says…

      I did it! I signed up yesterday. I made a facebook too but I didn't go to the class group yet. I'll do that later. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'm looking forward to this. Michelle t.

    3. Debbie says…

      I'm not very tech savy either and it has been ok....the tech things usually have links to directions or someone will help you...if you would like, I can download things and either email or mail them to you. When things are hard you need something to help keep you focused on good things the most...if I can help please let me know.
      (Even in the hospital you could reflect on paper or record on phone)

    4. Michelle says…

      Debbie, thank you so much. I'm sorry for not replying sooner but I needed to get my thoughts together. This situation goes along perfectly with the word that has chosen me and I run away from. Open. How do I let myself open up to this new experience, the tech aspects, when I'm so afraid of failing? There is a lot more to this word than that, but it's a big enough fear. I don't even have a facebook. But yes, maybe I do need to do this. I've been sick for a few years now, and I've closed myself off. I'm sorry I've gone on long enough. But thank you. I'll figure this out and meet up with you somehow. Michelle t.

    5. Michelle says…

      Sorry. That's supposed to be "be thrown in...". Darn auto type.

    6. Alison D. says…

      The OLW workshops have impacted my life in great ways! I first signed up in 2012 on a whim and haven't looked back. The prompts are fun help me focus on my word throughout the year. it's not so time consuming I get overwhelmed let it get lost in the shuffle of life. The workshop is worth it!

    7. Gypsy Chaos says…

      Michelle, i took this class in 2011. Although I dropped off the bandwagon in May, I loved what I did. I'm going to take it again.
      Please dont let fear of the tech stuff keep you away.

      This is a monthly class, not weekly. Also you can work at your own pace. If I recall correctly, the past months' info remains available throughout the year.

  10. Stephanie says…

    Signed up and very excited, despite the fact that I have NO idea of what my word will be. I'll come up with something and refuse to allow the word to be "panic." HA!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. HERE&NOW December | says…

    […] my One Little Word for 2014. Have you picked yours […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Steph Bell says…

    Hi. I've signed up and am really looking forward to starting. I live in the UK and can get an 8.5 x 11 album but can't get the divided page protectors anywhere. I've even searched on but they don't have them. Is there a shop or site you know that would be willing to ship to the UK?
    Thanks (& Happy Christmas)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Steph - in the Facebook group there was a thread about this with a few different options/suggestions for people in the UK. Let me know if you aren't on Facebook/don't plan to join the group there and I can forward you the thread.

  13. Sara Brian says…

    Hi, I am excited about joining but would like to give the class as a gift. Can you register for the class and pay but have someone else log in and participate?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Sara - yes! Go ahead and register and then send Katie an email ( and let her know the name of the recipient and their email address.

  14. Lisa aka Myran says…

    Hi Ali! This sounds like a really fun thing to do! Would a Smash book work or does it have too few pages? Lisa :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Lisa - it's really up to you. Each month you will get a prompt and a creative exercise and you could definitely add them into a Smash book to really make it your own (I encourage making it work for you). The printables will be sized to the page protector pockets above (and the full size 8.5x11 sheets).

  15. Caroline says…

    This is on my Christmas wishlist and I'm passing on a message to secret Santa...;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Donna C says…

    Hi! All signed up, but can you please tell me how many packs of each type of page protector we need?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Melissa says…

      Just signed up - I think my word found me this morning but will sit on it for a few days to make sure

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Donna - just one!

  17. Amanda says…

    Love the idea of One little Word. While I am unable to sign up for your workshop (not in the budget), I have found my word for 2014 and plan on focusing on it through the new year. Do you have any suggestions for people who aren't able to afford to take a workshop? Ways we can work on incorporating our word into our lives on a regular basis? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Amanda - I usually do some posts with thoughts and ideas about this during the week between Christmas Day and New Years. You might want to read back through my archives as well:

  18. Clare says…

    Just signed up and am really looking forward to trying this. My creative side has been lacking lately and this will feed it nicely. Plus, I'm Canadian and it's really, really cold here in winter and this will give me solace on those -30 days.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Anna says…

    This is a new and exciting concept for me - love the idea and with a some major changes ahead of me it will be nice to have something constant. The idea of a single word is perfect.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Di says…

    I just signed up. My birthday is Monday, so it's a birthday present for myself :) I;ve chosen words for the last few years and not done the workshop before so I'm looking forward to the workshop keeping me on track. I don't really scrapbook much anymore, more blogging and sharing through my blog. But I will do pages digitally so I'm looking forward to the digital downloads. Any other related digi products available?
    Right now I have about 8 words bouncing around in my head!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Di - I don't really have any other One Little Word downloads/printables. Most of the time they have been included with the class (mainly printables that are also included as PNG files).

  21. Melissa C says…

    I am wondering if anyone has used a SN@P 6x8 album to do this class? I took it in 2011 and sadly didn't follow through. Planning to sign up but still need a word -- hmm.....

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Melissa - I think people have done that in the past and just adapted the prompts to fit (the printables will be sized to the page protectors above).

  22. Katherine says…

    I took the class at BP in 2011. I'm wondering if the content is the same and if I can still access it there. I'll probably sign up again here this year just to keep motivated, but I was just wondering. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Katherine - you can still access the content there. Each year I've modified the prompts a bit - sometimes they have been completely different and sometimes they have been the same because I like to use the same prompts with my new word (my responses to the prompts are always different as I experience my life and my new word). For this class you can expect that there might be some the same, again infused with my real time life experiences.

  23. Amy says…

    I have been trying out other words just in case, yet my original word continues to pop up either as related words or a synonym. Guess I should just stick with the original word, it has something to teach me.

    So excited about this Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Preparing For My Year Of Organizing | Tattered 'n Worn says…

    […] further enhance my chance of success, I’m going to go ahead and sign up for Ali Edward’s One Little Word program. She used to do it through Big Picture Classes, but is now hostessing it on her own. It […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Yvonne says…

    Hi there!
    Do I need to purchase a Project Life package to have the background papers for all the little compartments in the page protectors? Are the Project Life core kits compatible with this project? Or not?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Yvonne - not at all. Each month there will be a printable PDF to download and print. There will also be additional creative exercises that include photography and mixed media. Any other papers you would add would be one's you choose yourself.

    2. Alison D. says…

      I have found this is an excellent way to use up some of my stash!

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