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Yesterday & Today Self-Paced Workshop Now Available


I'm super excited to bring back and make available one of my most-loved, content-rich workshops Yesterday & Today.

Where do you begin creating with photos from generations past?

  • What do you wish you knew about your parents when they were growing up?

  • How do you document the challenging times in your life?

  • How do you create layouts that tell special stories when you don't have any photos?

  • What are the lessons of your life so far?

The goal of Yesterday & Today is to help you meaningfully document and celebrate life by looking to the past before approaching the stories of today.

The benefit of looking to the past is that we gain perspective. We see things differently after developing an awareness of what we know and what we wished we knew. Looking back, even if we're just viewing old photos of people we don't know, can change the way we approach the photos we take and the stories we tell today.


Yesterday & Today includes 12+ lessons. All lessons are immediately available to you upon purchasing this workshop.

The first six lessons of Yesterday & Today address topics related to yesterday: dealing with old photos, identifying which stories mean the most, gaining perspective. You'll then transition for a couple of lessons and shift your focus to cover stories that include content from both the past and the present. The last few lessons are devoted to exploring techniques that help you tell the stories of everyday life right now.

Yesterday & Today is designed to:

  • Begin the journey of creating a life-affirming 12" x 12" album that mixes stories from the past and the present.

  • Be about you OR about someone you love (or you can do a bit of both). Each layout topic can be translated into a page about yourself or a loved one.

  • Be an in-depth exploration of each topic per week. There will be just one layout project per lesson. You will not be scrapbooking your entire life story as you work through this workshop.

  • Be an opportunity to use what you have from your current stash of supplies.

  • Challenge (or affirm) the way you think about scrapbooking. It is less about playing with products and more about focusing on the words and photos.

  • Inspire you towards a deeper understanding of the power scrapbooking can have in the way we live our day to day lives.

  • Give you a plethora of ideas for additional layouts to complete and stories to tell once the workshop is finished.

  • Instill confidence in your personal creative process.

  • Be open to all memory keepers whether you prefer paper or digital (or a bit of both).



  • LESSON ONE | Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello // Story Brainstorm

  • LESSON TWO | Choosing & Working With Photos // Working With Old Photos // Scanning Tips

  • LESSON THREE | Telling The Story // Lessons Learned // Storytelling Rhythms

  • LESSON FOUR | Why We Scrapbook // Telling The Challenging Stories

  • LESSON FIVE | Stories Without Photos

  • LESSON SIX | Change & Growth // Building Stories With Structures

  • LESSON SEVEN | Past & Present

  • LESSON EIGHT | Personal Past Perspective // Cultivating Mindfulness

  • LESSON NINE | Day In The Life // Everyday Details

  • LESSON TEN | This I Believe // Life Lessons

  • LESSON ELEVEN | Embracing Imperfection // Getting Yourself In The Photos

  • LESSON TWELVE | The Stuff Of Life


Each topic includes a video/slide show presentation along with a full-color PDF handout that includes inspiration and instruction.


Once you've registered you have the option to join the Facebook group. Even though this is a self-paced workshop this will create a community and opportunity to share your work and ask questions and support one another.

A couple of notes:

  • Although this project uses specific materials I definitely encourage you to use what you might have on hand.

  • You need Adobe Reader to open the step by step PDF file. Download Adobe Reader for free here.

  • There are no supplies included with this class and nothing is mailed to you.

  • This class was originally created in 2009 and it is the same content. Some of the products I use might not be available but I'm happy to suggest alternatives.

HOW IT WORKS : This is a self-paced class. Payments are made via Paypal. After going through the payment process you will receive an email that includes a link to download your Welcome To Class PDF. Depending on your method of payment through Paypal (credit card, bank transfer, etc) you might be able to download the file immediately or you may need to wait a couple of days for the e-check to clear. Access information for the class and video passwords will be listed on the Welcome To Class PDF. All other content will be available for you to download once you are in the classroom.

Your Welcome To Class PDF will be mailed to the address you use for Paypal.

Because of the online nature of this workshop (passwords for content and videos for the year are included with the Welcome PDF) no refunds are available.


COST | $30

Buy Now

Questions? Contact Ali or Katie via email.



OPTIONAL DIGITAL PACKAGE | $25 (purchase through Designer Digitals here)

PLEASE NOTE | When this class first ran (in 2009 and 2011) it was $99 and included the digital elements. I've brought the price down to $55 if you purchase both the workshop lessons + the optional digital package through Designer Digitals. You can choose to purchase the optional digital package after diving into the content and seeing if it's something you really want as a part of this educational experience.


  • Trisha | Ali, thank you for a great class! I now have a meaningful, beautiful album full of things I never would have thought to document. I am so happy with it! I appreciate your thoughtful, genuine love of all things that embrace life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful class and for being YOU.

  • Hannah | I highly recommend this class. It doesn't matter what kind of a scrapbooker you are, or even if you aren't one, the thoughtful assignments and journal prompts are powerful to say the least. The ability to go at your own pace means you can take your time until you are ready to deal with the issues that come up, and not get behind- I finished it 2 years after starting! Looking back and comparing now and then was a powerfully healing experience for me- it helped me address issues in my marriage, feel closer to my parents, and change my perspective on my present and future. It not only changed the way I scrapbook, but the way I think. In short, this class is like therapy, only a lot cheaper and you get a great album at the end of it!

  • Anne | I took this class a couple of years ago... It was without a doubt, the hardest class I have ever taken! (And I am a college graduate). You somehow got me to thinking of things that happened a long time ago...your questions pulled my life story right out of me! I am so thankful to have a Yesterday and Today scrapbook... It really is my story!!!


COST | $30

Buy Now

Questions? Contact Ali or Katie via email.

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7 thoughts

  1. Pink Ronnie says…

    This sounds amazing, Ali.
    Ronnie xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Barb says…

    Hey Ali,,,,, I took the class at BPS. Is the content the same and will I still have access at BPS? Loved the class, but couldn't keep up with everything and want to go back and do some of ot again.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Irene says…

      You have forever access to all the classes you ever took at BPC. All you need is the internet and your login stuff.

  3. kelsey says…

    Nuts! I will have to wait until payday. I can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Allison says…

    One of my favorite classes ever! I should go through it again soon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. jennifer says…

    Hey Ali, loved the class the first time around. Even though my parents announced their separation it was still therapeutic for me to go through the class and work on the projects. It's one of my most treasured albums.

    My question is, is there new content or is it the same content in your self paced class?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Jennifer - this is the same content.

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