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Making The Videos

One of the most fun parts of working on this new website was filming the project videos with  Collin Kartchner

If the name sounds familiar to you, it might be because he's  Liz Kartchner's (aka Dear Lizzy) husband. 

They make quite the creative pair those two. 

Here's the truth: I was nervous about Collin at first. I thought he was entirely too funny and wouldn't be able to be serious about this project. I kinda worried he would make fun of me. He's got a quick wit and, remember, sometimes I can be way too serious. My worries about him were actually ridiculous and that was super obvious from our first business meeting in Salt Lake City earlier this summer. He is a complete professional. He got what we were looking for in the videos immediately. He's great at what he does and he does it with a sense of humor that I completely appreciate now. 

A good learning experience for me once again about my own judgements.

He won my kids over at the first hello. I was especially impressed with the rapport he created with Simon almost immediately. 

We got down to business of filming pretty quickly, starting with footage around my office and then recording my on-camera portions of each video. 

I wrote up the words I wanted to say and we recorded most of them one-line-at-a-time and did a couple takes of each, usually from a different angle. 

There was a lot of laughing. 

In addition to filming in my office, Collin also captured us going about our daily life. 

Going to the grocery store, riding in the car, sitting at the table, playing outside, riding bikes, the evening prayer, etc - so many of the moments I've been documenting over the years with still photos and words. 

Simon was super interested in what Collin was capturing and there were many moments where he snuck up behind him, jumped in front of him and put his face right up to the lens. Collin totally rolled with it. 

When Chris came over to help Anna ride her bike Collin was there to capture the action. 

He stayed later into the evening to catch the goodnight prayer (priceless) that I say to each of the kids every night we are together. 

And we did some playing in the backyard, with just the right amount of sun flare. 

A week or so later Collin uploaded the videos to dropbox and told us to take a look. 

I cried. 

In his email to me he wrote, "Every clip, every cut, every song, every splice...all meticulously done with love. Shot sequence, pacing, sound, every key frame was well thought out and intentional. I hope you can feel the passion behind the story-telling, and hope you're left with something magical. You truly inspire people, I hope this inspires you." 

They totally did Collin. Thank you again for getting me. 

The words you see in the One Little Word video are all from artist  Colleen Attara. They are recycled scrap plastic words cut in her handwriting and you can read more about them here. She sent those all to me this past year and they were perfect for telling the story of that project. 

Paperclipping Roundtable Podcast | Just a heads up that I was a guest on a new episode of the Paperclipping Roundtable podcast yesterday. We were disucssing our experience (trials and successes) photographing layouts and other projects. Check it out here. Also, you can check out a list of all the podcasts I've been a guest on via my press page. There's a drop-down menu at the top to make it easier to see what section you'd like to check out. 

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42 thoughts

  1. Borcherding says…

    I thought the videos were AWESOME! I giggled when I read you were apprehensive about Collin. His videos on their blog seem so real and from the heart...he clearly did the same with yours!! And judging by his email to you, he was the perfect choice!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    Thanks for sharing. It was very interesting to see a behind the scenes glimpse of what filming the videos entailed. The videos were truly magical, very inspiring. It's also wonderful he shot some of your nighttime routines. Really need some inspiration here right now, thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. brooke1 says…

    Film was my old life and this post really makes me miss it. There is something magical about capturing and telling the story, no pun originally intended. Collin's instagram feed is hilarious!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. jenniferd says…

    I love the project videos. They are probably my very favorite part of the new site. And I may have had tears in my eyes while watching them.

    Congrats again on your new site. It does a brilliant job of expressing your approach to scrapbooking. I think those of us who have been around for a long time immediately thought "Yes! This is Ali." :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. cathyzielske says…

    You know how I feel about the videos. Hell, I cried. Collin is the shizzle.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. LynneGillis says…

    The videos are awesome... but what brought me to tears were Collin's words to you about storytelling. Oh my... not only does he truly get you, he truly gets what living your passion is all about. The care. The stories. The love. Thanks so much for sharing this behind-the-scenes look! Loved it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. angelzmom says…

    Magical is right! I agree with Cathy Z.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Esther_H says…

    I am so loving your new site! Tears in my eyes, but also a good belly laugh when I clicked the link to the one-little-word video! :D I still need to check out those words from Colleen though, they're cool!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. iHanna says…

    Well, who didn't almost cry when watching these videos?

    I love and adore that kind of short bursts of everyday beauty, in video format!

    I think video has a big place in memory keeping, something that I've written about on my blog (too bad the link field is gone from the new site, I will miss that a lot, because I think the linking in the comments is a big part of the blogging community!).

    Keep up the good work team Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning! You can still add a link in the comments or did you mean that your name links? Let me ask about that if that's what you meant -

  10. Esther_H says…

    I am so loving your new site! Tears in my eyes, but also a good belly laugh when I clicked the link to the one-little-word video! :D I still need to check out those words from Colleen though, they're cool!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. jlrude1970 says…

    I just teared up reading the words from Collin's e-mail to you. It must have been so magical to see those videos for the first time. You do inspire people - and I am so happy that this is all coming together so beautifully. Love the new site!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. laelder says…

    Ali, you are an inspiration! That email from Collin was spot on. Thank you for sharing yourself with us - love the new site!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Totally agree these videos and your new site rocks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. papergoddess says…

    Love the videos!

    I go to Clover Market all time and saw the words, never realized it was the same company!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. jstock17 says…

    Ali - you and your team have done a great job with the new site. And as someone else mentioned, Collin's words to you were perfect - perfect for you and your vision and your dream and all that you are. He hit the nail on the head. I'm looking forward to continued inspiration from you . . . I'm along for the ride! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. spagirl says…

    Lovely post. Then I clicked on the OLW video link... Hilarious! (Bummer, I wanted to see it, lol, but still hilarious!!!)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ha! My mistake - fixed that link :).

  17. cele says…

    You will crack up at my question-I was wondering where you got the large blue stone ring you wear in your new videos? I do love the new set up-but LOVE that ring!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Forever 21 - so awesome, right? Super cheap and so FUN.

  18. france says…

    this was so beautiful, Ali. My husband directs commercials...i don't know why I never thought to ask him to direct a video of me working or knitting or whatever:) It seems like such a natural part of storytelling.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. safairb says…

    I've really loved all the videos I've seen from Collin Kartchner and these are no different. Beautifully made, totally inspiring and a really great capture of the vision for "craft the story".

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cookingmylife says…

    Well, as I've read your blog since about 2008, I feel you are a friend or like a daughter/granddaughter. Those videos caputered the you I 'know' and are so real and tender, how could I (we) not be touched. I get your aprehension about those who seem to be too frivolous for the more serious of us! We're so silly... ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. DonnaM says…

    What a beautiful story. It was so great to hear how this rolled from start to finish.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. clippergirl says…

    You really are inspiring to me....and watching all these videos about you, your thought process and what matters to you cements the reasons why we do what we do....sometimes I question myself, why am I bothering with this (memory keeping) and I think that's why I visit your site almost everyday.....for inspiration and the validation that it is ok to do what we do. I really appreciate what you do and for sharing your process....Collin did an amazing job capturing you and your family, Thank you, thank you, thank you Ali!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Gela says…

    I'm sure you expected Cleetus McDuffy to pop out or worst yet to be filming your video. He did an awesome job.Congrats on your new site.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  24. laew says…

    Loving your new site. Just had time to watch all the videos - it was like sitting with you as you described all the projects. Well done. Totally re-energized and ready to take on some new projects!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. SheilaKay says…

    Excited for you and with you on your new adventure! Tell Collin, Roll Tide! Some of his earlier videos about us "southern girls and boys" were hilarious! I miss those.

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