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Give Sunday | 15

This year, in honor of my 2015 One Little Word® "give," I'm sharing a hand-drawn quote each Sunday here on my blog.

This quote from Ansel Adams seemed fitting this week as the prompt we are working on in One Little Word® is photo-related and my newest Story theme centers on photography (Click). Just a heads up that we will be closing the 2015 One Little Word® classroom to any new students as of April 30th. If you were still thinking about jumping in or want to join a community of people who are working to make their words visible now is the time.  

Click here to read my initial post and download the #givesunday word art title and checklist for helping you to give a little something today. You can also view all the past #givesunday quotes via the archives

Click here to download the #givesunday 15 quote. Please note: If you are reading this post via email you need to click through to the actual blog post to download the file

You're invited to join me. What will you give today?

Have a wonderful Sunday. 

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10 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Beautiful quote, it's a great choice. Thanks for sharing. Michelle t

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  2. kelsterjean says…

    I love this quote. Thank you for sharing! Today, I would like to give love and patience. My hubby, who usually does lots around the house, is sick. And I want to give love to him and patience, instead of feeling like the burden now falls on me.

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  3. chp97 says…

    I love Ansel Adams. What great words for today. Thanks Ali. Looking forward to Type!

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  4. adawson816 says…

    My favorite quote so far! Thank you!

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  5. bcbc says…

    While I was not familiar with this wonderful Ansel Adams quote, its meaning is present in all of his work. His images are most often without people, yet full of humanity. Ali, you are giving us wonderful, thoughtful quotes. This one is is running for the best. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Sharonkc says…

    Thank you so much for these quotes, Ali! They always make me smile. And speaking of smiling - I love, love, LOVE your 404 page with Simon. I clicked on the zip download from Feedly by accident and stumbled upon it. So great :)

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