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Week In The Life™ 2015 Updates

We've got a date! I'm excited to let you know that I'll be documenting a Week in the Life™ from August 17th through August 23rd, 2015

A seven-day documentary project, Week in the Life™ began in 2005 as an annual opportunity to capture the simple everyday details of life with photos and words. You can check out all my past blog posts on this project here, view my gallery and watch a video here.  

Join the free Week In The Life™ community (includes message board & gallery for sharing your project) and grab this word art package: 

It's been fun seeing this word art pop up on images on Instagram using the hashtag #weekinthelife

If you'd like a simple way to share you are participating this year we've also created a couple of ready-mage images for you to use that you can download on the Welcome Page in the free Week In The Life™ community.: 

Pre-ordered Week in the Life™ kits for 2015 have started shipping. 

Preorders placed after July 15th will ship the last week of July (and still qualify for free shipping). More details on the preorder page here

Week In The Life™ 2015 Kit

The kit also includes your choice of 6x8 album (see images on the kit page) - each come with 31 page protectors: 

The digital kit (includes the cards and stamp set) should be available in the shop soon.

I'm getting super excited to embark on this project again! Thank you for being part of this community and being interested and willing to capture and celebrate the stories and images of one week in your life. 

Let's tell stories together!

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40 thoughts

  1. virginiegoujon says…

    This kit is AMAAAAAZING!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. jscrapper4ever says…

    I cannot wait to get this kit. As always, Ali, you put together such great kits!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. LMcGE says…

    Ali, this kit is amazing. I am so looking forward to receiving it and to begin this fantastic project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. angymuse says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  5. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Even though I can't commit to doing WITL in August, I am going to buy the kit :) Love it and when I'm ready, it will be here in my stash and waiting. Thanks for the free community and week in the life awesome.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. heyecho says…

    SO EXCITED> urgh!! cant wait

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. mtercha says…

    Thanks, Ali. It's awesome. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. scm613 says…

    I was on the fence about trying WITL but the timing of it tipped the scales in favor of doing it. We will be visiting my in-laws in England that week and this will be a great way to capture things. Next stop...ordering my kit!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. sleeplessdreamer says…

    IN LOVE with that washi! For those of us who preordered the kit early, when/how do we get the free digital kit?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It should happen in the next couple of days - it will appear in your "My Digital Files" (click on your user name to click on it).

  10. shannon80 says…

    Oh gosh! That is just beautiful. I'm going to have to be super prepared for this one. One of my busiest weeks with work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. EricaHettwer says…

    Just ordered mine. I wasn't going to, I was thinking about an every other year sort of thing. But, we just found out my SIL's health isn't as good as we'd hoped. Since she was staying with us last WIL, and she'll be with us for this WIL, it just seems like fate is telling me to record our week with her.
    Thanks, Ali. <3

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. mtercha says…

      Best wishes to you. Hoping all goes well.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      <3 Erica :)

  12. pinksoup says…

    Really, really thrilled to finally be doing WITL!! You couldn't have picked a better week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. homemakermichigan says…


    Thanks for creating such a great inspiration for us! I wasn't sure if I could commit, as I have older teens, but after reading about Heidi Swapp discussing the importance of taking pictures at her son's funeral, it just really resonated with me. I'm excited to document a week in our family life, especially because my oldest will be returning to college in the fall, and I want to document our daily life with our complete family under one roof. Thanks for all that you do. You are awesome!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. meldarcy says…

      I had decided to do it already, and pre-ordered the kit, but as with you @homemakermichigan, I also have been moved by Heidi's last couple of weeks and the beautiful thoughts she has shared. I have chosen to document the week earlier as that week has a bigger focus on my teens with both playing sport, which truly is more indicative of our 'normal' week. Ali, just a question for you, are you planning on bringing out a new layered template for WITL this year in the 6x8 format? And also are you planning on stocking extra page protectors for the albums? I saw that you have the 3x8 but not the other sizes on your store. Thanks so much.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      This project is for anyone - people who have small kids, people who have teens, people who are empty nesters, people who are single. My encouragement is to embrace and document where you are right now :).

      @meldarcy - there will be new layered templates coming out during the next month. The ones from last year are available here:✓&category=digital&search=week+in+the+life&commit=Search+Shop (you can easily delete the date and add in 2015 if wanted). At this time I don't have any additional page protectors in my shop but Studio Calico does have some available if you need extras:

  14. littlelamm says…

    This is so fun! I can't wait to receive this album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. ximena says…

    So exciting!! Do you think you could make a small video showing the contents of the kit? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep! I'll sharing that in a week or so.

  16. happytoscrap says…

    I just ordered the kit! That is the week my daughter will be going off to college, emotional.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. rigelpuppy says…

    I'm excited to do this! Nothing special going on that week, so it'll be a perfect time to document an ordinary couple of days. Beautiful kit!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. slmnontec says…

    I'm signed up. I looked back at past years. I seemed to have started in 2008 but I've hunted high and low and can't find 2009. I do have the last 5 years. It's amazing how much has changed yet how much is the same! I'm so glad I did these albums just wished I had kept them all in one place!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. jchurch2 says…

    I am psyched!!!! Goong to the mailbox has just taken on a whole new meaning. Can hardly wait to get my supplies!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. CraftyCat says…

    Ali, just out of curiosity, why did you select this week?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I wanted to do another week that was still summer for us (school starts after Labor Day here). I also wanted it to be farther away from December Daily stuff. Next year it will move to the spring - where I hope to keep it for awhile vs. the fall.

  21. rizamerk says…

    My kit arrived today. I am so thrilled to work this project again. Took class with you at CKU Atlanta a zillion years ago (12x12) It will be so neat to compare then and now in a similar but different format. Thanks for all the great work. BTW, where do I find my digital parts for the project?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You should be able to access them under your user name in the top right corner - click on your name and then click on My Digital Files.

  22. Mmshughes says…

    This is my first time doing WITL and I'm so excited. The kit arrived yesterday and looks amazing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. bunnytrails says…

    Got my kit yesterday and I'm so excited to do this! It looks fabulous. This is my first time, though I've wanted to do it for years. It's actually a perfect week for me, as well. Can't wait!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. suzettemahoney says…

    I just got my kit and this will be my first time participating. I don't even know what I am doing but I thought it looked interesting. I was hesitant at first as my children are 20 + 18, thinking I'd have nothing interesting to document. Then I realized as I follow along with you from August 17-23 I will be documenting my youngest moving into a college dorm room and I felt like I was going to cry. The timing is perfect. Thank you for creating this and giving me the opportunity to document this bittersweet and amazing time in my son's life. God bless!

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