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Week In The Life™ 2016 | Sunday In Album

Finishing up the review of my daily content within my Week In The Life™ album today with a look at Sunday. 

Tomorrow I'll share a full video overview and some final thoughts on finishing up this project. 

Here's how Sunday looks in my album: 

Coffee + paper in bed for the win. That is not a regular thing around here but I love the idea of it. 

As my stories got shorter, my handwritten text got bigger. And Costco on a Sunday - no idea what I was thinking (except that it's easier to go when the kids aren't here and the timing worked out to go with Aaron). 

Again, just like Saturday, I have a 4x6 for journaling + the gold-foil daily card that was able to fit inside the pockets because I had less photos. 

I wrote around the "life is full of adventure" card for a little personalization. 

Super thankful to be wrapping this project up again for this year. I love doing it and then I love putting it away and getting back to my regular projects. I spent some time the other day printing out photos for the last few weeks of Project Life® so I'm excited to get going on that one as well. 

As I mentioned above, tomorrow I'll share a video walk-through and a few final thoughts. 


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13 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Look forward to seeing the overview. Your pictures are beautiful. I'm starting Thursday. So happy to get some small, but significant stories from that week documented, some stuff about relationships, which I love. Thanks for sharing, for this project, too. Love the light it shines. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. abbypimentel says…

    Loved seeing your week, day-by-day. I decided to put my WITL off until this Summer, when I have part of the week at "home-home" and part of it at our family vacation house at the lake. I've never documented that house, and it's extremely special to our family - kinda like your parents' house on the coast when you go to visit. Thanks for the inspriation!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Sounds like an awesome plan.

  3. andreacollects says…

    loved following along with your week, Ali! You always have some fresh and new ideas to add your text and photos to the album. Question: Do you plan before you print your photos what you put where or do you just print them all out and then decide what to put where?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I sit with my album next to me while I print out the photos - so choosing and printing at the same time. Having a printer at my desk makes that really easy.

  4. KProffitt says…

    LOVE your entire album, Ali! Thank you for sharing it with us!

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  5. TracieClaiborne says…

    Loved seeing every spread from your album! You will crack up but I was on a date night with my husband this weekend and I told him I wanted to get a picture and he makes the weirdest faces when I'm trying to take his picture. I said, "Just be casual! I want to get a picture of you like Ali Edwards does of her guy!" and I tried to find this pic from this spread 'cause I remembered you sharing it so I was scrolling through your Instagram and I said, "Well I can't find that picture but here's an example of the pics she takes." and he goes, "WELL THAT GUY IS YOUNG!" haha!!!!!!!! My husband looks about 35 or 40 but he's actually 50 and he obviously thinks he looks old. So anyway....because of you, I did end up getting a pic of him I like. He let me take at least 10 and normally he won't at all. I just love how relaxed and casual your pics are, like we just happened upon your life and peeked in. I always you tell people you're going to take their pic (like Aaron) or do you just snap it sneaky like?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. katiestories13 says…

      Oops! I thought I was replying here, but left a comment below about how I get candid shots of my husband vs. extended family.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      I usually just take them (I call it "stealth") but sometimes I ask - totally depends on the situation, the moment, the relationship, etc. I like photos of people looking down or people "into" something - doing something or looking at something or engaged with something vs. always looking straight on. Totally a combination of both. Love that you got a photo of him :).

  6. katiestories13 says…

    I think if I'm sneaky or open with the camera depends on the person.

    When I take pictures of my husband, he definitely knows I'm taking the pictures. He will pretend to not notice though (after many years of my saying "Don't look! Pretend I'm not taking a picture!") and will sometimes ask if I'm taking a "looking picture or one for the scrapbook". Hahaha

    But for others who aren't used to my having the camera around all the time (like my parents when they visit), I will try to be sneaky so I get a picture that is more authentic and not stiff or posed feeling.

    My 6 month old son smiles for the camera the second he sees it though. It's so hard to get a candid of him. But awesome to stop his tears - just pull out the camera!

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