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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Saturday Words & Photos

You are almost there.  One more day. 

As usual, I'm ready to wrap this one up. I love the project and there's still much to do in terms of putting it all together but by this time in the week, I'm ready to not have the little self-reminder to capture more (even though I'm so thankful to myself for making the effort because there are some gems). 

I took less photos today (right around 48 with my DSLR which includes doubles and triples where I was trying to get the settings right), as is customary with this project generally as I work my way through the week. Really the main thing I'm missing today is me sleeping on the couch, making lunch to take to the pool, and then watching The Wizard Of Oz once we got home. It was all very calm and wonderfully ordinary. 

Here's a look at our Saturday: 

Saturdays are for sleeping in late (or waking up early and then going back to sleep). 

Saturdays are for messy top knots. 

Saturdays are for leisurely breakfasts and sometimes ones that come from a cookbook. My Mom sent this  Garfield cookbook to Simon (arrived in the mail this week) and he was so, so excited. It's called Garfield: Recipes With Catittude and today he decided he wanted to make the waffles.  

More than once he said, "I'm really inspired."

This is so what it's all about with him - finding a link to connect, a way in through stories and characters. He loves Garfield. Garfield loves food. It's natural that he'd be interested in this. My Mom is so smart. 

Saturdays are taking a photo and sending an email to Grandma to show her what he made (he told me he had already called her when he was waking up today to say thank you for the book). 

Saturdays are for activities like this. Even though this is about as far as I got. I've been wanting to work on  this puzzle for so long but then I got distracted by removing my gel polish and then reading more of the Uniquely Human: A Different Way Of Seeing Autism book (which is awesome and now I'm about halfway through and I'd definitely recommend it to other parents and people who work with people on the spectrum. 

Saturdays are for making messes and cleaning them up. Actually there's still quite a pile as I type this at 8pm.

Saturdays are for taking long naps on the couch. No photo for that one. 

Saturdays are for being all in. I told the kids on the way over to the pool that I wanted to take this photo with them and they were willing. I took one test shot and then set the timer and jumped in - this was the first one with me in it and I did one more. The focus isn't perfect but I'll totally take it. 

Saturdays are for looking for the little things. 

Saturdays in the summer are often for getting outside. I had thought we might head to a river today but decided to just relax closer to home. There are forest fires blazing in Washington and Oregon right now and the haze was super thick here today. 

Saturdays are for just hanging out. For reading what I want. For disconnecting from work. For being together. For re-charging and taking long naps. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your SATURDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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18 thoughts

  1. Bellaa75 says…

    Followed your lead from last year Ali and did 'Saturdays are for'... as well. It's Sunday night here now in Australia and I'm exhausted! Glad it's over but excited about all the awesome shots I got as well as a bit guilty that there were some I missed, like my cat that was never around when I went to find her for a photo! Thanks for this amazing project. Last year I did it a different date than you and I much enjoyed doing it this year at the same time. Can't wait to see you put all your pages together. Thank you so much!

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  2. mtercha says…

    Awesome. That looks like a great day. Michelle t

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  3. Jana_NJ says…

    Ali Thanks for showing that book, I read on Amazon got it right away and was reading at the pool yesterday what a great book finally something that I've been trying to make people understand that our kids need more respect and understanding.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's totally in alignment with what our approach has been, without knowing it was actually an approach. We've also been lucky because most of his educational experiences have also included teachers who approached things from this perspective. I love that it gives me something to reference to people who are new - I also love how he uses the word "enthusiasms."

  4. edillow says…

    We have that puzzle! It's a good one. The artist is one of my favorites, am actually getting a print of hers framed this week. She just moved from Mexico to New Mexico so hoping I'll run into her one of these days : )

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Such beautiful images.

  5. abbypimentel says…

    I love the Lego on Simon's belt and that he's taking a pic of his food (where did he get that from?! :D) - he's such an awesome kid - and I love the genuine and loving smile on Anna's face in your morning selfie. She's just such an adorable little girl! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. JenBradshaw says…

    We definitely need to do a family puzzle together at our house. Maybe this would be a good idea for our Thanksgiving break? Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Katie_Scott_Scrapbooking says…

    I've been loving the WITL project all week - I've done it in the past - but I think this time has been my favorite. My family has only been mildly annoyed with the photo taking overload this week. Until - just now - I was uploading photos to my own blog to document WITL & my 12 year old daughter came in to see what I was doing and then I showed her my blog posts and then your WITL video and your blog posts and then she said "Awww - now I get it" and then after a few minutes she lit up and said "Mom! When does this end?" And I told her today was the last day. And she said "We have to go take more pictures right now!"

    Thanks for all this inspiration this week. It has been awesome.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. kislanykim says…

      that is so cute!!

  8. corinne says…

    Ali I love the way you write, I am doing this because of you. You transport me to your life. I want to transport my family there too.
    keep going

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. lime says…

    Loving the shot of the three of you in the pool. I have to remember to take a few more timer shots next time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. suzieandrocky says…

    I have a random question. Where did you find your kitchen table with the rounded bench? I love it. I have a space just like that and this is exactly what I've been looking for but haven't been able to find!!!

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  11. Juljul13 says…

    Such a cute photo of you and the kids.
    I was wondering if the fires were impacting you. It's such a shame for your beautiful state.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. desilei says…

    You are awesome! That is all :) --Desiree

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