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Full Circle

Sometimes you go away from something for a long time, and then, all of a sudden (or maybe not so suddenly), you are back. 

On Sunday I went skiing with Aaron for the first time in probably 15 years.  

It was so, so fun. 

As a kid my parents decided that skiing was something we should know how to do (along with golf and swimming). They took us up to Crystal Mountain in Washington State a couple of weekends when I was in grade school for lessons and fun in the snow. Once we were all able to ski decently it was a fun thing we did together as a family. In high school I rode the ski bus a few times (my brother did it a lot more) or went with friends. In college I went a number of times - usually with Chris and his parents to Mt. Bachelor in central Oregon. It was never my biggest passion but it was something that was a part of my life and something I enjoyed when the opportunity came up.  

After Simon was born we stopped going. Sometimes things just stop. It wasn't ever anything to do with not wanting to go necessarily - it was just, well, complicated (physical fitness and money and emotional fitness). Seasons. We were focused on other things.

And then it comes back again

One of the things Aaron really wanted to do this winter was get his kids up on a mountain. He made that happen a couple weekends ago and then suggested we go together this past weekend when our kids were away. At first I had a bunch of my usual excuses - mainly work - and also that I don't have any ski clothes any more. 

And then I remembered that I want to say yes to opportunities like this; that part of being "whole" is making sure that I'm actively living my life. 

Big thanks to the nice lady at REI who helped me get what I needed and especially for her thermal-under-layer suggestions that kept me nice and toasty during this adventure. 

Willamette Pass is about an hour or so from my house - not too bad at all for a day activity. And as you can see in the photo above - crowds weren't really an issue at all. 

It was awesome to go with Aaron. He first snowboarded in his early 20's and our level was about the same - we had a really nice time hanging out, riding the chairlift, cruising down the mountain, having lunch, remembering how to turn and stop, and just being outside. 

It was a lot like when you learn to ride a bike - my body remembered. We did about 8 runs with lunch in the middle and called it good. I can't wait to go again

(Of course he didn't like that I had my phone out on the chair lift.)

On of the things we talk a bit about in my One Little Word® workshop is having a symbol that represents our words. It's not a requirement - it's simply another way to connect you with your word visually. My word this year is "whole" and my simple symbol is a circle or pie-chart. 

When I think about my life right now I like thinking of it in terms of a pie chart - each piece representing a piece of myself that all come together to create the whole (kids, work, relationships, family, reading, music, outdoor adventures, gardening, etc). One of my personal goals this year is to evaluate all those pieces (or simply be more conscious of them) - the big ones and the little ones and make sure they are the right size and a piece that I still want to keep. Going skiing this past weekend felt like I rediscovered a piece of myself that's been missing for awhile. 

Here's to adventures and weekends and finding pieces of ourselves again. 

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34 thoughts

  1. gina200 says…

    Good for you!!! So glad you had fun.

    My husband rolls his eyes when I go to take a photo or "what are you taking a picture of?" so sometimes I don't...I've got to learn to ignore and just take the photo.

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  2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    How awesome for you! My hubby and I went skiing on our honeymoon - Stowe Vermont, the Golden Eagle Lodge. You'd love that little ski town if you ever have the chance to visit! I'm not very athletic and was thinking of reasons why I shouldn't go skiing - it had been 10 years from skiing in my teens to after we got married. So glad I did, those memories were so awesome that after a 20 (yikes) year gap, we went for our anniversary and once again had a blast. Admittedly by day 2 I was snow shoeing because every bone in my body ached so bad - but I did it! Ventured out of my comfort zone and was so glad I did. HA - hope you aren't as sore as I was!
    My word was WHOLE 2 years ago - and I too used the pie chart as a symbol - I hope that all year you get to reconfigure pieces of the pie and add lots of fun stuff in the mix!

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  3. Janet_White says…

    Awesomeness. Skiing is on my 'yes' list - a part of me I want to call back to me. This is definitely a Sign - thanks for saying yes to this.

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  4. kraftkris says…

    I got chills reading this!

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  5. cinback says…

    Me too! I grew up skiing and absolutely adore it. However, hubby had an unfavourable skiing experience in his 20s and has never wanted to try it again. All of our married life we have not skied. Until this January. Suddenly hubby was ready to try again so we got all geared up and head out to the Canadian Rockies. We loved it and now we cannot wait to go more! Funny how that happens...

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  6. shannon80 says…

    Please promise,that when 2016 ends you will have collected a heap of amazing photos like this, ones where Aaron doesnt want you to have your phone out haha x

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  7. terrarium says…

    Terrarium TV Downloadthat little ski town if you ever have the chance to visit! Terrarium TV APK
    I'm not very athletic and was thinking of reasons why I shouldn't go skiing - it had been 10 years from skiing in my teens to after we got married. So glad I did, those memories were so awesome that after a 20 (yikes) year gap, we went for our anniversar
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