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Loving | January 2019

  • Loving my 2019 Inspiration Calendar. The quote this month is reminding me to pause and just be. Always a good reminder, always
  • Loving this podcast on Feel Good Effect with The Faux Martha about minimalism: Pairing Down To Create More. Loved listening to her talk about cleaning out her pantry and going slow and just the overall theme of less. So many good tidbits here about life. 
  • Loving my husband. I am just so thankful for him and the way he loves me. 
  • Loving starting the free Yoga With Adrienne's 30-Day January series called "Dedicate." I did her 30-day series last year and it was a really special part of my January. I do this in my office in the morning before I start working. Doing it today totally reminded me how much I loved creating this space for myself last year. The intentional slowing down is hard but so worth it for me. 
  • Loving having all the kids here for so much of this Christmas break. They are just fun to be around overall. Heading to see the new Mary Poppins with Simon + Anna tonight. 
  • Loving that I'm feeling better - at least a little bit. I was really worn down after we returned from our New York trip in December and so, so tired through much of the last few weeks. I'm sharing more about that over on my wellness Instagram account: @ae_wellness
  • Loving thinking about continuing to get to the heart of the matter with my memory keeping projects. I'm excited to be switching things up with Project Life® for 2019 and am working on a title page to share soon. You can read more about my plans here
  • Loving all the conversation happening in the One Little Word® classroom and Facebook Group. The energy this time of year is contagious - I choose to embrace it and take it for what it's worth right now. There's still time to join the workshop and community for 2019 if you are interested in making your word visible and being supported by an amazing community of people who are living with a word for the year. 

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One Little Word® 2019 Inspiration Calendar
One Little Word® 2019 Inspiration Calendar is Sold Out
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Originally $29.99, on sale for $20.99

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5 thoughts

  1. Eminepala1 says…

    Dear Ali,

    Loving the way you are always staying real.

    Loving the kindness and joy you share with us.

    Loving the way you write your blogposts, inspiring in many ways on how you put those words together.

    Loving that you are sharing your life, without sugar coating, with us.

    Loving all your hard work and the way you reflect on yourself.

    Loving all your projects and how your personality is shining through them every time.

    Loving when you set your boundaries and taking some time for yourself.

    Loving the community here, everyone is so supportive and caring.

    Loving the way you are spreading the word about mental illnesses instead of hiding it.

    Loving your love for personal development as much as I do

    Loving your designs and how you manage to help people in ways you will never know

    Loving the bricks that life throws at us, That's the only way we can choose to build with them or get buried in them.

    Loving life and being able to share our ups and downs with each other.

    And the most beautiful part is the part that we all are strangers coming together at 1 place and becoming friends and cheerleaders for one and another...

    Love has no boundaries. Thank you for making this possible.


    Emine Pala

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Sanran says…

      How beautiful! I know we all agree!

    2. kalibetsy says…

      Ditto! This says everything I wanted to say!

    3. AliEdwards says…

      That was so nice - thank you!

  2. Sanran says…

    Loved that you kept posting December Daily everyday despite suffering from a miserable cold! I just wanted to bring you chicken noodle soup and Nyquil and tell you that we could all wait until January to view your December Daily pages!

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