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Week In The Life™ 2016 | Ready, Set, Go

Today's the day. 

Say hello to your in-depth opportunity to be an observer of your life. Look for the stories. Look for the rhythms. Look for the routines. Look for what brings you the most joy. Look for the spaces you are currently being challenged (how can you embrace, learn, grow, accept, expand, open, move forward). Look for the little things that are evidence of your existence. 

The truth, my friends, is that we never know when our "everyday" will change. Capture what it is real for you right now. I have no idea what is in store for me this week beyond what I know is on my calendar - that places I need to be, the things I need to do. The gift I give myself are the photos that capture the pieces of my life this week. 

Remember, it's not about the sheer number of photos you take but the photos that can be used to illustrate your story. 

You can do this. Have fun with it. I'll be back tomorrow with photos and stories from my day. 

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17 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Have a great week! Michelle t

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  2. DenDen says…

    I'm pretty excited about this! My first time to actually order a kit and participate! I have always loved reading everyone's post about Week In The Life in the past. This ought to be great fun this week!

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  3. happytoscrap says…

    Here we go!

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  4. chrys23 says…

    i truly love this project!!

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  5. Blissmamaof3 says…

    Ready, set, capture!

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  6. KProffitt says…

    Yay! Let's do this! Super excited! Have a great week, Ali! XO!

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  7. Amandainuk says…

    I have gone backwards and forwards about whether I do WITL this week while I am in London for work (lots of great photo opportunities of places, friends and family) and my husband and boys are home in Melbourne, Australia. In the end I have decided I will do WITL next week when I am back home with them. That will allow me to have fun in my "normal" PL albums and add as many photos and stories as I want, and then capture the WITL stories for all of us. I thought about getting hubby and the boys to take their photos and give them to me when I get back but I want to hear about their stories when they show me the photos they have taken, I want to feel the emotions of the photos I take. So I will enjoy seeing everyone's photos and getting more ideas this week so I am ready and raring to go next week.....after I arrive home at 6:30am Monday after a 22 hour flight home!

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  8. kjoplin says…

    First timer! Nervous, but going to give it my best and not quit (even if it starts looking like a failure). Worst case scenario, I've captured less than I want, but more than I normally would!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! That's the right attitude :).

  9. Kristin_A_ says…

    I am joining in for my 7th year (woot woot!), but even last night as I read through your post on getting ready for WITL, Ali, I hesitated to join in. Life is, well...full of life and I didn't know if this year I was in a right place to document. This project means so much to me. It brings me so much joy. Yes, the daily documenting and photographing can cause me some weariness, but the joy that comes in putting the album together and looking through it over and over again and watching my kids looking through it over and over again is so worth it. This project has me documenting things I might not otherwise, probably won't otherwise, document, and that I love.

    This morning I posed the question to myself that you posed to us yesterday, Ali. What is my intention? My intention has always been to just document real life. Period. What does life look like right now. However, this year I am aiming to focus on the positive. That might mean not documenting every single struggle and mess. I have documented messes for six years and this year think I will leave them out of the photos. Maybe mention them in my text, but not give them real estate in photographs. I am going to filter my finished album through a lens of Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." And I plan to state that in my opening or closing of the albums. Messes are ever present and life is full of frustrations, but this week I am going to focus on the positive.

    Thank you, Ali. Here's to a great week!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I totally get this! I live that you are narrowing your focus to what you need to see at this season in your life.

  10. dianajeff says…

    I'm also so excited about this! Yes I'm gonna get my very first kit and participate! I always wanted to have this but this time it's gonna be mine. I loved reading articles here as always. This is gonna be a great time for me. .

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  11. hermawanalfaqih says…

    Your website is very attractive and neat. I expect this website to be more creative and innovative full obat manis daging paling mujarab

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