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Week In The Life™ 2016 | Tuesday Words & Photos

Tuesday was a blur. 

It was one of those super full days that included meetings outside of the house for business and for kids. It included my phone dying while I was out and about (bad planning). It included dinner out. It included a lot of hugs. 

I took a lot fewer photos today but what I did take is a pretty good representation of life right now. 

Here's a look at my Tuesday: 

I found her laying sideways in her bed, all curled up in her covers. She usually gets up around 6:45am. 

I want to remember how easily she gets up most days and how happy she is to go to school.

Anna asked for a fruit plate and string cheese for breakfast after learning that we were out of her usual bowl of cereal. The fruit plate today included watermelon and blueberries. 

Simon was already up early - around 6am - in order to get in a few video games before school. He gets himself totally ready for school now including shower & shave (yep), dressed, breakfast, etc. He knows what time he needs to leave (very punctual) and today he got his own snack bag ready (chocolate pudding, goldfish and a chocolate milk) when he could see I was distracted with something on the computer. 

I want to remember how much easier and how much harder it is as they've gotten older - all in the same moment. 

He asked if he could read to me from Goblet Of Fire on the way to school. The answer, of course, is always yes. 

I want to remember just how much I love to connect with Simon. 

After dropping off kids I got back to the house and finished up a few design files before bringing my work downstairs to the kitchen table. I needed an environmental change for reading some contracts in preparation for a meeting later in the day. 

I want to remember how much I've grown over the last five years. 

Next up was a 3-mile walk while listening to  the Art Of Simple podcast. 

Meeting with my business attorney called for a shower and change of clothes. Shoes are from  Toms

After that meeting I had an awkward amount of time available before picking up the kids. I headed to Target to pick up cat food. 

I want to remember how photos of my feet can tell stories all their own of where I've been and what I've been up to on any given day. 

Picked up both kids and headed over to a resource fair about the transition period after high school for people with disabilities. Super informative for Chris and me. Super boring for Simon and Anna. 

Before we got out the car I asked if we could take a car selfie again this time around and they were up for it. These will be some of my most treasured photos in the years to come. 

I want to remember this. Just this. 

After the transition event we walked over to watch the high school baseball game for a few innings. Katie & Peter & Graham were there and their friend Kelsey. Simon was super stoked that his team won. 

Tuesday's are the day that Simon usually rides horses but he skipped it today because of the other event. 

I want to remember how fun it is to be out and about, to be a part of our larger local community.

Dinner at DQ. Some people say our local DQ is the best they have ever been to. It worked for this day/night where I'd been away from home for half the day. Simon had a hot dog. Anna had grilled cheese.  

I want to remember how for years and years Simon's dessert of choice has been a small dish of chocolate ice cream. He is not swayed by anything fancy - tried and true for him please. 

After we got home we watched two episodes of  The Wonder Years. We started it last weekend and they've been asking to watch it most nights. It's a nice 30 minute show option and they love it. The big brown couch is still going strong after all these years. 

I want to remember how much I love just hanging out on the couch with these two goofballs. 

The evening prayer is also still going strong. Both kids ask for it every night. 

I want to remember to savor these moments, even when I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. 

Anna reading an  Amazing World Of Gumball book. She came into my office after I tucked her in to show me that the book included the MASH game (do you remember that one)? 

I want to remember how much I love these kinds of shots of their rooms. I love seeing what they have on their shelves and on top of their book cases. What's the same and what's different. 

Simon reading  Goblet of Fire

I want to remember how much Simon loves to laugh. When I tucked him in he was still laughing so hard from something he'd seen on the The Wonder Years.  


I'd love to have you share a link to your TUESDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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25 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    How much easier and harder it s in the same moment? Yep. Big time get that. I loved this sweet post. I want to remember, that sums it up for me. Yes, I want to remember to savor moments, too. This happened last night. I was irritated because I spent an inordinate amount of time dealing with my care and I was annoyed and my daughter chattered on, but I stopped. I don't want to be irritated. She's at an age where she'll hardly talk to me, so I savor it, regardless of what I was dealing with. Savor. That's a good word. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. sarahundfuchs says…

    I am looking forward for my son to do things by himself, some days I just wish he was 10 just now. And then I notice how big he already got and I want him to stop growing. This parentthing is a tough one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. JenHart says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  4. hgauvin says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  5. picki56 says…

    Shaving! That is all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. krystyn says…

    Ali - I always love seeing your WITL pictures...can you tell me where the little square storage pieces next to Anna's bed are from? I'm guessing IKEA...but wanted to make sure. Really need something like this for Ethan's room. Thanks! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - Ikea :).

  7. jstock17 says…

    Beautiful photos, Ali. I want to remember things like that, too. Wish I would have had Week In The Life when my kids were young. You will always have these memories, but they fade when the kids are older and out of the house. So documenting like you do - priceless!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. bravelove says…

    Loving the shots of your kids reading and Simon wanting to read to you! So awesome! Imparting a love for reading in our kids is such a special part of parenting. You done good Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. kathleen says…

    Love your words Ali! I want to remember is going to be my prompt today. Thank you for always inspiring me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. itcouldbelove says…

    I love the format of your WITL posts. It really is like a story, like I've spent the whole day hanging out with you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. KProffitt says…

    Lovely photos once again, Ali! I love the selfie with Anna and Simon - SO sweet and a treasure for sure! I also love the kid room shots! Thanks for sharing your heart and peek into your life with us! I love the "I want to remember" prompt. What a great thing to think about when taking photos this week! Such a good reminder! XO!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. mary_rogers says…

    I had forgotten about that show! It was one of my favorites too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. teri0604 says…

    I love how our feet say where we have been! Thank you for all you do:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Lize says…

    That car shot is an absolute winner. Beautiful kids & Mama. Love the whole story, really.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. fannyathome says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali!! I'm curious about the evening prayer. Is it the same prayer that you say each night? Do you improvise? Do you have a written prayer for each of your children? Just curious and always looking for new ways of being intentional about this with my own children. Thanks again!! I'm enjoying this week a lot!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. edillow says…

    Way to go Simon for sticking with HP4! My sister was a guest on Art of Simple a few weeks ago : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. dailydwelling says…

    I love the "I want to remember" prompt. This is going to be on my mind as I go throughout the week. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. NatashaP says…

    This is my favourite blog post ever! I love the realness of the photos and your words.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. sejordan says…

    Working really hard on getting good shots of our life this week. Thanks Ali for your ideas and inspiration. Such a lovely family you have! I don't know how to use the date stamps you offer - no idea how that works, but I'd love it if someone could tell me how! :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. jchurch2 says…

    Gosh, I love reading your posts!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. CasieGutierrez says…

    I love using "I want to remember" as a listing prompt! It is why I do memory keeping in the first place ... because I want to remember! Great Tuesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. 9grtkds says…

    I love this project and always find myself nodding at your comments as I read the blog posts....but, today I need to say...while many people might believe you have the world's best DQ...those of us in the Fargo/Moorhead are know better!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Debora_Prass says…

    Ali, where have you been watching The Wonder Years? I LOVE that show, but I thought is wasn´t available! Please let me know, I would love to share it with my kids too. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm pretty sure it's on Netflix.

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