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Week In The Life™ 2016 | Wednesday Words & Photos

Welcome to Wednesday.

I'm hoping you are finding a rhythm for yourself with your own personal documentation. If you haven't, take a deep breath and come back to your reason why and/or your intention for this project. 

Every other Wednesday is the transition day when the kids go to stay with Chris and Tiffany ( they stay with them until they go to school on Monday morning). In the beginning it was really, really hard. Over the years it's gotten easier and I know they are in very good hands. On Wednesday the story of my week shifts to what life is like when my kids aren't here with me. Some of you have no idea what that feels like and for others of you it is a regular part of your life. 

As I mentioned previously, this isn't a sad story.  It's just a story. And it's mine. And it's okay. I'm continuing to learn to embrace my life day by day with as much joy and compassion and kindness and fun and hard work as possible.

Here's a look at my Wednesday: 

Sam. This cat is crazy in the morning and then sleeps the rest of the day (most often in a basket in my office). At 5:45am or earlier he is ready for me to get up and go downstairs and fill up his bowl. He very gently pats my face with his paw and then tries to lay on my face - over and over until I get up or push him off the bed. I don't enjoy that whole interaction but I really do love this cat and am so glad he is part of our lives because the rest of the day he just hangs out. 

One of the things I love about this project is the invitation and opportunity to pause and "see" the pieces that make up our lives. This morning I was about to go in and wake up Anna until I paused at her door and went back downstairs to get my camera to take this shot of what is on her door right now. What do you see every day that you often walk right past? 

Wednesdays are garbage day. I usually take it out before I take Anna to school. 

Serious face but not serious mood. Getting Anna to school. 

Everything was running a little late this morning. I drive Anna to school then come back to the house to pick up Simon to take him to school - this process begins at about 7:30am and I'm usually back home at my desk a little after 9am. I like driving them both separately. In the past Simon came along and for awhile we would go to a coffee shop or run an errand in the awkward amount of time between when they both start school. As he got a bit older it just made more sense to let him stay home and sleep in - especially when he was able to get himself all ready on his own. I like the individual time with each one even if it's a decent chunk of time out of my morning. I know it won't last forever. It will change again next year when Simon starts high school at a school that is much closer than his current school. 

I usually have mixed feelings on these Wednesdays as I transition from the kid schedule to my own schedule. I miss them when they aren't here but I've also gotten really good at filling the time with work (which allows me more flexibility when they are here for picking up after school), or getting together with friends, or Aaron, or working in the yard, or going to the movies, or just resting and hanging out.  

Rather than heading straight home after dropping Simon off I drove to our county Developmental Disabilities Services office for our first meeting with a case manager for Simon. We are learning about the services they offer ( through age 22 for him before another re-evaluation point) including behavioral supports and respite care.  

After that meeting I stopped by Aaron's house because he's been sick and we hadn't heard from him yet today. All good. 

Today was a poppy Tiek day. 

I picked my parents up at the airport. They had been in Charlotte visiting my sister. 

Catching up outside on the couch. George is a major fan of the new couch too. 

My parents headed to the store and I headed upstairs to do a video for the next Story Kit™ and work on my layouts for the classroom portion of the subscription. 

Boyfriend Jeans from Factory JCrew + flip flops from Gap Outlet + a super old white sweater. 

When my parents got back from the store it was time to make my Dad's awesome  Almac Supremo Margaritas. It's a super simple classic on-the-rocks margarita. 

Salt. Yes. For dinner we BBQ'd lamb and had a salad and bread. Perfectly simple and good conversation. It's nice to have a chance to have my parents to myself without the kids here. Really it's great whenever they are here for a visit. We all love it. 

On Wednesdays when the kids are gone I often start laundry right away - grabbing their baskets from their rooms and getting it done right away so that they have all their clothes cleaned by the time they get back. 

In the early evening I usually walk around the yard and see what's happening and/or do some watering. My sprinklers are having an issue right now so I'm hand watering a bunch of things. 

Ants are a "natural and temporary activity" with peonies. By the time they bloom most of the ants go away - I usually gently shake the flowers after cutting them before bringing them inside.  

Watering my two hanging baskets on the front porch. 

I love this photo as a companion to the one I took of me and the kids on the couch last night. 

Bringing the outside in at the end of the day. These are the first of my peonies to bloom in the yard - my others are a much lighter pink. 

The rest of my evening was filled with writing up this post and getting into bed early for a full work day tomorrow. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your WEDNESDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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23 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    That's really sweet. I love this picture too, your mom spread out on the couch that way, comfortable. We're not comfortable with each other, my family, meaning my parents and sisters. That just looks so nice. Something I've learned throughout life is that we all have our things. And it's part of life. It's your story. Thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. hgauvin says…

    Love the couch picture with your parents. So nice!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jenjeb says…

    I also love the couch picture with your parents!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. beriuqam says…

    I love it! And look at me learning something new about peonies.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Carolly says…

    Love this- really loved the words today :) I "hung out" with my parents last night too via FaceTime :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. KProffitt says…

    I just love your beautiful photos and all they capture, Ali! Your house looks super cozy and I want a cat or two because of you! Ha! So sweet that you get this good, quality time with your parents! Enjoy! Happy Thursday! XO!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. teri0604 says…

    I love how your life feels peaceful. I know that real life does not feel that way but I still love how it feels in photos. Amazing project and post!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yesterday was a pretty peaceful day overall :).

  8. Lize says…

    On this photo of your Dad, I can really see how much you look like him! Love how relaxed they are, and you. So great that you're keeping it real and wearing what you'd normally wear iso something new for this week. But that said, love the shoes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. papergoddess says…

    Love seeing the different sides/parts of your life. I love how WITL makes me look at things differently and just sort of seeing all the parts and layers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. mary_rogers says…

    We just started using Respite care for Madison and what a life saver. Gives me a chance to breathe after work now that I am a single mom.

    wonderful photos, as always. I loved seeing your mom and dad.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. marieterec says…

    My fave is your parents outside on the new couch. I always thought you resembled your mom more, but your dad's big beautiful smile is all you. Also, you and Simon are all bummed out in the margarita link. And when I use the search bar for "almac supremo margaritas", nothing comes up. I'd love to add a new margarita recipe to my drink menu. Thanks and enjoy your days....

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for letting me know about that link! Here's the correct version:

  12. christi says…

    I love this peek into everyone's lives during DITL and WITL.
    We're still weeks away from peonies blooming in the NorthEast!
    Just an FYI that your link for the margaritas just reverts back to this post.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…
  13. CindeeQ says…

    I'm on the fence about spending the cash on Tieks. Are they really that comfortable? I want the Poppy pair!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I like them :). Nice cushion with the parts on the bottom but if you need a lot of support these probably wouldn't be my first choice.

  14. TracieClaiborne says…

    I just enjoy you so much. I know you're super busy so if you don't have time to answer this, I totally understand. :) You said you made a video for your story kit and it was after you had been doing some non-work things. Do you find it hard to go from "living life" to work mode when you've been doing other things or when you have a short amount of time to get something done? I do so would love to hear your thoughts. It seems like I can only be productive when I can block out 8 hours for work. I still struggle with that after one year of working for myself.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Tracie - such a good question. This is the issue of my life ;). I will say that it has gotten easier over the years (I can be really rigid in how I look at stuff like this - very black and white - sounds like you might tend toward that too) and my preference is still to have regular working hours (for me that ends up being about 9-3 when the kids are here) without other interruptions. The last few months have been challenging because we have had so many Simon-related meetings - it has stretched my flexibility :). Also, I've really been working on making sure I'm focusing on the "most important things" in my life - work is a piece of that but it isn't everything. I have a lot of deadlines so I target those and let go of the rest :). I'd also say that I've gotten a lot more adept at working in smaller chunks - again focusing on the most important things I need to do that day. I've also learned that sometimes I spend way more time on certain tasks than I really need too and have been working on pulling back a bit on my obsessive nature :).

    2. TracieClaiborne says…

      Thank you!!! That makes me feel less weird. :)

  15. lascraps says…

    Thank you once again, for inspiration to re-focus. Thursday's are hard during this project as I ask myself "what else can I take a picture of? What else can I say?" Reading your words, and seeing your photos re-inspire me. There is more to see and tell.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Binxcat1 says…

    I love hearing about how you all make life after divorce work. I know it probably isn't all roses and lollipops and I am sure it is because you work at it but it seems that you have the balance right. It's nice to hear.

    I can't seem to add my blog link... it keeps saying my url can only have 100 characters... it let me add Monday and Tuesday fine (and the urls for those are same length). Any way... Love your stuff as always.

    ETA: AH ha... so weird... My other links had EXACTLY 100 characters or less (I did a word count in Word :P)... Wednesday is just 2 letters too long! LOL ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. jlhufford says…

    I so enjoy seeing the photos of your week. I hope you have a great visit with your parents! :)

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