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December Daily® 2016 | Let's Begin

You've got this. Really and truly you do. 

If you want a little more reading to get you started today check out a couple of my past posts: 

Remember, you can make your own magic in this season my friends. Let's do this!

I'll be working on my story today and sharing my Day One here tomorrow. 

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16 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Thanks for the encouragement, I needed this. It's my first year, and I started to feel overwhelmed yesterday like I couldn't do it, even though I've done 3 WITL and give myself no pressure as far as when the album is finished. I will keep this in mind as I go forward, thank you.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. laura_g_ says…

      don't over think it!! Pick a few papers, embellishments and a story and go with it...sometimes we get too much stuff and pre conceived ideas on what this should be...listen to your heart and a story you want to tell...this is my 6th glad I have done these albums!!

    2. mtercha says…

      Thanks, Laura g!

  2. hgauvin says…

    Yay! I love this project!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. MaggieR says…

    I love this! Thank you, Ali!


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  4. mimimcs1 says…

    this year I am writing a note to myself every day and will tuck it in the back of the book. often I want to remember feelings, events etc but don't want the kids to see it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. JustMel says…

    Ali, you are such an inspiration!! Thank you for the reminder, what a wonderful way to start December Daily.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mrsb says…

    This is my first year too and I'm excited to get started!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. StephanieA says…

    I can't wait to get started and see all the pretty albums! I am looking forward to the season of joy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. chp97 says…

    Life has been super hard in 2016 with so many ups and downs for my family, but also so precious. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this project this year but I feel like I need to document this last month of 2016 to be thankful for all I am grateful to keep moving forward through this year. So many stories at this time of year, thank you to all of you & Ali for inspiring me to participate again this December!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. maureenmcallaghan says…

    I felt like a kid on Christmas morning this morning - I get to start!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. GroS says…

    Thankyou, Ali. I need the encouragement. I have been suffering from ME (fatigue) for some years. I am a single mom and I often feel guilty that I don't do enough for and with my son. But last year doing the DD I realized how much quality time we spend together. Your promts and ideas have helped me in that. Also I find myself planning for good holiday things to do together in December. All in all DD is genius. And you are my (guiding) star. Thankyou from Norway.

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  11. Paper_Inkpressions says…

    Though I don't have the opportunity to visit regularly I make it a priority during the Christmas season to do so daily! I've "COMMITTED" to seeing Christmas 2016 through with a "COMPLETED" Dec Daily without letting my analytical perfectionist mentality trip me up. Ali when you see your mother next... give her a big hug for such a wonderful gift she's given all of us in you!

    - Merry Christmas

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Marietre says…

    I'm starting my 6th DD album (and I'm happy (and a little bit proud too :-) to say that all the 5 other albums are complete). I'm so excited by this adventure. Thank you Ali for all the inspiration !

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. RuralVixen5 says…

    Any tips on how to add text in a box on the "why" pdf. I think I can see that my technically challenged self may not even make it past "why". Updated Adobe and can get it to add text but it won't center or allow me to create the box a certain size. I think I know my word for next year...I need to learn to keep I'm starting now. A you tube video link would be much appreciated. I use a mac laptop. - Nadine

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  14. Deamergirl says…

    HI there, what size album are you using? Thanks, I just found this blog and need to catch up!

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