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Project Life® 2017 | Title Page

I'm back at Project Life® again for 2017.

In 2016 I completed spreads for January through April + 11 more weeks from May through December. Many of those spreads were shared in the Story Kit™ and other classrooms throughout the year. Three rounds of Day In The Life™ were also added to my albums. I really liked adding my Day In The Life™ documentation to my Project Life® album and will be doing that again this year. 

I hope to share here on my blog with a bit more regularity this year. 

My plan is to keep working though the weeks I haven't completed from 2016 and 2015 when I have a chance. I'm not putting a lot of pressure of myself to get it done this way or that - just when I make time to get it done. Many of my weeks in the second part of the year already have photos printed and in pockets and are just waiting for my words + intentional embellishments. 

I am still feeling like this concept is part of how I want to tell my stories so I'm moving forward once again. 

Also, just a heads up that my 4-week workshop Storytelling With Project Life® is set to re-run again next month (the content will be a repeat of what was offered last year). More details about registration soon. 

What a difference a year can make. The first full year in our new combined family situation calls for a re-do in the way I've been starting my album the last few years (see examples below). Instead of individual people photos I decided to add a couple group shots of the kids + one of me and Aaron + one of me holding my One Little Word® for 2017. I like how the cards I chose include general/overall life intentions: celebrate together, make more magic, adventure. I don't think you can ever go wrong with those three. 

For 2017 I'll be using a mix of Story Kit™ suppliesProject 52 Core Kit (just ordered that yesterday and I usually split this with Katie) + Studio Calico Documenter kits + other random supplies. I create at least one spread per month using products from the Story Kit™ monthly theme and include that content in the classroom (classroom content is included with the subscription). Sometimes those spreads are from past years that I haven't completed and other times they are from the current year. I'm just rolling with it. 

Supplies used on my title page include: 

Here's a 10-minute video showing how my title page came together along with some additional thoughts on the project: 

The quote cards I mention in the video are available digitally here

In terms of albums I'm using this 12x12 album from Heidi/Becky (this is the same as I started using last year):

And just for fun here's a look back at my past title pages - love how each shows the progression of life: 

2016 | More details here.

2015 | This was the year I said I was going to switch things up and started with the above intro pages. Within a few weeks I was back to doing it the same as I had in the past and adjusted my title page to include a combination of things that had originally been on the smaller intro pages. 

2014 | More details here.

2013 | More details here.

2012 | More details here.

2011 | More details here.

If you'd like a more in-depth look at all my past Project Life® albums via video overviews make sure to check out my Storytelling With Project Life® workshop that will open for registration soon. 

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24 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    I'm excited for the Project Life class! When you introduced it last year, I wasn't doing PL and was sure it wouldn't be a fit for me. I decided in May to start, and I did, so I'm looking forward to the class. Thanks for the chance. Michelle t

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. MrsKnight says…

      You will love it Michelle. I have gone back to this one time and again when I need a bump or reality check.

  2. LynneGillis says…

    OMG YAY!!! I am SO glad that you are still doing Project Life! I think of all of the things that you share with us, it's that way of capturing everyday life that I love the most. Here's to 2017 and all of the stories that are a part of it! xoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Trulymegs says…

    I hope you start sharing your project life pages again on your blog. They are my favorite posts, but I can't afford to sign up for all your classes to view your pages and see what you're working on.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hoping to share at least a bit more with some regularity here on my blog ;).

  4. vjm66 says…

    Just curious if you will be offering an Alumni option for the Storytelling with Project life class like you did with December Daily? Love your opening page for 2017!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! We won't be offering an alumni discount for this workshop (content will be exactly the same). We had some internal logistical issues previously that we want to smooth out and I want to take some time to think through a plan that can be consistently applied in the future. Thanks for asking!

  5. carri says…

    I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw this post! I have been doing Project Life for a few years but 2016 is the first year that I will actually finish (only a few weeks left to finish up) I attribute this to so many things that I have learned from you and your posts, subscriptions and certainly your Storytelling with Project Life class. Thank you for all you do and how you continue to inspire me.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      So glad you enjoyed the workshop!

  6. nicoleseitler says…

    I love how your first page encompasses your word for this year. That's beautiful!

    And good for you that you feel no pressure about unfinished pages! That's a great place to be. This year, I had an extremely scrappy December (thanks to all the inspiration you shared!), and I not only created my most favorite DD album ever, I worked on finishing my first (super-elaborate) one from 2012, my DD for 2013, and my PL from 2014! I can't believe I finished so many albums this year! And it feels so good. I don't feel guilty at all for the years that I couldn't work on these albums. I got them done when I was able to (and much faster than I thought). I have my journals, my notes, and my pictures --when I have the time, I know I will finish. It's great to have the pressure off. Oh, how I love Project Life because of this!

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your PL pages this year! I loved taking your PL class last year (if anyone is considering it, you should totally sign up!). I always find something inspiring in your work that motivates me to work on my own albums. Thanks for sharing so much with us and working so hard to inspire us to tell our stories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. kcp_ says…

    Love the spread. I have to know if you love the typewriter. I REALLY want one. Put it on my Christmas list, but Santa said the reviews weren't positive enough (insert eye roll, haha). So do you like it and feel it has good value?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      So far, after using it one a project yesterday, I like it - it's imperfect in the ways a typewriter should be :). I want to use it a bit more before I share about it more in-depth. I definitely think that you can find an older typewriter at a second hand store that will do the same things this one does (obviously you would likely need to replace the ribbon).

  8. CaroleHepburn says…

    just love to look at your creativity - thank you for sharing with us all through the years !!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. krisparisi says…

    Everyone is busy I know. But what would you say to someone who feels like starting this project life journey but who feels overwhelmed with life? Can I possibly start a project like this and feel successful when I know my time is so limited?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Inkfanatic says…

      I love documenting our life in this style, but I make it work for me. Personally I feel that anything that gets documented is preferable to nothing getting documented:) So now I'm pretty forgiving of myself if I just can't get everything in there that I would want to. Life happens, and to me, that's what it's all about:)
      If I have a lot of time, I savor it and spend time playing. If I have limited time, I jot some journaling down, or sort/plan what order I want things in. You'll figure out what you can do in short blocks of time, which not only help you get life documented, but can give you a short respite from the busyness of the day; a few minutes to uplift & recharge, if you will:)
      A couple things to keep in mind:
      a. There are no rules (& no scrapbooking police, lol)! So do what works for you & what YOU enjoy doing:)
      b. Part of the fun in this (to me) is just trying something to see if it resonates with you and what you want from this. There is soooo much inspiration here, you could scrap for years before you'd run out of 'stuff' to try and play around with.
      I'm sure you'll get Ali's opinion, but I hope my 2 cents worth helps :)
      Have fun with it!!

  10. Bookworm says…

    I'm pretty "behind" on 2016 but I'm not going to sweat it. We just bought a printer for home use that will allow me to print pictures when I'm in the mood to work on the project, so I think that will help me complete 2016 and keep up better in 2017. :-) I appreciate your inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. ktstamps says…

    I have been reading your blog since you started and I began project life in 2012 but I must have liked your example because I am sitting in front of a mirror for my opening page! I usually get 20 or so weeks in (just the highlights) but I love it! The looking back over it astounds me! Thanks for always sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. CasieGutierrez says…

    I loved the storytelling with PL class and plan to re-watch a lot of the videos to continue to develop my
    PL style and routine!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. naitikkumar says…
  13. scrapfin1 says…

    I love your PL pages. They always inspire me and hope to see alot of your this year. Happy 2017!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. MrsKnight says…

    Looking at the 2016 page- Is that REALLY?! Simon from this time last year? Holy God he turned into a man-cub this past year! Whew.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. lrentsch says…

    I love seeing all the years back to back. Isn't it amazing how it all changes so fast - and you don't see it as much until you lay it out like that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. younggirl says…

    Agree, love seeing all the past pages! Great simple page for 2017!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. abbypimentel says…

    Love your set-up for 2017, and love looking back through the years. Congratulations on your new adventurous journey :D

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