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Week In The Life™ 2017 | Sunday Words + Photos

Thank you so much for joining me for the documenting portion of Week In The Life™. I have loved seeing your photos and reading your stories both here in the comments and within the Week In The Life™ Facebook Group

Today I'm sharing my Sunday words + photos as I wrap up this part of the project and get ready to begin the second half of the project: bringing all these words and photos into an actual album. I'll be sharing more about that process either later this week or early next week.  

Here's a look at my Sunday: 

8:44am // Working on a blog post from Saturday stories. Coffee and cat nearby.

9:25am // Showed up for yoga this morning - wasn't sure I was going to make it because I wanted to finish up that blog post before I left the house. I'm so glad I was able to make it because I loved the message of a strong, stable inside and a fluid outside. I love, love going.

10:40am // Soccer Chocolate Kittens (Anna's soccer team) play again today and I'm in charge of snacks.Today was so much about food: shopping, prepping and eating. 

One of my favorite go-to meals: vegetable sushi rolls. Eaten in the car as I went about my morning shopping errands after yoga. 

11:39am // Next stop is to my favorite Asian grocery store for Shabu Shabu supplies for our dinner tonight. I shared a bunch about this process in my Instastory yesterday on Instagram. Shabu Shabu is basically thinly sliced meat + vegetables cooked in a very hot broth (essentially it's a Japanese hot pot - I cook it in a Cuisinart Fondue Pot) and then dipped into two different sauces before eating. The name means "swish swish" because you are "swishing" the thinly sliced meat in the hot water and it cooks super fast. My family has been eating this meal since I was a kid and it's one of my favorite things to cook when we have friends over. Tonight I decided to do it just for me and Aaron. Here are a couple links to learn more: Just One Cookbook and Japanese Cooking 101. These are the sauces we use (or you can use recipes to make your own): sesame sauceponzu sauce

To take this photo I set my iPhone vertically on a shelf that was pointing into the aisle. 

A couple people asked me on Instagram yesterday if I feel self-conscious when I take photos like this in stores. I really don't. I don't do it all the time and when I do it it's usually because I'm doing a project like this where I really want to have these kinds of shots of me out in the world included in my project. I usually look for opportunities when there aren't a lot of people around, but if people are there I just smile at them. 

12:54pm // Back home to unload and clean out the fridge and prep soccer snacks and start chopping vegetables for dinner and think about menu items for later this week when the kids will be back.

1:19pm // Oranges prep for the soccer game - cutting and bagging. Probably going to be a very muddy, rainy soccer game today. 

Washing the baby bok choy. 

Everything all chopped up: baby bok choy, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, and sliced sweet onions. These will all be cooked in my Cuisinart Fondue Pot while we sit at the table. 

Aaron getting another coat of paint on the stair trim and spindles. He found a great Pinterest tip to use a sock to paint the spindles vs. using a brush which is hard to get around those spindles. He's getting to listen to a lot of his favorite podcasts while he paints. 

Soccer sometimes includes dancing too. 

3:49pm // Soccer Chocolate Kittens always keep trying (that's their motto). Simon's manning the big camera today and might be a little too close to Chris.

She bonked bodies/heads with a player on the other team and stayed super strong until the game was over. 

5:53pm // Time to enjoy our dinner. Love this meal so much - love social eating like this. After dinner we took a bath and then watched a couple more episodes of Fargo. A great ending to this week. 

Just a quick reminder that I'll be working on my album over the course of the next week and will share my process at certain points here on my blog. Thanks again for being a part of this project and this community!


In the past I've offered a linking widget here to collect links to people who wanted to share their Sunday post of words + photos. For some reason I can't get it to work again so if you would like to share a link to your SUNDAY words and photos please post in the comment section below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. Thank you!

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31 thoughts

  1. fannyathome says…

    Such a pleasure to join you for another year!! Here's my Sunday

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. elinjanne says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  3. FraB85 says…

    I've loved this week of photo taking and story documenting, it was my first year doing this and I'm a little sad that this week it's over, but I can wait to start to work on my album! My sunday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. smalls530 says…

    Love, love, loved this project! Thank you for the inspiration!
    My Sunday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. whitehart says…

    Oh my there is a fb goup? I need to join!! :) Here's my Sunday:

    I truly loved taking part in this project and can't wait to see how you'll put all these amazing photos and stories together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mrsmartha says…

    That photo of you and So great. Thanks for a great week!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. CasieGutierrez says…

    I combined my last two days in this blog post. I worked those days and didn't take as many photos.

    BUT I love the photos I took and the stories I told and this project!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. JNeufeld says…

    Thanks for the daily inspiration to keep on going with this project! Love seeing the posts every day!
    My Sunday Words & Photos:

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. angelzmom says…

    My favorite album of ALL TIME - the one in my lap as I write this - is my WITL from 2008, the first year I participated. It documents my son's return from a deployment (one of many) to Iraq which just happened to coincide with the actual dates of the project. As I took photos of food, and feet (lol) and people from the front and the back, posed and candid, and saved the twizzle sticks from our fancy drinks as well as receipts and coasters, I NEVER in a million years realized how grateful I would be to have those items in an album years later to bring alive my cherished memories of that week. I wrote stories every single day, documenting activities and feelings I would otherwise have forgotten by now. Reading those stories today has touched my heart in a way that no simple photo album ever could. I didn't participate this week because it's just me and my husband doing the same old, same old, day in and day out. But in July we will visit our son, DIL and little granddaughter in California (we're in a Chicago suburb) and I will do a WITL then. I can hardly wait! Thank you so very much for creating WITL and sharing it with all of us. Bless you, Ali, and all those you love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. alaynac says…

    We did it! Thanks Ali and everyone else for the constant inspiration the last couple of weeks. It absolutely helps me stay on track with this project.

    My Sunday Words and Photos are on my blog

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  11. Mel_12 says…

    Great final day of photos! Loved playing along this week here is my Sunday

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. tagulus says…

    Thank you for sharing your week! Hoping to get my album done this week so it doesn't become another project unfinished. Also... my Sat night ended very much like yours did last night. I told my husband... sure wish we could take a pic but I don't want to have the conversation with our kids about us being in the bath together. Haha!! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. nashsurg says…

    So there are 6 of us in the family with 3 away at college. Each of us took a day including my husband. Everyone downloaded the 6x8 daily sheet and filled it out! Can't wait to put it all together. They all took photos of their day too!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Love that idea!

  14. JenHart says…

    Well done Simon for catching that photo of you and Anna, awesome :-)

    Thank you as always for the amazing inspiration and developing the communities, it definitely helps me to keep going. I know I will always treasure the stuff I have recorded in week in the life.

    My Sunday:

    Now to get the pretty paper out!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. barefootscrapbooker says…

    I really love this project. Thanks for another year!

    My Sunday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. mouseprintcreations says…

    I did this project this week also. Well, I went from April 16th to April 22nd. I always wondered how you got those grocery store shots. I don't take selfies, so setting up my phone like that in a store would be hard for me. :) On Saturday it was very nice out in SE MN so I went for a walk with my mom, we took a picture of the 2 of us by me setting my phone on someone's fence post at the edge of their yard. lol It was fun, felt like we were doing something wrong. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. teri0604 says…

    Looks like a great day with such yummy food! Thank you for all you do for this wonderful community! Photos and stories are my jam and I love how you approach these together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. audmac says…

    Ali, I'm hoping you read this:) I loved looking at your week, I'm totally inspired. I wasn't able to participate this week however, I have a week picked out in May.
    Whenever, I attempt these projects such as this and DD I get a bit overwhelmed by the photo process in the end, which often halts my progress. What I mean, is In any given day I have iPhone photos mixed with my DSLR mixed with journaling and I may have many of the same shot, so as you can imagine I end up with all of these pics kind of everywhere not really knowing how to organize, edit, print and get it all together! Ha! I'm really technologically challenged however have been able to print at home (I've had a Selphy and just updated to the picture mate) ANY thoughts on how to make this part easier? I'm hoping you touch upon it in your next part of your project. I should have mentioned, I don't often have time in the evening to print and stay caught up. Any feedback would be great!!! Sorry for the ramble, But I know I'll need a push:) thanks Ali!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hey! Have you ever taken my Lens Of Joy workshop? The reason why I ask is because in that class I really outline how I upload, organize, and approach working with my photos (which is similar for most of these kinds of projects). For this project I don't do any of the printing of my photos during the documenting week itself - I'll start on that this week. I'll try to touch on some parts of that process in my upcoming posts as well.

  19. audmac says…

    Ali- thanks for such a quick response. I did that class the last time you ran it?Honestly I have not completed it as if yet, but I will head right to that section. I appreciate you reminding me of that! And yes that would be great if you are able to touch on anything more in your post! Totally appreciate it! Thank you!

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  20. Roxanne24 says…

    Ahh Mama...such a sweet picture of you and Anna. Brought tears to my eyes. They grow up so guys are doing such a great job with them.

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  21. donna10 says…

    Thank you Ali for driving this wonderful project once again. Building up to it I was hesitant as to whether I would do it again but I am so, so glad I did. I gained a whole lot of perspective out of my life at the moment. You always remind me that it's more than the photos and the experiences but the story as well. Our life is really just one big story really and I captured one week of it this year - again.

    Here is the link to my blog showing words and photos for my Sunday.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Love reading your reflections Donna.

  22. AnnaWK says…

    Thank you for this week Ali! It's been great and so many of my friends and family members across the planet have enjoyed following us.

    Our last day here in Sweden:

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  23. Ka_Ra says…
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  24. soonermama says…
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  25. amyj924 says…

    And that's a wrap on WITL 2017. Here's our Sunday...

    Thank you Ali for the inspiration and your dedication to this project.

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