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For The Love Of Books | What I Read In January 2018

January was a good reading month for me. I was super satisfied with the variety of stories I read last month - they all kept me interested and hungry for more. 

One of my reading goals for 2018 is to read one non-fiction book per month and I started the year off by reading The Year Of Less. It was a quick, interesting read that was so much more than just a story of stopping shopping. 


  • The Heart's Invisible Furies (BOTM) // I super, super loved this book. Just go read it. Now. 
  • The Woman In The Window (BOTM) // Perfect suspense book. Great beach read.
  • Everyone Brave Is Forgiven // It’s been quite awhile since I underlined passages in a non-fiction book but I did a few times in this one because the language and imagery used was just so beautiful. It’s a story that will stick with me.
  • The Year Of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store // Super quick read on a topic I’m interested in - how less can mean more. This book is more memoir than how-to and I was interested in her story and all the ways in which she cake to having and wanting less. Glad I read it. It’s so much more than just a story of not shopping for a year.
  • Turtles All The Way Down (BOTM) // This one was a like but not love for me. I did really like some of the writing, especially towards the end, that related to the forward movement of life with mental illness. I think these kinds of stories are important and the pieces where he was writing about her self-talk/voices really resonated with me personally.

It's also time to select new books from Book Of The Month Club. 

As part of their Ambassador Program I get to order from their monthly selections a bit early in order to share with you and celebrate their new releases each month. 

This month I picked two books (my goal is to read whatever books I receive from BOTM in the month I receive them): 


I finished Bel Canto late last night (review here on Goodreads) and am excited to most likely start The Great Alone next. For non-fiction this month I think I'll be reading Advice Not Given: A Guide To Getting Over Yourself (read about that in the paper last weekend) but I might pick another from the list I shared here last month. 

Happy reading!

You can see everything I read in 2017 here.

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16 thoughts

  1. sparkle says…

    Thanks for the review on "The Year of Less". I've grown tired of all the 'how to' books on this subject, so the 'story' angle sounds good.
    Thanks again, Sharon

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. jenny_t says…

    What about The Heart's invisible furies??? (Yes, I stalk you on instagram). I have it on hold at the library (everyone is raving about it), was looking forward to reading your review. :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh man! I totally forgot about it because I finished it in Mexico and didn't write it down on Goodreads right away. I LOVED IT. Read it. So good. I'll update my post.

    2. sophie3832 says…

      i'm half way through this book and love it. wasn't expecting it to be as funny as it has been in places but a great contrast to the story and makes it more real. great writing.
      hope you get hold of your copy soon

  3. HeidiHuisman says…

    I just finished the year of less too. Loved it. I've followed her blog for a number of years.

    I can also recommend The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying. An oldie, but beautiful. I just finished it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kholtz says…

    In the non-fiction column - I think that you'd love The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin. I started it this week, and it really has me thinking. I also noticed in the airport yesterday that Dan Harris has a new book - Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics. I remember you being a fan of his first book.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. CindeeQ says…

    I picked "The Broken Girls" as well. It sounds so good. I'm not usually a mystery person but the BOTM has helped me read different genres that I wouldn't normally read.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I have loved that as well - new authors, new genres - so good.

  6. Jonipossin says…

    I read Bel Canto years ago, but still think about it now and then. And read Woman at the Window the day it came out and cant remember anything about it... at least at the moment.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That happens to me (the not remembering) all the time :)

  7. asackr01 says…

    I’ve read a few other books by Simone St. James and they are good. She can really create that gothic ghost mystery type mood. Looking forward to The Broken Girls too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. AndiWalsh says…

    I just finished The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Its about two sisters in German-occupied France and how they each survive. The stories we were not taught/told in school - what each had to do to survive, fight and endure. Epic.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I loved that book.

  9. CraftyCat says…

    Adding Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleve to my list. I love his writing style too! I recommend his other book: Little Bee

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Aliemily1 says…

    When do you get time to sit and read. Do u plan make the time or just see how your day night pan out. I'd love to read the books I've collected on my shelf but never seem to have the time. I'd like to change this any suggestions. Ha I have a story now find the time to Doc it. Xxx

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I read at night before bed and often on the weekends - really I make the time + choose it over other activities. We also have reading requirements for the kids and that gives me time to read as well. I don't watch a lot of TV so that makes time too ;). I read in the car when I'm waiting to pick up kids - usually I just have my book in my bag for anytime moments become available (trying to do that vs. picking up my phone).

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