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Travel Collection Updates

A very big thank you for the overwhelmingly enthusiastic response to the Travel Collection. We will definitely be offering a Travel Collection again next year around this same time that will be expanded and include increased quantities based on what we learned this year. Each product release we offer is different in terms of demand which is part of what makes it challenging to plan what we consider to be responsible quantities (from a budgeting + inventory standpoint).

Here’s an update of where we are at on the sold out items:

(1) Stamps will be reordered. These generally take a month or so before we are able to get them back into the shop. Please click Notify Me to get a message when these are back in the shop.

(2) At this time we are continuing to collect data on the number of Notify Me’s on the Main Kit and the bundles that sold out. We would like to do that for another week before determining which products we reorder. I will let you know towards the end of next week at the earliest what is happening with those products and the timeline for getting them back in the shop. Please use the Notify My button to indicate that you would like to see these items reordered. 

(3) At this time we are not planning to reorder the Navy Blue 3x8 album this year. We will definitely consider offering it again for next year’s Travel Collection.

When making these kinds of decisions we also factor in our upcoming releases planned for the rest of this year.

Still to come in 2018 is December Daily® (Order Selection Period will start in early September), a fall release that is “numbers” themed, an album release that includes 3 new albums (a new Story Book color, a new chipboard 6x8, and a new 3x8 - all are “general” albums without a specific theme), and One Little Word® in November.

Also, just a heads up that we have an Adventure Story Kit™ Story Stamp™ releasing on July 13th. If you are looking for additional travel products you might be interested in this kit that is a totally different color scheme with really fun add-on items. Now is a great time to subscribe as subscriptions are currently available (next month's theme is Tech).

The digital Travel Collection products will be available on June 1. 

As always, thank you so much for being a part of this community. We appreciate your support and passion for memory keeping!

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9 thoughts

  1. tburley says…

    Bummed that your restocking everything but the navy album, it is the perfect size for documenting trips and i had planned on ordering more than one:(

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm sorry for the disappointment. We do still have 2 other 3x8 albums available if you are loving that size!

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Also, just a clarification that at this time we are gathering data to make our restocking decisions on the other items.

  2. thetates says…

    I'm always happy for you when items sell out because it shows how much we love what you do! It is so not necessary to restock but I appreciate that you do when you can because you care about your customers. Thank you for being who you are!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  3. helenhigh says…


    So excited for you and this new collection. Like one other person said,I'm excited for you when your items do sell out. Question: will you eventually have a digital version of the main kit?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Digital collection coming June 1

  4. Leonie1234 says…

    I am so excited to see the 'numbers' themed kit - I love numbers and there are so many possibilities.
    Thanks for keeping us up to date on what is happening

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mitchmac says…

    Hi Ali,
    Any update on your decision re re-stocking?


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