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Thinking About The Ways We Evolve

Remember when I used to “just write” more in this space? 

I do. 

For those of you who have been around for years - maybe even back to the beginning in 2004 - thank you for still being here. Things - so many things - are obviously very different from when I first started this blog. Think of all the things in your own life that have happened over the last 14 years: children, work, family, health, etc. 

Fourteen years. 

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the ways we evolve: personally, professionally, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

I know there are some of you out there who wish this space still contained the same kind of story-sharing as it used to in past years. To be honest, there are times I really miss it and times I have no idea what to say and times when it’s the last thing I want to do. I have drafts here on my computer of posts I’ve started and abandoned for one reason or another over the years.

These days I do most of my story sharing via Instagram. I like it over there. I like the visual nature and I think it’s felt like the right place for me for a number of years to share more personal pieces of my story (and to then copy + paste my words into many of the projects I create). This blog space has become more of an archive of past posts along with current posts about projects and the products that support those products - the business piece of my life. That’s simply been the evolution of my business. I know it's not the same as it was before and I know some of you wish that was different. 

I still tell my stories on layouts and I still do projects and I still document my life and the lives of people in my family in a variety of projects very regularly. I share December Daily® and Week In The Life™ and Day In The Life™ and Project Life® spreads here and tell many other stories within the Story Subscription and within the One Little Word® classroom content each month. I also do a whole lot more design work and focus on a steady stream of content creation for workshops and take care of the business part of the business. All of that has been an evolution of the way my business has grown and changed over the years. 

A lot of times we want things to stay the same. We may even beg for them to remain the same - man, I have been there. Most of the time though, it’s not in the cards no matter how much we want it. Things change and grow and end and stagnate and then there are new beginnings. Sometimes it’s easy and other times it’s super hard. 

So why am I writing about this now? 

I think I’m writing it about it now becuase I’ve been thinking a lot about writing for the sake of writing and I've been taking a good hard look at a bunch of "spaces" in my life as part of my journey with my One Little Word® for 2018

My life does look different now. My family has expanded and there are more things to consider than there was back in the beginning. How do I tell these stories? Which pieces are mine to tell? So maybe it will be baby steps. 

I guess what I want you to know is that I get it. If you have missed a more personal connection in this space, I understand. And thank you. Thank you for being a part of this space for how ever long you have been here. Thank you for giving me space to figure this (all whatever “this” is) out as I go along. It’s how we grow and evolve. Thank you for sticking around.

Sometimes it’s simply time to start again. 

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95 thoughts

  1. Mel_12 says…

    Great to see your thought processes about this. I've been here a while and although I don't subscribe to any kits I join in on most projects and have taken classes and love all of that. I simply don't read the posts that do not interest me but I always stop by every few days to check what's going on. Instagram has replaced so many blogs I used to read and that's all fine by me too it is the way of things as you say. Change and evolution it happens. Maybe it will all go full circle? Anyway all that to say I am excited to be here and read whatever you share. Thanks for keeping it real.

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  2. geordie281 says…

    I've been here since the beginning and will be here until the end.I've taken every one of your classes and bought all of your products. I've seen Cathy Zielske struggle with her changing identity in this industry as her children grew up and their privacy became more of an issue (and I guess that's even more of an issue for you as some children in your life are not your own). 14 years ago I was the mother of a 19 year old and a 12 year old... now I'm a grandmother of 3, so if life has changed that much for me it must have for you too. I'm just so grateful for the inspiration and products you offer me to help me tell MY stories.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  3. JenniferKolakowski says…

    I have been a follower, fan and customer since the beginning and could not be more grateful for you and your truth telling. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you so much.

  4. Rina_AbbottJard says…

    Ok. I'm putting in my 2 cents. Lol. So much love for you Ali. You rock! I've laughed, cried, and celebrated with you. Well the stories at least. I have felt like an uncomfortable STALKER too. Love Instagram but its so instant. Our choice of comms channel affects our MESSAGE. I post my girls stories on Facebook and I get instant feedback and it's so addictive but...... when I read your PAST writing it made me write. I'm a great instant reporter on Facebook but my girls don't have the strong and powerful words being written about them anymore. It is a discipline and there is a difference in quality. I'M GOING BACK TO IT. Very soon. Here's the thing..... when I read your story posts it makes me write. Almost every time. I see the world, think of your prompts and the words flow out. I am revisiting your archives and rereading them. They are always there (Thank-you). I am trying to get quality not quantity with what I pass down. Also I need to invest my energy in stories past. For past and future generations. You know the stuff of triumphs, traditions and memoirs. I will get the permission of my loved ones to write their stories when I have time. I think whilst I love Project Life I'm looking for depth and philosophy and history. Our Australian Aboriginal culture is precious and largely undocumented so it will be a community issue as well. My girls will be very well documented but I need there to be balance in the stories that surround them. I don't need more product but will do more classes when time permits (very young kids, can't miss out). I worry about burnout for you. So much documentation. I hope it is sustainable and rewarding. I know it is your livelihood but as your articles say, find your ENOUGH because we love you. I also think about your retirement lol, and cry. I actually thought that you might take a break to write a book / novel because your book and word consumption is off the charts. Thank you for everything. And most importantly enjoy your evolution. I am embracing mine too!

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  5. sophikins says…

    It's nice to know it was not my imagination that I thought your blog had evolved into what seemed like a business communication/promotion rather than something I used to enjoy reading first thing every morning for the inspiration, insights and stories. In fact, I had stopped going to your blog almost completely and would not have read this entry, had it not been brought up on the 2Peas Refugees message board.

    There is so much content available on media now, and so little time to read it all. People have to make choices about where to spend their time. Reflecting on why I stopped coming to this blog, I realized it is the same reason people will spend time watching an entertaining TV show or reading a book or inspirational stories, but don't want to use up their time on advertising. Anyway, I was a very, very long time reader, and I was sorry to see it evolve away stories and into a commercial. I really enjoyed reading your blog, and you should be proud of how many people found your words inspiring, entertaining and worth their time.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I totally get it. My whole point of this post was to say that I want to be writing again in the ways that I used to here in this space vs. just using it as a place to communicate new products and projects - I think a lot of that had to do with major changes in my business and in my personal life that dictated a move away from that (for a number of reasons including shifting responsibilities and time). I will still be posting things that communicate availability of new products here but I am also hoping to show up more here with stories and words. Thanks for popping back over here again and for your kind words.

  6. AmberCA says…

    I'm one of the ones that has been with you from the very beginning! I remember the first time I saw a scrapbook layout of yours in Creating Keepsakes and it clicked for me, " that's how I want to write stories" and "that's how I want to scrapbook." I've been a constant fan of yours all these years and you still inspire me. You have a true gift my friend, please don't ever stop sharing with us.

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  7. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    There's no doubt sharing our lives publicly is much easier said than done. So many joys to share, but also so many situations that are very sensitive. Seems like everything has to be weighed and measured. For instance, my kids didn't have great high school experiences, so there's no way I'd want to possibly make them think less of themselves by writing about it. Perhaps one day they will choose to tell their own stories about that season of their life. I have a friend who scrapbooks - one child is having the ultimate high school experience - on a sports team, attending homecoming/proms, dating, etc, the other child is struggling. She has chosen to not share much publicly because the last thing she wants is for people to compare, or to hurt her kids feelings. There is no one perfect way to have a full life - it looks different for everyone and is incomparable .... however this is where the sharing doesn't always make sense. Don't feel obligated to us, do what feels right for you and your family. That's what matters most. What you do choose to share, we will enjoy :)

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  8. Donna_Clements says…

    I have been a fan/follower of your blog for many years and have taken most of your classes. Loved the new Travel class!I feel as others here do that we’re friends, even though we’ve never met. I will have to go to Instagram to get my Ali fix! Love your openness, your honesty, and all you share about real life. Evolve as you need to, just don’t quit!

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  9. BLKinOR says…

    Ali, I, too, am here for whatever happens even as I fondly remember what was. A recent post on the Simple Scrapper membership site (Jennifer Wilson) about sources of inspiration reminded me of the first time I met you at my LSS in Portland: Scrapbook Attack owned by Sheri Fisher. You taught a class in which we created a highlights of 2005 album with five (and only 5 photos). I loved the class and I still treasure the album. At the time I didn't realize how pivotal 2005 would be in my life but that's another story. I remember you wearing a series of signs around your neck while teaching. One said "It's okay", another "It's only scrapbooking" and the third, I think, was something about imperfection or mistakes or ?. Any chance you would recall? Coupled with a photo from another time you taught at Scrapbook Attack (2008), this would make a great layout. Wishing you continued success in your business, life, and family.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Embrace imperfection :).

  10. dsmarangoni says…

    Hi Ali,
    I'm a few days behind on the conversation but wanted to add a bit! One of my favorite things and why I stay with you is because you share, communicate, celebrate and struggle like the rest of become our friend, even though we have never met through the things you share and ways you communicate. I'm so thankful for that. Sometimes I log on to see what my "friend" is doing!! So, however you want to communicate is fine by me, but I just wanted you to know your words and sharing are valued here in this space too. Thanks for sharing your life with us and being real! Blessings to you and your family! Shelley

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  11. Cookingmylife says…

    Another long term reader and follower Ali from back in the days when Simon was a toddler and I read your post's dealing with learning about his probable autism. You had me with that kind of vulnerablilty because our truth is in our stories. Yes, as others have said, your blog was the first one I read each day but the blogging world has changed so much. I was up in the air as to whether I wanted to shut down my own blog after 10 years but decided that old posts are there to be scrapped. And scrapping? I learned from you and your first templates on Designer Digitals AE_LayeredTemplateNo2! Oh the agony of my first forays into digital art! At heart I am still a clean scrapper like you and often use your handwriting for journaling. I tell long stories! I know you know how to handle your own path and I will alway be a supporter. Long ago when your marriage was breaking your heart, I wrote you and you answered me. I felt as if I was blessed to have that contact. Actually, you are a blessing to so many. You gave dignity to many of the hard things we have to walk through in life. Grace and dignity. Be well Ali, and i look forward to the new chapters of your life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. SueTR says…

    Thank you for writing about evolution, i'm doing some catch up and your words definitely spoke to me thing I've always admired is your ability to step back, look at things and then pivot...or the case may be. Lots of evolution here... dad to a nursing home and cleaning out the last of his things from his house... my girls starting their senior year (!) in HS... planning for college... planning for new business...planning for hubby to bow out of his business... talking about what the next season of life will look like for yes to evolution and to starting over, or just a little shift xoxo.

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  13. Kimgreene says…

    Have been following since about 2006! Miss the more personal stories but still love your blog and completely understand that your life has changed drastically. Can't imagine the time that your pour into your business as it has grown and am appreciative for your commitment to your followers and clients.

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  14. irenespie says…

    Yes things have changed since 2004. Loved all of it. Then and now. But seeing some more stories would-be great. Fan girl here. Bye Irene

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  15. Gidget99 says…

    I’ve been a quiet supporter a long time and while I understand life/work changes (we are all going through it), I will be honest. I look for your “nugget” stories of your life on your blog not just products stories. For example the Seattle trip was beautiful! I do follow you on IG for the more current updates and maybe that’s where we are heading but I do still like “the nuggets!”

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  16. greeblehaus says…

    I have been feeling so much the same. All my site is now mostly concert photography and I feel almost silly when it's something personal. But I still want the space to be whatever I want it to be, dammit! I've told you this before that I don't even scrapbook but yours is one of the newsletters I get because I just love your work. So I am happy to hear from you in any way I can. xoxo - Aimee

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  17. TracieClaiborne says…

    Not that you'll see this comment since this is an older post but I just adore you and admire you on so many levels. I truly do not see how you juggle all the things in your life. You make it look easy and effortless and I know it must be a mind-boggling amount of actual W-O-R-K. Meanwhile, we all await a morsel of your brilliance here and on social media. No pressure! haha!

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  18. Nefelibata says…

    Beautiful art Aliedwards! you got a great skill of writing :)

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  19. ShellyK says…

    Ali...I have been here since the beginning! and will continue to be here. You have influenced my life and given perspective. My life has changed's part of the process. Remember when you were starting this and said "what do I put on the blog?" and you gave that tip for an easier way to eat kiwi - cut in half? :) Man has it changed! It's great you have this for you, your memories, your friends, your business! Thanks for always being Ali!

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  20. darvij1 says…

    I LOVE THIS POST!!! I have been a follower, probably since the beginning (2004), and believe me, my life, my family and my stories have certainly evolved and changed during the past 14 years! So I get it. Totally. I just thank you as always for being so candid and this post has given me an idea of what to say in my own very long overdue blog post. Starting anew is not always a bad thing... so I've learned! Thanks for sharing!!!

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  21. lindsayvictoriajohnson says…

    I’ve been a long time follower, ever since you came and taught a class at the little scrapbooking store I worked at in Iowa during my college years :). I would say that yes there is a change, but always inspiring. In the beginning I feel like I was inspired to tell my story after reading yours. Now I feel equally inspired by the products, tools, and perspectives you give. Maybe even more so now because having the physical elements give even more push to get the stories told. Thank you for always sharing your love of story, whatever the form may look like.

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  22. lizness says…

    Here's what I think: The journey is as important as the destination, making it essential to pause, calibrate, adjust, and evolve. How awesome that you are willing to share this process and your progress so far.

    Thank you for being you and for having the courage to be seen. You ROCK, my friend!

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